下列说法中哪一条是正确的( )
下列关于土壤的叙述,合理的是( )
有土工试验测定冻土融化下沉系数时,下列( )是对冻土融化下沉系数的正确说法
工程施工中技术经济分析的主要内容包括( )
浅基础的地基极限承载力一般是指地基达到整体剪切破坏时的( )
桩基承台的混凝土强度等级不宜低于( )
按《建筑边坡工程技术规范》(gb50330-2002)规定,岩质边坡沿外倾软弱结构面破坏时,计算破裂角应按下列( )项取值
刚性矩形承台群桩在竖向均布荷载作用下,下列( )符合摩擦桩桩顶竖向分布力分布的一般规律(注:n角、n边、n中分别代表角桩、边桩及中心桩上的竖向力)
目前工程中在地基设计计算时,地基中应力的计算与分布采用的基本假设条件是( )
按《建筑地基基础设计规范》(gb50007-2002),确定地基承载力特征值的方法有( )
边坡稳定分析时,简化的毕肖普bishop)法的计算原理为( )
下列说法中不正确的一项( )
基于固结理论的地基处理方法是( )
建筑施工测量包括( )、建筑施工放样测量、变形观测和竣工测量。
小李是一名15岁的初三学生,怀孕7周,男朋友听说此事就要求她去流产,否则就跟她分手,她目前非常困扰迷茫,不知道该怎么办,找到社区的社工寻求帮助。社会工作者接受了她的求助,在结案时,她决定去流产并与男友分手,对此,社会工作者对她以后的生活做了追踪。追踪的任务主要是( )。
价值是一个具体而又十分复杂的问题,社会工作者在认真掌握一些基本原则之外,还应( )。
续保居民应向所在区、县(市)街道、社区或民政部门申请办理参保,将姓名、( )、身份证号码等信息及所需保费交至区、县(市)街道社区或民政部门即可。
失业保险金领取最长时间不超过( )。
支部班子健全、结构优化,按规定时限进行换届选举,委员缺时及时( )。
计划生育家庭特别扶助审批办理时限( )。
计划生育家庭特别扶助审批服务对象是指1933年1月1日以后出生;女方年龄满( )周岁;曾只生育一个子女或合法收养一个子女;现无存活子女或独生子女被依法鉴定为残疾,且伤残达到三级以上。
的组织生活是内政治生活的重要内容和( ),是组织对员进行教育管理监督的重要形式。
小额担保贷款办理要件:失业证、再就业优惠证、身份证、户口本、结婚证或离婚证( )。
在完善监督考评机制方面,要将国际化营商环境纳入绩效考核体系,建立营商环境评价体系,引入第三方专业评估机构,每年评估( )
城镇中等偏下收入住房困难家庭向( )申请公租房。
the puritans dreamed of living under a perfect order and worked with indomitable courage and confident hope toward building a new _____ in america.
what are the influences of puritani on american literature?
what are the two features of american puritans?
in the 16th century many puritans emigrated to the new world, where they sought to found a holy commonwealth in new england.
puritani refers to the beliefs and practices characteristic of _______.
in the 19th century america, romantici had certain general characteristics. choose such characteristics from the following items.
the appearance of the scarlet letter marked the maturity of nathaniel hawthorne as a novelist. soon he composed the other three important novels including ________, the blithedale romance, and the marble faun.
because of the magic power of the drink, rip van winkle falls into a ______ sleep. when he wakes up, everything has undergone a tremendous change.
the finest example of nathaniel hawthorne's symboli is the recreation of puritan boston in ________.
which is generally regarded as the bible of new england transcendentali?
_______ insisted that a literary should strive for a single effect, that is, the creation of beauty, and immediate object of the writing is pleasure, not truth, which highly resounds with the key notion of aesthetic movement, namely, "art for art's sake".
herman melville's ________ is not only an adventure story, but also a significant philosophical work on spiritual exploration.
_______ is famous for his frontier stories, especially the leather-stocking tales, and is called to be “the american scott”.
______ tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of ery in different ways.
allan poe adopts doubling and doppelganger in his horror story named ______ where he shows us a state of being buried alive.
at the reason and revolution period, americans were influenced by the european movement called the ________.
which is regarded as the "declaration of intellectual independence"?
whitman's poems are characterized by all the following features except ________.
in hawthorne's the scarlet letter, "a" may stand for ______ for chillingworth, while ______ for dimmesdale.
washington irving if often considered as "the father of american literature" or "the father of american letters", because ________.
rip van winkle is a fantasy tale about a man _________.
different from their european counterparts, american romantics to moralize, to edify rather than to entertain.
henry wordsworth longfellow and william cullen bryant are called fireside poet and both of them are more innovative and experimental than whitman and dickinson.
romanticists are ready to trust their feelings as an avenue for finding truth and finding what is essential in life.
in the scarlet letter, puritans believes that dimmesdale is the true sinners while chillingworth is forgivable.
although foreign influences were strong, american romantici exhibited from the very outset distinct features of its own.
prominent transcendentalists include ralph waldo emerson and ________ whose walden is a masterpiece of spiritual purification.
the civil war of 1861-1865 ended in the defeat of the southerner and the abolition of __________.
the short story rip van winkle is taken from washington irving's work named _________.
the main theme of emily dickinson is the following except _________.
______ is known as "the most paradoxical of poets; the very poet of paradox”
_______ presents to the readers a picture where whitman sings highly of the laboring people.
in walt whitman's leaves of grass, ________ are all that concerned him.
emily dickinson didn't like using capital letters where all ones are needed.
the important section "song of myself" is restricted to walt whitman to ego.
in "one's self i sing", one's self is an exaltation of the inidual spirit, which is typical of american people.
whitman's originality was first in his use of the poetic form ______.
in mark twain's the adventures of huckleberry finn, huck writes a letter to inform against jim, the escaped slave, and then he tears the letter up. this fact reveals that_________.
the novel which was described by an american critic as "an outrage to american girlhood" is henry james’ ________.
the raft with which huck and jim make their voyage down the mississippi river may symbolize all except _______.
mark twain shaped the world's view of america and made a combination of ______ and serious literature.
statement_______ is not true in describing american naturalists.
________ put forward his theories of evolution and natural selection, insisting on the struggle for existence and the survival of the fittest.
which of the following is not the work of dreiser?
sister carrie involves with the themes ________.
stylistically, henry james' fiction is characterized by _______.
_______ is the best novel of james' "middle period." again, a young, bright american girl goes to europe to "explore life". after many good offers of marriage, she chooses the wrong man.
_________ is described by mark twain as a boy with "a sound heart and a deformed conscience."
the changing consciousness of the character is the real story. _______ gave this kind of literature a name. he called it "stream-of-consciousness".
with william dean howells, henry james, and mark twain active on the scene, _____ became the major trend in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century.
______ explores the scrupulous iniduali in a world of fantastic speculation and unstable values, and gives its name to the get-rick-quick years of the post civil war era.
as carrie gains security, ease and a taste of the finer things in life, she fully realizes the happiness she seeks.
henry james is now considered one of the most important writers of the 20th-century for his international theme and psychological reali.
the childhood of tom sawyer and huck finn in the mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the mississippi valley and it has moved millions of people of different ages and conditions all over the world about the post-civil war american society.
________ was a realist, but not a naturalist. he was an observer of the mind rather than a recorder of time. his reali was a special kind of psychological reali.
naturali is evolved from _______ when the author's tone in writing become less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic.
_________ is described by hemingway to be the novel from which "all modern american literature comes".
as one of america's first and foremost realists and humorists, ________, the pen name of samuel langhorne clemens, usually wrote about his own personal experiences and things he knew about from firsthand experiences.
is hemingway's first true novel in which he depicts a vivid portrait of "the lost generation".
