
时间:2024-06-24 09:01:22

油气田地下地质学的产生和发展经历了四个阶段: 等。



油气田地下地质学的研究内容包括: 等。


1.定向井井身剖面设计主要包括: 。


3.钻井液的流变性是指在外力作用下,钻井液发生流动和变形的特征。通常用 等参数来表示。

4.取心资料的收集和岩心整理主要包括: 等。

预探井的命名以井所在的十万分之一分幅_____、_____ (二级构造带)名称的第一个汉字为前缀,后加1~2位数字。

一般开发井的名称由油气田 区块、井排号、井号按三段式编排。如临13-58-6。









1.进积式准层序组自下而上表现为: 等。

2.电测曲线优选的原则包括: 等。

3.与洪泛作用相关的标志层主要包括: 等。

4.多井等时对比的关键是确定受相变影响较小的对比依据,概括起来主要有三大类:标准层或标志层、沉积旋回及岩性组合。( )


在油气勘探与开发的实践与研究中,常用的地层单元有:年代地层单元、_____ 、______以及生物地层单元等。


单井旋回的划分以岩心资料为基础,以旋回成因及级次理论为指导,从研究单井岩性及其组合规律入手,由 _____开始划分,由_____,逐级开展,初步划分单井沉积旋回。

9.地层对比方法中,标准化石法是指利用标准化石划分对比地层的方法,由于受岩性变化限制,不适用大区域地层对比。( )

10.准层序是指一套相对整一的、成因上有联系的、以最大海(湖)泛面为界的岩层或岩层组的组合。( )



13.利用沉积旋回开展油层对比时,需要尤其注意两个方面的问题:__________ 。

砂层组a的渗透率变异系数kv=0.8,砂层组b的渗透率变异系数kv=0.3。那么,砂层组b相对砂层组a( )。

进行沉积微相分析时,岩心相分析为基础,可结合( )进行整个研究区块的微相分析。

某口井馆下段经岩心分析,岩性以中、细砂为主,成熟度较高,且见到海相和陆相化石组合,自然电位曲线呈漏斗形—箱形组合。那么,该段反映沉积环境为( )。

储层的宏观非均质性主要表现为渗透率的非均质性,易造成油田开发中的( )现象。




岩石类型可以反映沉积体形成过程中的水动力条件,下列给出条件中,( )是正确的。


单井剖面上砂体的重复与缺失可能与( )等多种地质现象有关。

利用断层面等高线图,可以直观形象地了解地下断层的( )等特征。

油气田地质剖面图是沿某一方向切开的垂直断面图,它可以反映地下( )等地质特征。

油气田开发初期绘制构造图时,通常选择油层顶面作为制图标准层,可利用下列( )方法编制油气田地下构造图。




除地层油气藏或生物礁块油气藏以外的其他油气藏,可以选择( )作为制图标准层。

利用计算方法进行井斜校正时,下列( )基础数据是必不可少的。

在油层未被打开之前所具有的地层压力称为原始油层压力,它的分布受( )等的影响。

钻井过程中,高异常地层压力带可能产生井喷、井涌等现象。利用( )等资料,可预测出高异常地层压力带的层位和顶部深度。

岩性遮挡油藏原来埋藏适中,具有一定的压力,后因断裂作用上升,其原始压力仍保存下来可导致( )。

含油气盆地内的地温场是很不均一的,( )等因素均可影响地温场的分布。

世界各国许多含油气盆地中普遍存在高异常地层压力,下列( )作用均可形成异常地层压力。

已知某油藏油水界面海拔-1650m,位于构造顶部附近的a井为油井,若a井油层中部海拔-1600m、压力17.6mpa、流体密度0.8×103kg/m3,则以油水界面为折算基准面的折算压力为( )。

新钻井b井为油井,井口海拔为100m,钻遇油层厚度为40m、油层顶面海拔高度为-1600m,测得油层中部压力为15.9936×106pa,流体密度为0.85×103kg/m3,试问下列答案正确的是( )。


油藏驱动能量可分为天然驱动能量和人工驱动能量,下列( )属于天然驱动能量。

1.一个油气田在勘探开发的不同时期,其工作对象、主要任务、工作方法不近相同,在( )以钻井为主要手段,发现工业性油气流后,可计算出( )。

下列选项中,利用( )等基础资料,可以确定背斜油气藏的含油面积。

下列选项中,利用( )等方法,可以确定油层有效厚度的物性下限。

利用压力降落法计算天然气储量时,应该充分考虑( )等因素导致的单位压降采气量不为常数的情况。 适用条件。

容积法计算某油藏或气藏储量时,下列( )是必不可少的地质参数。


探明地质储量是经评价钻探证实油气藏(田)可提供开采并能获得经济效益后,估算求得的、确定性很大的地质储量,其相对误差不超过±20%。因此,计算该级别地质储量,必须满足( )等研究资料和地质认识程度要求。



a油藏通过油藏描述研究已经确定了储量计算地质参数:含油面积为10km2,有效厚度为12m,储层平均孔隙度为25%,含油饱和度为65%,地面原油密度为0.8t/m3,平均地层原油体积系数为1.2,该油藏石油地质储量为( ),石油地质储量丰度为( )。

