某公司财务部共有包括主任在内的8名员工。有关这8名员工,以下三个断定中只有一个是真的: (1)有人是广东人;(2)有人不是广东人;(3)主任不是广东人。 以下那项为真?
已知“基本粒子不都可分”真,则据此不能确定真假的命题是:(1)所有的基本粒子都可分; (2)所有的基本粒子都不可分;(3)有的基本粒子可分; (4)有的基本粒子不可分
所有的三星级饭店都搜查过了,没有发现犯罪嫌疑人的踪迹。如果上述断定为真,则在下面四个断定中:i.没有三星级饭店被搜查过。 ii.有的三星级饭店被搜查过了。iii.有的三星级饭店没有被搜查过。 iv.犯罪嫌疑人藏的三星级饭店已被搜查过。可确定为假的是:
李娜心中的白马王子是高个子、相貌英俊、博士。她认识王威、吴刚、李强、刘大伟四位男士,其中只有1位符合她所要求的全部条件。 (1)四位男士中,仅有三人是高个子,仅有两人是博士,仅有一人相貌英俊。 (2)王威和吴刚都是博士。 (3)刘大伟和李强身高相同。 (4)每位男士都至少符合一个条件。 (5)李强和王威并非都是高个子。 请问谁符合李娜要求的全部条件?
8. 某岛上男性公民分为骑士和无赖。骑士只讲真话,无赖只讲假话。甲和乙是该岛上的土著居民,关于他俩,甲说了这句话: “或者我是无赖,或者乙是骑士。” 根据上述条件,可以推出的是:
如果你犯了法,你就会受到法律制裁;如果你受到法律制裁,别人就会看不起你;如果别人看不起你,你就无法受到尊重;而只有得到别人的尊重,你才能过得舒心。 从上述叙述中,可以推出下列哪一个结论?
“好好活就是干有意义的事,有意义的事就是好好活!” 这句话中存在的思维谬误属于
影视动画场景设计就是指动画影片中除 以外的一切物的造型设计。
场景一般分为内景、外景和 景。
动画造型是 和 共存共容的时空艺术。
场景设计既要有高度的 ,又要有很强的 。
1.临摹线稿并上色:日本浮世绘风格的风景画、及美人画各1张 (自主挑选) 2.创作:以庭院风格或以日本浮世绘风格为场景,与美人相结合画一张场景设计图,不上色,线稿要勾线。
镜头的定义是 。
镜头视角越广,它的特点体现的越明显,画面也容易 。
色相环中 度之内的色彩组合称为对比色?
如果想表现寒冷的场景气氛,应该使用 色调。
色相是色彩的 。
色相环上 度之内的色彩组合可称为邻近色。
色彩由光线,物体和 三个感知色彩的条件构成的。
动画片中所用的光源主要分为 和 两大类。
动画场景中的装饰美学主要体现 和画面的平衡感。
《海洋之歌》是一部 风格的二维动画
《大炮之街》是一部 风格的动画。
this nutrient is broken down into starches and sugars and comes from plant sources.
which nutrient has the most calories per gram of weight?
sugars, starches, and dietary fibers are examples of
which kind of following foods belongs to protective food?
meats are an excellent source of carbohydrates.
overnutrition doesn't belong to malnutrition.
water is a kind of micronutrients.
minerals can provide us energy.
energy-yielding nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
the essential nutrients cannot be made by the body and therefore must be consumed to maintain health.
most proteins function as
the milk, cheese & yogurt group are important for
which of the following amino acids doesn’t belong to essential amino acids?
the following foods are good sources of protein except for?
positive nitrogen balance occurs during starvation, illness and injury.
soy products are the best plant proteins.
kwashiorkor may occur over time from consuming too much protein.
legumes are complete proteins.
the limiting amino acid of grains is lysine.
an example of protein complementation would be the combination of rice and beans.
how many kilo calories are there in a gram of carbohydrate?
what’s the primary source of fuel for the body cell?
choose the food that have the most fiber.
where do enzymes break down starches and disaccharides like sucrose and maltose into monosaccharides?
which type of sweetener provides energy?
dietary fiber
in a lactose intolerant person, dietary lactose is
is milk a natural source of sucrose?
while the brain prefers glucose as its source of fuel, it can also use ketone bodies for energy.
the essential fatty acids that must be derived from the diet are:
saturated fats contain how many double bonds?
monounsaturated fatty acids decrease hdl's. they are found in olive oils, canola oils, and peanuts.
palmitic and stearic acids are examples of what?
trans fatty acids are saturated fats.
triglycerides have 2 fatty acids linked to a glycerol molecule
saturated fats have more than one double bond
sterols and cholesterols are derived lipids, fat-like compounds that originate from other lipids.