___is often acclaimed literary spokean of the jazz age.
which of these things is not symbolized by the green light?
the hemingway code heroes are best remembered for their .
william faulkner was awarded the in 1949.
which is not among william faulkner's major works ?
in what time period does the great gaty take place?
hemingway's writing style, together with his theme and the hero, is greatly and permanently influenced by his experiences .
many critics and even faulkner himself think ________ is the best novel that he wrote.
the fitzgeralds lived so extravagantly that they frequently spent more money than fitzgerald earned for parties, liquor, entertaining their friends and travelling. it was this living style that nicknamed the decade of the 1920s as .
which of the following novels did hemingway win the nobel prize for?
which of these details is true about gaty's past?
tender is the night is a by fitzgerald.
the excellent use of stream-of-consciousness places william faulkner among the rank of the greatest modern writers along with ___________.
who symbolizes god in this story and watches over everything that's going on?
gaty buys a house in the east egg because he wants to be close to where daisy lives.
hemingway’s works have sometimes been read as an essentially negative commentary on a modern world filled with sterility, failure, and death.
at the end of the novel, nick decides to stay in new york city.
william faulkner won the nobel prize in 1949 for __________.
bearing __________ in mind, hemingway labored to hide certain profound meaning between textual lines.
“you are all a lost generation. ” the remark of gertrude stein was used as a preface to the hemingway's novel________ .
fitzgerald's the great gaty is set in the____ age.
the important and classic works of the beat generation include jack kerouac’s on the road, poet allen ginerg’s ________ and william s. burroughs’s naked lunch.
in the 1950s the writers who felt alienated like foreigners in their own country and expressed the disaffection with “official” american life were the so-called “________”.
which of the following is the formal characteristic of postmodern writings?
john updike’s rabbit tetralogy does not include _____.
the joy luck club by chinese american woman writer _______ examines the relationships between four chinese-born women and their american-born daughters.
the main character fa mu lan is mainly focused on in the section of “shaman” in the woman warrior: memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts.
although being a jewish writer, j. d. salinger does not concern himself only with jewish subjects.
arthur miller and tennessee william are prominent american dramatists after wwii; the former is famous for his death of a salean while the latter a streetcar named desire.
one of the themes in the woman warrior is “silence and voice”.
multiethnic literature after wwii contains jewish american literature, african american literature, asian american literature, native indian literature and so on.
________ is the novel where the colloquial and slang language serves to heighten the characterization of holden.
in which of the works of hemingway does the character santiago occur?
in faulkner’s the sound and the fury, he used a technique called______in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character.
from _______ in the 1920s, black (or african-american) literature started one upsurge after another.
_______is hemingway’s first true novel in which he depicts a vivid portray of “the lost generation”.
which of the following is depicted as the mythical county in william faulkner’s novels?
the hero in f. scott fitzgerald’s novel ______ describes a psychiatrist who marries a rich patient. the author condemns the wasted energy of misguided youth.
which of the following american writes has not been a nobel prize winner?
in the 1950s the writers who felt alienated like foreigners in their own country and expressed the disaffection with “official” american life were the so-called “________”.
with william dean howells, henry james, and mark twain active on the scene, _____ became the major trend in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century.
statement_______ is not true in describing american naturalists.
the novel which was described by an american critic as “an outrage to american girlhood” is henry james’ _______.
allan poe adopts doubling and doppelganger in his horror story named _______ where he shows us a state of being buried alive.
in the 19th century america, romantici had certain general characteristics. choose such characteristics from the following items.
because of the magic power of the drink, rip van winkle falls into a ______ sleep. when he wakes up, everything has undergone a tremendous change.
which is generally regarded as the bible of new england transcendentali?
_______ insisted that a literary should strive for a single effect, that is, the creation of beauty, and immediate object of the writing is pleasure, not truth, which highly resounds with the key notion of aesthetic movement, namely, “art for art’s sake”.
which of the following is not a southern writer in the usa?
which of the novel is not j. d. salinger’s?
the puritans dreamed of living under a perfect order and worked with indomitable courage and confident hope toward building a new _______ in america.
the excellent use of stream-of-consciousness places william faulkner among the rank of the greatest modern writers along with ______.
which of the following is the formal characteristic of postmodern writings?
multiethnic literature after wwii contains jewish american literature, african american literature, asian american literature, native indian literature and so on.