运-20是依靠自己力量研制的一种( )吨级大型、多用途运输机。

的明确:“在新时代的强军目标是建设一支( )的军队。

特色新时代的建军原则包括:( )

科学有三义,即( )。

人类理性可以归纳为三种形态( )。


在智能制造领域我们和西方发达还有很大差距,任和教授告诉我们,我们的大飞机机载设备有 %仍然得依赖进口。



( )的融合和互动,就构成了cps

智能制造本质上就要处理好( )之间的关系,这才是一个比较完整的对智能制造的一个认识。

智能最基本的要素就是把( )统一起来。

截至2018年年底,我们高铁实现了飞速发展并且已开通运营的里程达( )万公里,占世界的三分之二。

1825年9月27日,世界上第一条铁路——英国达林顿至斯托克顿铁路正式通车营业,当时蒸汽机车牵引的列车平均速度仅( )公里/小时。

当前各国新建的高速铁路,大多把最高速度定义在( )公里/小时。

高速铁路是当今时代( )的标志。

高速铁路之所以备受青睐,并得以大力发展,主要是由于高速铁路在( )等诸多方面具有无与伦比的优势。

beijing roast duck is a good example of the combination of color, aroma, taste and form.

general tso’s chicken was created by general zuo zongtang.

the most typical american food is apple pie.

the full english breakfast is served throughout the day in some restaurants in uk.

luyu was called tea saint for compiling tea classics.

tea originated in china and then spread to other parts of the world.

americano is the base for making other varieties of coffee drinks.

napa valley in the us is a famous wine region in the “new world”.

in china, all dishes are placed on a round table for everyone to share.

the correct way to handle your utensils is to hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand.

which of the following is a signature dish of cantonese cuisine?

which of the following are typical food and drinks in tibet?

which is not a typical feature of western cuisine?

which of the following is not a variant of pasta?

modern day drinking games in china include

which of the statements about drinking etiquette are correct?

the factors that define the quality of wine are

which of the following is not a type of wine?

which of the following is good table manner?

what does a formal meal in china usually include?

1. the miao ethnic minority people mainly make a living by fishing and they used to make clothes with fish-skin.

2. clothing may serve as a symbol of times or an era.

3. according to zuozhuan(《左传》), the “real” clothes were invented by the yellow emperor.

4. the clothing in the xia, shang and zhou dynasties featured a top-bottom style.

5. the origins of cheongsam date back to the qing dynasty.

6. nowadays, there are still remarkable differences between chinese clothing and western clothing.

7. baroque and rococo costumes worn by the nobles and royalty were slack and casual.

8. copper buttons originally were used for reinforcement and became a long-lasting iconic element in jeans.

9. various forms of lighting and special effects are the indispensable elements of modern fashion shows.

10. among the big four fashion weeks, china fashion week is widely considered.

11. what cause(s) the ersity of the ethnic minority’s clothes?

12. the clothes deliver the personal information of the wearer, such as:

5. which dynasty created the most brilliant time in the history of chinese clothing?

14. one of the common clothing styles during the song dynasty was _____

15. what are the remarkable features of zhongshan suit?

16. two renowned silk producing regions are ___ and ____.

17. what are the features of the renaissance clothing?

18. which one of the statements is not true?

19. about the fashion weeks, which one is not true?

20. the fashion show has become _______

both the temple of zeus and the parthenon are located in rome.

on july 6 2019, which archaelogical site of china was declared a world heritage site by unesco?

roman aqueduct is a project for irrigation

the world famous forbidden city is also known as the palace museum.

the summer palace was known as the “garden of all gardens”.

tengwang pavillion is located in jiangxi province

yungang grottoes are situated at a strategic point along the silk route at the crossroads of trade as well as religious, cultural and intellectual influences.

the byzantine style has exotic domes and mosaics.

cologne cathedral in germany and milan cathedral in italy are representatives of gothic architecture.

petronas twin towers was the world’s tallest building from1998 to 2004.

china zun tower or citic tower is the tallest building in beijing now.

which of the following styles belong to the eight famous architecturial styles in china?

the four famous ancient academies in chinese history include

which are the typical private gardens in suzhou?