digestion of fats occurs primarily in all intestine
1. the essential fatty acids that must be derived from the diet are:
saturated fats contain how many double bonds?
monounsaturated fatty acids decrease hdl's. they are found in olive oils, canola oils, and peanuts.
palmitic and stearic acids are examples of what?
trans fatty acids are saturated fats.
triglycerides have 2 fatty acids linked to a glycerol molecule
saturated fats have more than one double bond
sterols and cholesterols are derived lipids, fat-like compounds that originate from other lipids.
digestion of fats occurs primarily in all intestine
which of the following criteria qualifies a compound as a vitamin?
which of the following is true about the intake of vitamins?
water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins differ in which way?
which of the following is most likely to result in vitamin toxicity if consumed daily over a long period of time?
which of the following is not true of b vitamins?
why is taking excess amounts of fat-soluble vitamins more likely to cause toxicity than taking excesses of water-soluble vitamins?
which of the following statements is true?
deep yellow, dark green, and orange fruits and vegetables are rich sources of
which of the following foods is a naturally good source of vitamin d?
the body needs folate to produce a coenzyme that
water constitutes ______ percent of body weight.
the amount of water in each body compartment mainly is controlled by:
adult women need how much total water intake per day?
which of the following is not true about the regulation of fluid in the body?
water regulates body temperature through heat loss via
water is the universal solvent to dissolve substances in the body
typical examples of water's role as a lubricant are lubricating fluids in knees and other joints, and tears in eyes.
dehyhration is bad for the body. but overhydration is ok for the body
thirst is a good indicator of hydration status.
water intoxication occurs with high intake of water.
( ) can improve lipid metaboli and protect vascular structure and vascular function.
classification of functional foods and nutraceuticals are properly based on ( ).
what are the functions of dha?
which of the following is not the function of phytochemicals?
which of the following belongs to dietary supplement?
minerals belongs to micronutrients
vitamins belongs to macronutrients
epa (eicosapentaenoic acid) and dha (docosahexaenoic acid) are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of the omega-6 family.
peanut and peanut products contain monounsaturated fatty acids.
phytochemicals are plant secondary metabolites.
which of the following are sugar-sweetened beverages that provide little to no nutritional value?
which food components provide little nutritional value and can be harmful when we eat too much?
which foods provide more of the essential nutrients that we’re often lacking?
use these plate proportions for healthy meal planning:
a meal of a bean burrito, tossed salad, and glass of milk represents foods from all myplate food groups except
potato chips belong to medium energy density food.
edible oil is a kind of empty calories food.
it is recommended in myplate that “make half your plate fruits and vegetables” and “make at least half your grains whole".
eat breakfast may decreases the total number of kilocalories you eat in a day.
balanced diet provides not only all the essential nutrients, dietary fiber, and energy, but also the correct proportion of nutrients.
eating ice-cream and cookies provide us discretionary calories.
which of the following statement is incorrect regarding to special nutrients are required during pregnancy:
childhood-preschool period nutrition problems does not include:
benefits of physical activity does not include:
factors affect aging of the senior people not include:
which of the following statement is true for the period of the human life cycle:
the growth rate of preschool period (2-5 years old) during the first 12 months is very slow
most organs are formed during the 1st trimester of pregnancy
one advantage of mother’s milk to the baby is rich source of docosahexaenoic acid.
the foods pyramid for older is wider than that for the young s
dehydration is not a big concern of the older s
which of the following statement is correct?
general functions of vitamin c does not include
the general symptoms of beriberi does not include:
which of the following statement is incorrect:
which of the following food does not contain iodine?
iron involves in thyroid hormone production
iron deficiency has no association with anemia
goiter is associated with sodium deficiency
excess calcium intake can reduce iron absorption
prevention of micronutrients disorders must avoid seafood in your diet.
total daily energy expenditure (tdee) is determined by basal metaboli (bmr), the thermic effect of food (tef), and ( ) or physical activities.
which of the following bmi is overweight?
indicators weight is not healthy does not include
the most accurate of the following fat measurement methods is
which of the following is wrong about weight loss? ( )
persons of the same body weight can have different amounts of lean body mass and body fat.
positive energy balance is energy intake less than energy expended, resulting in weight loss.
storing excess fat around the hips increases risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
greater than 35 inches in women and 40 inches in men is associated with increased health risk even if bmi is normal.
go on a diet is the main key to weight loss and weight maintenance.
in skeletal structures, the important for bone growth and hyperplasia is ()
what type of cell is responsible for bone marrow breakdown or degradation of a all amount of bone?
in the body ( )% calcium is used to strengthen bones and teeth.
what is the effect of vitamin d on phosphorus absorption?
bone resorption occurs at a lower rate than bone synthesis after age 30.