the childhood of tom sawyer and huck finn in the mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the mississippi valley and it has moved millions of people of different ages and conditions all over the world about the post-civil war american society.
william dean howells is the arbiter of 19th century reali in america who is considered to be “dean of american reali”.
different from their european counterparts, american romanticists aim to moralize, to edify rather than to entertain.
romanticists are ready to trust their feelings as an avenue for finding truth and finding what is essential in life.
in the scarlet letter, puritans believes that dimmesdale is the true sinner while chillingworth is forgivable.
emily dickinson didn’t like using capital letters where all ones are needed.
the short story rip van winkle is taken from washington irving’s work named ________.
henry james was a realist, but not a naturalist. he was an observer of the mind rather than a recorder of time. his reali was a special kind of _______.
________ is the novel where the colloquial and slang language serves to heighten the characterization of holden.
reali first appeared in the united states in the literature of _______, an amalgam of romantic plots and realistic descriptions of things immediately observable: the dialects, customs, sights and sounds of regional.
the title of the sound and the fury comes from the speech of the title character in shakespeare’s play _______.
建设项目合同除具有一般合同共有的特性外,还具有( )等特征
建设项目质量管理的八项原则中,领导作用表现在( )
根据施工过程的特点和计划目标的要求,采取随机抽样、现场观察和实地检测相结合的方法,确定阶段性安全检查的内容,包括( )
生产准备筹备组在( )组成
下列属于建设位基本建设资金使用与管理的主要职责的是( )
下列不属于招标代理机构应具备的基本条件的是( )
建设项目财务内部控制的主要内容有( )
预乙级机电产品国际招标机构只能从事一次牲委托金额( )万美元以下的国际招标业务
实施阶段合同管理的三大控制目标不包括( )
建设项目索赔发生的原因有( )
建设项目吸收的实物出资应符合一定条件,下列不属于此条件的是( )
非经营性项目留成收入的余额转入行政事业位的( )
工程地质勘察的初步勘察,应满足厂址择和初步设计的要求,应进行的基本工作有( )
公司利润分配应当首先( )。
企业至少应当按照一个会计周期编制财务报表。( )
在会计核算中款项是指作为支付手段的货币资金,下列各项中属于款项的有( )。
伪造会计凭证是指用涂改、挖补等手段来改变会计凭证的真是内容,歪曲事实真相的行为。 ( )
不具备设置会计机构和会计人员的位,应当( )。
要求各位必须按照统一的会计制度的要求,设置会计科目和账户、复式记账、填制会计凭证、登记账簿、进行成本计算、财产清查、期末计价、编制财务会计报告。其中( )不仅直接关系到各种财产在账簿和财务报告中以何种价值反映及其数额少,而且影响到一系列财务会计指标。
企业出售固定资产应交的营业税,应借记的会计科目是( )。
纳税人、扣缴义务人必须接受税务机关依法进行的税务检查,如实反映情况,提供有关资料,不得拒绝、隐瞒。( )
国库是办理预算收入( )的专门机构,分为国库和地方国库。
下列有关上市保荐和持续督导的表述中,错误的是( )。
根据《证券法》的规定,下列属于证券交易内幕信息知情人的有( )。
行政重组未完成的,经批准可以延长,但延长期限最长不得超过( )个月。
《证券法》规定,内幕交易、泄露内幕信息的,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得( )的罚款。
首次公开发行股票公告的发行价格(或发行价格区间上限)市盈率如果高于同行业上市公司二级市场平均市盈率,发行人和主承销商应当在披露发行价格的同时,在投资风险特别公告中明示该定价可能存在估值过高给投资者带来损失的风险,内容至少包括( )。
证券公司从事上市公司并购重组财务顾问业务的要求有( )。
以下风险中不能通过分散投资加以规避的是( )。
根据证券发行的相关原则,以下不属于网上发行的方式是( )。
证券公司的董事、高级管理人员应当对证券公司__________签署确认意见,经营管理的主要负责人和财务负责人应当对__________签署确认意见。( )
下列项中,属于证券经纪业务构成要素的是( )。