
时间:2024-06-24 07:59:15












to be successful creative writers, we must do the following except ______.

what is the very meaning of creative writing?

which one is not true about “writing to music”?

in creative writing, what is an endless resource for inspiration and stimulation?

which one is not the three most valuable and effective tools for writing poetry?

which one of the following statements about image is not correct?

which sense do we use the most when we listen to and feel the rhythm in language?

the rhythm “ ta-ta-tum” belongs to ______.

which of the following sentences is wrong?

to write historical fictions as a green hand, you’d better start with_______.

historical fiction that ends tragically is more likely to be classified as ________.

fiction is usually written in sentences and we know from chapter 2 that poems are usually written in _____.

the fiction of “ a letter to you” uses the letter form as its model, which is called ____.

the opposite of a three-dimensional character is ______.

different from a memoir, an autobiography tells the story of our lives in a more ______ way.

there are ______ special forms or rules for writing creative nonfiction.

creative nonfiction is based on ______ from our own point of view.

in using our own unique identity and point of view, creative nonfiction is ______.

what can we do to share our fun with readers?

who is not included in the triangle of conflict?

which of the following statements about monologue is not true?

you’ve found that the tools of can have a big impact when you are conveying the speaker’s point of view in your poems.

three of your best tools in writing drama are characters and characterization, dialogue, and________

what do most creative writers have in common?

to be successful creative writers, we must do the following except ______.

what did ancient poets not sing?

which of the following sentences is wrong?

what is the function of repetition?

which of the following is not hyperbole?

which of the following is not true about the lines in poems?

which of the following statements is wrong about ode on the death of a favourite cat, drowned in a tub of gold fishes?

which of the following statements about stanzas is not true?

when we use onomatopoeia, three kinds of tools come together: using our senses, ________ in poetry, and figurative language.

which of the following sentences contains onomatopoeia?

what do we call a poem written for a special occasion?

_______ just should be written to a person or thing that’s absent.

which of the following statements is true about epithalamium?

there are two large categories of form in our poems: conventional forms and___________

the last line of a cinquain has ______ syllables.

_______ invented the beautiful form of cinquain whose theme is often about the way people experience nature.

you can think of the metaphor of a strong skeleton that holds a body together and allows it to move in flexible ways. that is how _________ functions in a poem.

an autobiography usually talks about a person’s childhood, adolescence, and hood—our ______.

______ is a powerful tool that makes our writing more vivid and interesting.

creative nonfiction is based on ______ from our own point of view.

in using our own unique identity and point of view, creative nonfiction is ______.

we know there are only two requirements for creative nonfiction: that it be _______, and that it be connected to real life

when it comes to diction, if your subject is personal, ________ will be most appropriate.

which one of the following statements about braided essays is correct?

in this course, you will learn how to write the following except ______.

which of the following is not true about creative nonfiction?

which of the following is not true about diary?

to write historical fictions as a green hand, you’d better start with_______.

historical fiction that ends tragically is more likely to be classified as ________.

who tells us that science fiction is popular literature that concerns the impact of mechanis or technology on society and people in our modern world?

fiction is usually written in sentences and we know from chapter 2 that poems are usually written in _____.

the fiction of “ a letter to you” uses the letter form as its model, which is called ____.

in creating characters that we care about, _________ is extremely important.

which of the following can be set as a character in fiction?

the best place to start creating a character sketch is to_______.

the opposite of a three-dimensional character is ______.

unlike the full-length short story, what does flash fiction have?

the great strength of this form is leaving out everything that’s____

which of the following statements about mystery fiction are true?

as a literary form, what are the advantages to the short story?

which of the following writing techniques will give your creative nonfiction a sense of immediacy?

which of the following statements about list poem are true?

which of the following poetic structures are open forms?

which ways are beneficial for your creative writing when you already have had ideas?

which of the following statements about sonnet are true?

which of the following statements about the creative writing class are true?

which phrases have the rhythm of an anapest?

论文通常从( )出发,以学术见解为核心内容,是对存在物及其规律的学科化论证。

论文不是已有知识、材料的简单整理和加工,它的学术价值集中表现为( )

( )决定着论文的科学性和结论的可推广性,是论文质量的关键要素之一。

论文一般包括引论、( )、结论三个部分。

学位分学士、硕士、博士三级。学位论文也因此分为( )、硕士学位论文、博士学位论文。





想了解到本专业的研究热点,( )是一个途径,也是选择研究主题的另一个重要依据。


任何一个学科专业都会有自己的( )问题,这些地带通常存在较多“是非”,学无定论,甚至被人们认为是研究的“禁区”。但正是这些地方,也许会让你有很多收获。


确定研究主题之后,下一步任务就是( )



( )指以作者本人的教育实践与科学研究成果为基本素材而撰写的文献。


常用的文献检索方法有三种:直接法、追溯法、( )。



为了帮助用户及时、准确地找到所需网站和信息,internet有许多提供信息查询、搜索的网站,这些网站被称作互联网的( )。


在( )阶段,可以通过观察法、文献调查法、历史研究法来获取选题相关数据,对论文的研究价值进行论证。

在研究( )阶段,除了调查法和文献法,实验法也是常用的方法。

问卷通常以客观题的方式呈现,数据的处理方式相对单一,使用( )等简单的办公软件即可进行统计分析。

( )主要是为了了解客观存在或者已经发生过的行为事实,是问卷研究中使用最多的一类问题。

( )实验指同一个试验变量只对同一个(或组)实验对象施加作用,然后测定对象产生的变化,以确定试验变量的效果如何。


( )是将影响试验结果的干扰因素当作自变量来处理。

量的研究需要对获取的数据进行统计、分析,常用的工具软件是excel和( )

excel中柱形图能清楚地表示不同类别数据的差异,其主要功能是( )

根据受访者的人数划分,访谈法可分为个别访谈和( )。


观察法根据研究对象是否受控,分为实验室观察和( )。


由于个案研究法选取的研究对象较少,为了使研究结果具有可推广性,个案的选取必须具有( )


为行动而研究,指出了行动研究的( ),它不是为了构建学术理论,而是为了解决实践中的问题。


叙事研究采用( )的研究方式,意在通过真实经验获得认知。


介绍研究的主要内容和( ),是论文答辩的主体部分。


优秀的毕业论文,首先要有一个好的( )。

毕业论文写作有一个非常重要的作用:掌握综合运用所学知识和技能,( )的能力。

任何大于1的自然数,都可以表示成有限个素数(可以重复)的乘积,并且如果不计次序的话,表法是唯一的。这是( )。

向日葵、松果、花菜的表面,呈现的顺时针与逆时针对数螺线间的关系,实际是和植物生成的( )有关。

上世纪60年代,“0.618法”是谁提倡使用的?( )

第三次数学危机,是由谁引发的?( )

古希腊数学家( )所著《几何原本》是公理化思想的萌芽。

直角三角形中,两直角边的平方和为斜边的平方,这个定理叫( )

下列那些数学家是法国人( )

下列选项中哪些是八卦的四象之一( )



王维的《使至塞上》中的诗句“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”。在数学家的眼里应该是 相交线、渐近线。



乾隆与纪晓岚的贺寿对联“花甲重逢,又加三七岁月;古稀双庆,更多一度春秋”中暗合寿星的岁数,您知道老寿星有( )岁


如果3×4=12,33×34=1122,333×334=111222,……,则33333333×33333334=( )

每个足够大的偶数都是两个素数的和,这是( )猜想。






