
时间:2024-06-24 05:02:50

三级安全教育中不包括( )。 a、入厂教育 b、车间教育 c、班组教育 d、自身安全教育

我国目前通用的交通事故报警电话是( )。 a、119 b、122 c、110 d、120

建设项目的职业病防护设施应当与主体工程( )。 a、同时投入生产和使用 b、同时设计,同时投入生产 c、同时设计,同时施工 d、同时设计,同时施工,同时投入生产和使用 答案

( )应参加职工伤亡事故和职业危害的调查处理。 a、工会组织 b、环保部门 c、财务部门 d、人事部门

职工在工作过程中,应当严格遵守本单位的安全生产规章制度和操作规程,服从管理,正确佩戴和使用( )。 a、劳动防护用品 b、工作牌 c、安全标志 d 安全产品 答案


























请在open refine中打开“广州垃圾站”文件,选出是“压缩站”的项目,请问共多少条?



选择表格中所有的列进行操作的命令是select all from form



data scraper设定翻页的标签是什么?



hans rosling的 数据可视化作品,呈现了什么





















下列哪个我国媒体的数据新闻作品曾入选全球数据新闻奖?( )。

下列哪项不是以话题为选题的数据新闻。( )

以事件为主题的数据新闻不包括以下哪些特征?( )

在《亚特兰大宪法报》的调查报道《医生与性侵》(doctors & sex abuse)中,人工智能技术发挥了以下哪方面功能? ( )

下列哪个网站以通过数据分析对政治、体育、科学、经济等新闻进行预测而著称?( )

在vox的短视频数据新闻《18幅图表告诉你枪支暴力》中,不包括哪个信息内容?( )。

以事件为主题的数据新闻应当以时效性作为报道的首要指标,因此信息核查可适当放松标准。( )

短视频运用于数据新闻报道的一大优势在于其节奏较快,能够大大提高公众的信息吸收效率。( )。

在bbc的报道《英国旁遮普人不被言说的酗酒问题》中,人工智能技术的主要作用体现为:( )。

下列哪项措施不是数据新闻生产中“移动优先”原则的体现:( )。

线性规划模型不包括下列( )要素。

求一个线性函数在一组 约束条件下的最大化或最小化问题,称为线性规划问题。

1. 若x、y满足约束条件 则z=x 2y的取值范围是( )

为化为标准形式而引入的松弛变量在目标函数中的系数应为( )

若线性规划问题没有可行解,可行解集是空集,则此问题( )

在单纯形法计算中,如不按最小比值原则选取换出变量,则在下一个解中( )

用单纯形法求解极大化线性规划问题中,若某非基变量检验数为零,而其他非基变量检验数全部<0,则说明本问题( )

单纯形法当中,入基变量的确定应选择检验数( )

在单纯形表的终表中,若非基变量的检验数有0,那么最优解( )

图解法适用于含有 个变量的线性规划问题。

线性规划问题的可行解是指满足 的解。

在线性规划问题的基本解中,所有的非基变量等于 。

若线性规划问题有最优解,则最优解一定可以在可行域的 达到。

线性规划问题有可行解,则必有 。

如果线性规划问题存在目标函数为有限值的最优解,求解时只需在其 _的中进行搜索即可得到最优解。

满足 条件的基本解称为基本可行解。

求解线性规划问题可能的结果有四种,分别是 。

线性规划原问题的目标函数为求极小值型,若其某个变量小于等于0,则其对偶问题约束条件为( )形式。

如果z*是某标准型线性规划问题的最优目标函数值,则其对偶问题的最优目标函数值w﹡满足 ( )。

线性规划原问题的目标函数为求极大值型,若其某个变量取值无约束,则其对偶问题约束条件为( )形式。

线性规划问题的最优解中,原问题的某个约束条件为严格不等式,其对应的对偶问题的变量值( )。


若x﹡和y﹡分别是线性规划的原问题和对偶问题的最优解,则有cx﹡ y﹡b。

若x、y分别是线性规划的原问题和对偶问题的可行解,则有cx yb。


which of the following statement is false?

which of the following statement is not true?

which of the following are not the focus of methodology?

which of the following statement is true?

which of the following statement are true?

technique is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based on a selected approach.

communicative language teaching does not aim for high standard of linguistic correctness.

teachers should develop their own preferred classroom practices based on what works best for them in their own particular teaching situations and learners.

which is the heart of the audiolingual lesson?

which of the following is not the principle of teaching grammar?

which of the following statements about the order in which learners acquired the grammar of the language are true?