what are the three wonders in huizhou?

the four great ancient chinese grottoes includes

the four great ancient academies in chinese history include

the greek orders of columns are used including

renaissance architecture emphasizes on

what are the features of modern architecture ?

ink and wash painting is one of the "four arts" of the chinese scholar-official class.

wu daozi (吴道子) used only black ink and freely painted brushstrokes to create ink paintings.

the earliest characters oracle bone inscriptions(甲骨文)belonged to the zhou dynasty.

one of the characteristics of seal script is the “silkworm's head and swallow's tail”.

people began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life during the renaissance.

one of the most important discoveries during the renaissance was how to draw things in perspective (透视法).

the masterpieces of leonardo da vinci (达芬奇) include mona lisa, the last supper and the creation of adam.

the impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors, who were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day.

venus de milo (米洛斯的维纳斯) is believed to depict aphrodite (阿芙洛狄忒), the greek goddess of love and beauty.

michelangelo (米开朗基罗) was an italian sculptor, painter and architect of the early renaissance.

the six principles of painting is raise by an art historian and critic, what is his name?

which are the basic tools of chinese painting?

which is not included in the classical six arts of ancient china?

which are the best three running script works in the world?

during which period, western painting reached its zenith in europe?

who firstly use the painting technique of perspective (透视法) in the period of the renaissance.

who are the three giant renaissance masters?

who are the representative artists of the impressioni?

which sculpture works belong to the ancient greek time?

what kind of style does bernini's sculptures belong to?

bone flutes (骨笛), which were found in jiahu village (贾湖) , henan province, was traced back to 8,000 years ago.

the basic collection of chinese music notes are the same with western music.

compared with baroque music, classical music has a lighter, clearer texture and is less complex. composers began to strive for beauty through simplicity and balance.

the golden age of chinese dance came in the song dynasty, when song and dance was at the highest level.

guo-zhuang”(锅庄) is a tibetan dance, which is a form of circle dancing.

according to different ways of performance, what categories can chinese musical instruments be ided into?

the sequence of the different stage of classical music is

who are the outstanding representatives of classical music era?

who was a crucial figure in the transition between classical and romantic eras in classical music?

which one was later associated with “the pear garden (梨园)”?

isadora duncan is the mother of modern dance.

the most popular dance in china is street dance.

li yuchun was the first pop idol elected by fans instead of by record companies in china.

in swing dance, couples hold hands instead of placing hands on the shoulders or around the waist.

taylor swift is a prominent country music performer in the us.

the basic types of ballet inclde

which of the following is not ballroom dance

who made great accomplishments in chinese style pop music

which television show contributed to the thriving of pop music in the 1980s

which song is considered america’s greatest war protest song

the three broad categories of hip pop dance are

1. sports are for competition and cannot serve as the national symbols.

2. equestrian, fencing and golf enjoy long history in britain.

3.baron pierre de coubertin was the french educator who was revered as the "father of modern olympics"

4. gold medal and winning is the first principle of the olympic spirit.

5. the modern olympic torch relay began in 1896 the athens olympics.

6. the ignition design of the olympic main torch and the person who light it remained the mystery until the opening ceremony.

7. the shaolin style of kung fu include dragon, tiger, panther, snake, and crane styles of fighting.

8. chinese kung fu has been known to the world via movies, books and tv shows since 1980s.

9. it is said that the earliest form of football was called cuju in ancient china.

10. basketball was created by a physical education professor and instructor named james naiith.

11. the typical and popular sports in america are:

12.which are not the typical and popular sports in canada?

15. during the evolution of the olympic movement, there are some adjustments including the addition of:

14. which one is not among the connotations of the olympic spirit given by the olympic charter:

15. the sacred flame of olympics traveled from greece to the host country in creative ways, such as:

16. which one is generally not regarded as the symbol of britain?

17.chinese kung fu includes hundreds of styles of chinese martial arts, such as:

about tai chi, which one is not true?

about football, which ones are true?

among the statements about marathon, which one is not true?

southern opera is the earliest form of chinese opera.

guan hanqing’s masterpiece is romance of the western chamber.

western opera originated in italy during renaissance.

the first dramatic society in china is the spring willow society.

a doll's house is written by the french playwright henrik ibsen.

turandot adopts a chinese folk song, jaine flower.

renaissance originated in florence, italy.

huangmei opera was also called the tea-picking opera.

sunrise was written by guo moruo.

modern western drama tends to be ersified with different thoughts and different writing techniques.

the cantonese opera is popular in _____.

which of the following works were written by cao yu?

the most famous playwrights of the greek tragedy were__________.

the four masterpieces of shakespeare's comedy are_______ in addition to the twelfth night .

in the following descriptions, which are true about henrik ibsen?

which of the following are true about eugene o'neill?

who are famous chinese modern dramatists?

which plays were written by bai pu?

in the history of western opera, who were regarded as the italian triumvirate?

which of the following operas belong to mozart's german singspiel?

a film genre is a category of movies with a similar style or about a similar subject.

comedy films are designed to elicit tears from the audience.

famous “james bond” – agent 007 spy series are typical action films.

in western films, viewers can expect cowboys riding on horseback.

in 2002, hero directed by zhang yimou opened the curtain for chinese blockbusters.

a trip to the moon is considered “the birth of film”.