poor dietary intake of calcium is not likely to result in low blood calcium.
limited exposure to uvb reduces the skin’s ability to synthesize vitamin d.
the average daily consumption of phosphorus by s is 1,200 to 1,600 milligram.
adults who lack vitamin d are more likely to develop osteoporosis or fractures.
which of these is added to the food label because people sometimes don't eat enough of this?
how much is dv higher than, food is considered high in this kind of nutrient?
which of these nutrients or hazardous substance has no dv?
currently which kind of health claims is not allowed in nutrition label?
which kind of food doesn’t require a label?
daily values based on a 2200 kilocalorie diet.
list of ingredients in increasing order by weight on food labels.
dvs are only used on nutrition labels.
light in sodium means that at least 25% less per serving than reference food.
food is considered low in nutrient if dv is <5%.
马克思主义理论是( )
马克思主义产生的经济根源是( )
马克思主义生命力的根源在于( )
学习马克思主义基本原理的根本方法 ( )
马克思主义的基本立场,是马克思主义观察、分析和解决问题的根本立足点和出发点。马克思主义以无产阶级的解放和全人类的解放为己任,以( )为美好目标,以为中心,一切为了,一切依靠。
哲学上两大对立的派别是( )
恩格斯第一次明确指出;全部哲学,特别是近代哲学的重大的基本问题,是( )
马克思说:“最蹩脚的建筑师从一开始就比最灵巧的蜜蜂高明的地方,是他在用蜂蜡建筑蜂房以前,已经在自己的头脑中把它建成了。”这一命题表明( )
“从物到感觉和思想”与“从思想和感觉到物”是( )
下列观点中包含实践对认识的决定作用原理的是( )
任性不是自由,无知不能获得自由。自由是有条件的。它们是( )
割裂真理的绝对性与相对性的辩证关系,就会走向( )
反映生产力发展水平的主要标志是( )
“科学技术是生产力”表明( )
生产方式是( )
理解全部社会发展历史的钥匙是( )
上层建筑的两个构成部分是( )
资本主义再生产过程的实质是( )
某资本家经营的企业通过改进技术、提高劳动生产率,使其生产商品花费的劳动时间比社会必要劳动时间减少20%,由此,形成商品个别价值低于社会价值的部分是( )
某工厂原工作日为8小时,必要劳动时间和剩余劳动时间各为4小时,若分别采用绝对剩余价值和相对剩余价值两种生产方法,各增加剩余劳动时间2小时,它们的剩余价值率分别为( )
商品经济的发展经历了简单商品经济和( )两个阶段。
商品经济是以( )为目的而进行生产的经济形式,它是一定社会历史条件的产物。
在( ),商品经济才成为普遍的经济形式。
价值规律是在( )的过程中体现它的客观要求和作用的。
资本主义的职能的两个基本方面是( )
资本主义基本矛盾主要表现在( )
经济全球化表现为( )
正确认识第二次世界大战后资本主义新变化的原因和实质,对于在新的历史条件下深刻把握资本主义的本质和规律,具有十分重要的意义。第二次世界大战后,资本主义发生新变化的原因主要有( )
2008年国际金融危机是历史上最为严重的全球性经济危机,它迅速蔓延,造成了一系列灾难性后果。在这场危机的影响下,西方出现了( )问题。
空想产生于( )初期,到19世纪上半叶达到顶峰。
空想的开山之作是1516年英国人托马斯.莫尔写作( )的一书。
经济政治发展的不平衡是资本主义的绝对规律,由此得出结论:可能首先在少数或者甚至在单独一个资本主义内获得胜利。提出这一著名论断的是 ( )。
必然代替资本主义的主要依据是 ( )。
无产阶级革命的根本问题是 ( )。
社会的第一阶段称为( )。
特色是( )在当代的成功实践,充分表明了在世界上人口最多的成功开辟出通向繁荣昌盛的正确道路,鲜明地展现了的优越性,标志着世界正在开拓新的历史征程。
马克思、恩格斯在深刻揭示人类社会发展一般规律的基础上,深入阐发( )及其发展趋势,并在指导国际工人运动的过程中不断总结经验,逐步形成了科学一般原则。
资本主义基本矛盾的固有性、不可克服性、不可抗拒性,决定了资本主义制度必然要被比它更加先进的社会制度所代替。正是基于这样一个客观事实,马克思和恩格斯得出了“资本主义必然灭亡、必然胜利”的结论,即( )。
马克思在1859年发表的《〈政治经济学批判〉序言》中提出:“无论哪一个社会形态,在它所能容纳的全部生产力发挥出来以前,是决不会灭亡的;而新的更高的生产关系,在它的物质存在条件在旧社会的胎胞里成熟以前,是决不会出现的。”这就是人们通常所说的“( )”。
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