which of the following activities belong to deductive grammar teaching?

which of the following describes a learner who has declarative but not procedural knowledge?

which of the following are the implementation of input enhancement?

which of the following are techniques of teaching grammar?

a prescriptive grammar sets out to describe the way that people actually use language.

while declarative knowledge can facilitate the development of procedural knowledge, it is not a necessary and sufficient condition for the development of such knowledge.

consciousness-raising activities are designed to get learners to notice a particular grammatical feature or principle while learners are not required to use or practice the target item.

vocabulary teaching and learning must fit into

the one unknown word in fifty is something that can be learned through

which statement is not true according to the principles of teaching vocabulary?

to memorize the largest number of common and useful word-groups, learners can .

which of the following is appropriate for learning through meaning-focus input?

which of the following cases correctly follow the principles we have learned in this unit?

some scholar argues that academic vocabulary needs to be learned both receptively and productively because being able to produce it is one way of showing that you are part of a particular discourse community.

it is useful to see vocabulary as also including group of words, which should be learned as multiword units.

using word cards, doing cloze practice and reading graded readers are ways of deliberate learning.

which method first emphasized the role of listening in the history of language teaching?

“input authenticity” means

which of the following are effective listening strategies?

people may have different understandings when hearing a sentence. this indicates that listening is not passive.

the more difficult the listening text is, the better it can enhance students’ listening competence.

to help students better understand what they hear, teachers need to insert a pause after each word.

a listening material which is slightly beyond learners’ present linguistic competence contributes to their language development.

post-listening stage is mainly for comprehension and language consolidation.

global listening is better than specific listening.

when conducting listening classes, teachers shall not simply check answers but encourage learners to speak out the words or expressions that help them get the answers.

7. which kind of speech is much more unpredictable?

8. which activity involves sending students out of the classroom with a stated purpose to talk to people in the target language?

9.in order to force students to speak spontaneously, teacher should ask the actors to come to the front of the class ——the teacher tells them the situation.

8. when both of your friend and you are thinking about what to eat, you may say:

1.speaking is considered as a productive skill and only involves producing information.

2. the more communicative an activity is, the more control it needs.

3. the process of trying to understand and making oneself understood is called negotiating for meaning.

4. transactional speech is for social purposes. it includes both establishing and maintaining social relationships.

5. the activities which have information gap cannot be done at the very beginning of foreign language learning.

6. role-plays give learners the opportunities to practice speaking in the target language before they must do so in the real world.

4. which of the following statement is false?

5. which of the following statement is false?

6. which of the following statement is false?

7. which one of the following is not included in the “active” teaching system?

8. what are the key features of a meaning-based or whole language approach to teaching reading? .

9. which of the following are the examples of bottom-up models? .

10. which of the following statements are the drawbacks of the bottom-up model?

1. teaching reading refers to teaching learners who are learning to read for the first time and teaching learners who already have reading skills in their first language.

2. the primary focus in the reading class should be on getting meaning from print rather than distracting attention to each word.

3. reading consists of three elements: the text, the reader, and strategies.

4. which of the following statements is false?

5. which of the following statements is false?

6. what should students do when they write their first draft?

7. what should teachers do when they give feedback to students’ writing?

8. what are the three types of rubrics?

9. according to the process approaches to writing, what are the steps of writing?

in the steps of invention, what techniques are recommended?

1. english writing instruction follows a fixed sequence.

2. writing is not a physical act, but it is a mental act.

3. when students are doing quick writing, they just let the ideas and words come out without concern for spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

the examples of uncertain independent variables on which the npv of a project may depend include:

managers can reduce risk in which way ?

sensitivity ysis allows for uncertainty in project appraisal by assessing the probability of changes in the decision variables.

expected values can help an accountant evaluate the range of possible net present value outcomes.

the certainty-equivalent approach is where expected cash flows are converted to riskless equivalent amounts.

simulation models constructed by assigning a range of random number digits to each possible value of each of the uncertain variables.

which of the following are examples of financial objectives that a company might choose to pursue?

which is not one of the 'three es' of value for money?

in the context of managing performance in not for profit organisations, which of the following definitions is incorrect?

what three broad types of decision does financial management involve? a.investment decisions b.financing decisions c.operating decisions d.dividend decisions

tick which are stakeholder groups for a company.

the definition of financial management is the management of the finances of an organisation in order to achieve the financial objectives of the organisation.

the main financial objective that the theory of company finance assume that a business organisation has is to maximise the wealth of the company's board directors and managers.