“the tramp”, a little man in rags with baggy pants, is a classic figure charlie chaplin created .

the highest award, presented during venice international film festival, is the golden palm award.

the academy awards is regarded as the most influential film award in the world.

the hong kong film awards is regarded as hong kong’s version of the oscar awards.

which of the following is the subject of disaster films?

which of following are characteristics of science fiction films?

who are the representatives of the 5th generation of chinese directors?

which of the following actors made great contributions to chinese martial arts action movies?

which of the following are the characteristics of hollywood blockbusters ?

charlie chaplin’s representative fims include__.

three biggest international film festivals in europe are__.

three major chinese-language film awards are __.

which of the following film awards in china is considered as audience award?




哪种图表刷新模式用于从左到右绘制新数据,然后清除图表,再从左到右更新数据?( )

当需要一边采集数据一边实时显示结果时应采用( )显示。


下列关于数组的表述哪项有误? ( )

以下哪种方法不适用于创建一维数组: ( )

允许同时包含输入控件和显示控件的是?( )

以下关于数组常量的表述,不正确的是: ( )

下列哪些数据类型不可以作为数组的元素( )

下列创建一个数组的最高效方法是( )

请分析以下程序框图,元素输出结果为( )

减法运算的结果是?( )

加法运算的结果是? ( )

下列数组相加后,得到的结果是? ( )

代码执行后,输出的显示控件显示的值是多少?( )


下列关于簇的描述不正确的是( )

下列叙述中不正确的是( )

下列称述,错误的是( )。






若主程序和子程序如下图所示 当子程序为可重入时,结果显示器次数1和次数2分别显示什么?

下列称述,正确的是:( )




人工智能中通常把( )作为衡量机器智能的准则。

人工智能的目的是让机器能够( ),以实现某些脑力劳动的机械化。

人类智能的特征包括( )。

人工智能研究的基本内容包括( )。



李明的父亲是教师,用谓词逻辑可以表示为teacher(father(liming))这里father(liming)是( )

( )表示“每个人都有喜欢的人”。

对于谓词公式,以下说法错误的是( )。

一阶谓词逻辑表示的优点是( )

下列( )是谓词公式。




不适合用产生式表示法表示的知识是( )

下列不是框架表示法特点的是( )













已知: (1)能阅读者是识字的; (2)海豚不识字; (3)有些海豚是聪明的; 已知谓词r(x)表示x能阅读, l(x)表示识字,d(x)表示x是海豚,i(x)表示聪明的,请用归结原理证明:有些聪明者并不能阅读。

如果证据e的出现使得结论h一定程度为真,则可信度因子( )

在可信度方法中,若证据a的可信度cf(f)=0, 这意味:( )

在证据理论中,信任函数与似然函数对(bel(a),pl(a))的值为(0,0)时,表示( )

不确定推理中,除了需要解决推理方法、推理方向、控制策略外,还需解决( )


若模糊推理结果为 根据最大隶属度平均法,模糊决策的结果为( )









如果问题存在最优解,则下面几种搜索算法中,( )必然可以得到该最优解。

如果问题存在最优解,则下面几种搜索算法中,( )可以认为是“智能程度相对比较高”的算法。

在启发式图搜索策略中,下面描述正确的是( )

在估价函数中,对于g(x)和h(x) 下面描述正确的是( )














关于蚁群算法,下面叙述正确的是( )

关于蚁群算法的参数,下面叙述错误的是( )

对于信息素挥发度,下面叙述正确的是( )






专家系统与计算机程序的区别是( )

专家系统的基本结构除了人机界面、解释模块,还有( )





关于逻辑回归算法,以下描述不正确的是( )

关于线性回归,以下说法错误的是( )




hopfield神经网络的结构与bp神经网络不同,它是( )

关于离散型hopfield神经网络的稳定性,下面叙述正确的是( )

hopfield神经网络用于联想记忆时,网络的记忆容量与( )有关





卷积神经网络中,对不同位置的特征进行聚合统计,称为池化 (pooling)。池化不会丢失图像的信息,也不会降低其空间分辨率。




