if you pay by credit card, you have to _____ the transaction by signing a pay slip.
防雷装置引下线的间距如果设计不明确时,可按规范要求确定( )。
ug工程图用户环境可以通过按下快捷键ctrl m()。
线性系统响应满足以下规律( )
there are ten components in the communication process model, i.e., sender, encoding, message, channel, decoding, receiver, response, feedback, noise and context.
__________can best describe the following group of words: table—tables, day break—daybreak.
the theory of conversational implicature is proposed by oxford philosopher ____________.
"we shall know a word by the company it keeps." this statement represents________.
means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.
the speech act theory is the study of ___________.
药事管理学最常用的研究方法是( )
chomsky made the distinction between _______________.
com+是微软公司推出的适用于 windows 系统操作平台的一种构件接口技术。
“big” and “all” are ____________ antonyms.
《药品生产许可证》的有效期为( )
which of the following is not a frequently discussed design feature of language?