if earnings per share fall from one year to the next, so will the level of idends.

return on capital employed = profit after interest and tax / capital employed

goal congruence is accordance between the objectives of agents acting within an organisation.

which of the following factors can not influence the level of exchange rates?

what is the situation called when there is only one firm, the sole producer of a good, which has no closely competing substitutes?

what are likely to be the main aims of a government's economy policy?

what are the reasons for government intervention in markets?

a government's fiscal policy is concerned with taxation, borrowing and spending and their effects on the economy. monetary policy is concerned with money and interest rates

a high interest rate attracts foreign investment, thus increasing the demand for the currency. the exchange rate rises as a result.

externalities are positive effects on third parties resulting from production and consumption activities.

corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled.

1 which of the following is the most likely to be a symptom of overtrading?

which of the following statements best defines the current ratio?

which is the working capital requirement of a company with the following average figures over a year? inventory 3,750 trade accounts receivable 1,500 cash and bank balances 500 trade accounts payable 1,800

that a company with excessive investment in working capital is over-capitalisation?

that company trying to support too large a volume of trade with the capital resources at its is disposalovertrading?

which of the following is a disadvantage to a company of using a factor for its accounts receivable?

which of the following does not determine the amount of credit offered by a supplier?

if a customer decided to pass up the chance of a cash discount of 1% in return for reducing their average payment period from 70 to 30 days, what would be the implied cost in interest per annum?

the basic eoq formula for inventory indicates whether bulk discounts should be taken advantage of.

pb co uses 2,500 units of component x per year. the company has calculated that the cost of placing and processing a purchase order for component x is $185, and the cost of holding one unit of component x for a year is $25. the economic order quantity (eoq) for component x is

which of the following is most likely to reduce a firm's working capital?

funds from the issue of share capital should be included in a cash flow forecast?

revaluation of a non-current asset should be included in a cash flow forecast?

receipts of idends from outside the business should be included in a cash flow forecast?

depreciation of production machinery should be included in a cash flow forecast?

if a machine with annual running costs of $100,000 was erted from producing output selling for $50,000 to producing a special order worth $70,000, what would be the relevant costs of what has happened?

if a machine with annual running costs of $100,000 was erted from producing output selling for $50,000 to producing a special order worth $70,000, what would be the net income

the return on capital employed method of investment appraisal uses accounting profits before depreciation charges.

the financial benefits of a new investment consist of the increased sales revenues it generates.

one reason that capital expenditure may be incurred is to maintain the earning capacity of existing non-current assets.

the nominal cost of capital is 11%. the expected annual rate of inflation is 5%. what is the real cost of capital?

red co is considering the purchase of a machine for $2,190,000. it would be sold after four years for an estimated realisable value of $790,000. by this time tax-allowable depreciation of $1,450,000 would have been claimed. the rate of tax is 30%. what is the cash flow arising as a result of tax implications on the sale of the machine at the end of four years?

tax-allowable depreciation is used to increase taxable profits, and the consequent reduction in a tax payment should be treated as a cash payment arising from the acceptance of a project.

when the plant is eventually sold, the difference between the sales price and the reducing balance amount will be treated as a taxable profit if the sales price exceeds the reducing balance, and as a tax-allowable loss if the reducing balance exceeds the sales price.

the relationship between the nominal rate of return, the real rate of return and the rate of inflation is (1 nominal rate) = (1 real rate) ´ (1 inflation rate).

for a certain project, the net present value at a discount rate of 15% is $3,670, and at a rate of 18% the net present value is negative at ($1,390). what is the internal rate of return of the project?

which of the following items are not included in the cash flows when determining the net present value of a project?

the perpetuity formula is annual cash flow/discount rate.

the advantages of the dcf method of project appraisal over other appraisal methods include: taking account of the time value of money, using all cash flows relating to a project and allowing for the timing of cash flows.

the net present value of the costs of operating a machine for the next three years is $10,724 at a cost of capital of 15%. what is the equivalent annual cost of operating the machine?

why hard capital rationing may occur?

hard capital rationing occurs when a restriction on an organization’s ability to invest capital funds is caused by an internal budget ceiling imposed by management.

the best way to find the optimal solution in a situation of single period rationing with inisible projects is to use trial and error and test the npv available from different project combinations.

an inisible project is a project that must be undertaken completely or not at all.

the lessee is responsible for the servicing of a leased asset in the case of an operating lease.

to rank the projects according to their profitability index is the best way to find the optimal solution in a situation of single period rationing with isible projects?

which of the following is least likely to be a reason for seeking a stock market flotation?

which of the following is not true of a rights issue by a listed company?

why a company may seek a stock market listing?

a company has 12% loan notes in issue, which have a market value of $135 per $100 nominal value. what is he coupon rate?

a company has 12% loan notes in issue, which have a market value of $135 per $100 nominal value. what is the amount of interest payable per annum per $100 (nominal) of loan note?

which of the following sources of finance to companies is the most widely used in practice?

a scrip idend is:

a company offers to pay a idend in the form of new shares which are worth more than the cash alternative which is also offered. this idend in the form of shares is called an enhanced scrip idend.

'signalling' in the context of idends policy is the use of idend policy to indicate the future prospects of an enterprise.

what are the main characteristics of all and medium-sized enterprises?

the returns on capital investment must exceed the interest payable on the extra debt used to finance the investment.this condition has to be fulfilled for increased financial gearing to result in increased earnings per share.

business angel financing is direct investment in es by iniduals or all groups of investors.

( ) gearing=total capital employed/prior charge capital

( ) gearing=contribution/profit before interest and tax

( )=profit before interest and tax/interest

debt ratio=

which of the following risks can be eliminated by ersification?

when calculating the weighted average cost of capital, which of the following is the preferred method of weighting?

unsystematic risk is measured by beta factors.

what are the main problems in using geared and ungeared betas to calculate a firm's equity beta?

the modigliani and miller theory is based on perfect capital markets which do not exist in the real world.

assuming debt is risk free ba =

cum interest prices should always be used in calculations involving debt.

which is the most realistic basis for valuing an asset that is to continue to be used in a business?

choose the circumstances in which the shares of an unquoted company might need to be valued.

p/e ratio = share price/eps

the role of the chartist or technical yst in stock markets is to identify shares that are under- or over-valued by calculating the present value of their expected future earnings stream.

the p/e ratio are used when a large block of shares, or a whole business, is being valued.

which theory of share price behaviour does the following statement describe? 'the ysis of external and internal influences on the operations of a company with a view to assisting in investment decisions.'

which theory of share price behaviour does the following statement describe? 'the ysis of external and internal influences on the operations of a company with a view to assisting in investment decisions.'

wharton fingers co has just made a public announcement that it plans to launch a new product on to the market that should reduce the volatility of its reported annual profits. on the same day saliva co, a food products manufacturer, has publicly announced that it has withdrawn substantial inventories of its product from its retail customers because of a reported food poisoning incident. if neither of these items of information had been made public before, what effect should they now have on the companies' share prices, assuming that the stock market has semi-strong form efficiency?

the efficient market hypothesis exists in a number of forms that relate to different levels of information processing efficiency. in the semi-strong form of the hypothesis, which one of the following types of information will not influence the share price?

which factors affect share price behavior?

random walk theory states that past share price patterns tend to be repeated.

fundamental ysis theory states that the value of a share is the discounted present value of all.

weak form efficiency states that share prices reflect all information in past share price record.

charti states that a share price can be expected to fluctuate around its 'intrinsic' value.

which of the following is not one of the types of currency risk?

which one of the following is not one of the methods of foreign currency risk management?

which one of the following is not one of the types of foreign currency derivative used to hedge foreign currency risk?

forward exchange rate is an exchange rate set for the exchange of currencies at some future date

the principle of purchasing power parity must always hold

which of the following is not an explanation for a downward slope in the yield curve?

which ones of the following are the types of interest rate derivative used to hedge interest rate risk?

shibor is the rate of interest that applies to wholesale money market lending between london banks

basis risk is where a company has assets and liabilities of similar sizes, both with floating rates but the rates are not determined using the same basis.

forward rate agreements hedge risk by fixing the interest rate on future borrowing

gap exposure is where a firm is exposed to interest rate risk form differing maturities of interest-sensitive assets and liabilities

下面不属于纯公共产品的是( )

能够有效做到排他的公共产品有( )。

由于存在“市场失灵”,市场无法有效供给( )。

下列关于公共产品的论述正确的是 ( )

公共产品消费中的“免费搭乘”行为是指( )

市场经济是以( )为中心来组织整个社会经济的经济运行方式。

下面属于失败表现的( )

导致市场失灵的原因有( )

在下列( )情况下,市场失灵会存在

公共物品分为( )和( )两类。

在市场经济条件下,( )对资源配置始终起者基础性作用,( )起着辅助性作用。

