on a routine visit to the physician, an otherwise healthy 51-year-old man has a blood pressure of 150/95 mmhg. if the patient’s hypertension remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will most likely be seen in the myocardium?
what kind of cellular adaptation is found in the esophageal epithelium in the following figure?
which of the following is not likely the cause of cell injury?
cell injury usually results from functional and biochemical abnormalities in one or more cellular components. which of the following is not involved?
the reason muscles are more likely to survive hypoxia than the brain is that
ballooning degeneration is refers to
what reversible change is shown in the figure?
the mechanis of intracellular accumulation are associated with the following processes except for
which of the following sites is not likely to show hyaline degeneration?
which of the following pigments is a not endogenous pigment?
which of the following description is not true about the cytologic morphology in necrosis?
which of the following is not likely the result of necrosis?
what is the necrosis in the following figure?
which of the following is not true about apoptosis?
which one of the listed process does not relate to angiogenesis?
which is not the component of granulation tissue?
which is not belong to the functions of the granulation tissue?
which factor does not influence tissue repair?
which of the following is incorrect about the healing by first intention?
which is not belonging to abnormal wound healing in some clinical practice?
which organ is the most prone to congestion in left heart failure?
in chronic pulmonary congestion caused by left heart failure, the alveolar spaces contain numerous heart failure cells, which derived from
“nutmeg liver” refers to
which is not the major cause of edema?
hemoptysis means that the bleeding comes from
which is not the important factor in the process of secondary hemostatic plug?
which of the following descriptions is wrong?
which type of thrombus is shown in the picture?
lines of zahn of thrombus means
thrombi on heart valves are called
which is the most common type of emboli?
most of the pulmonary emboli arise from
which is not correct about the clinical consequences of pulmonary thromboemboli?
the most common cause of infarction is
which of the following descriptions of infarction is not correct?
which is not the local symptom during acute inflammation?
which is not the basic pathological change of inflammation?
which is the center link of inflammatory responses?
which is the feature of an exudate compared to a transudate?
which is the first step of leukocytes infiltration phase in the acute inflammation?
which is not the cell-derived inflammatory mediator?
which molecule is closely related to the pain in the inflamed tissues?
what are the dominant cells in granulomatous inflammation?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following descriptions about the specimen is incorrect?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following tumors is not a benign tumor?
which of the following is the correct name of this specimen?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which growth pattern does this specimen mainly show?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the routes can cancer cells spread through?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following sequences shows the tumors from low grade to high grade?
which of the following is not the basis of the staging system?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following is common in benign tumors?
which of the following specimens are more likely to be malignant tumors?
which does not belong to benign epithelial tumors?
which organ does adenoma mainly occur?
which of the following statements is not the feature of squamous cell carcinomas?
which of the following statements is not the feature of basal cell carcinomas?
which does not belong to mesenchymal tumors?
which is the most common tumor occurring in the corpus uteri?
which of the following is not the feature of leiomyosarcoma?
which is not belonging to lymphoid neoplas?
which of the following statements of precancerous lesions is right?
which of the following is not the feature of dysplasia?
which of the following statements of oncogenes is wrong?
which of the following statements is wrong?
which of the following statements is wrong?
exposure to ultraviolet light may increase the morbidity of certain tumors, which one is the most likely tumor?
which is direct-acting carcinogenic agent?
which of the following effects is not the result of the decreased removal of the free radicals?
the most common cause of cell injury is
how would you make the pathological diagnosis?
which of the following organs is least likely to have fatty change?
which of the following description is not correct about hydropic degeneration?
how would you make the pathological diagnosis?
which of the following statement is not correct about coagulative necrosis?
which of the following statement is not correct about necrosis?
which of the following is incorrect about the repair of peripheral nerve injury?
which is not the physiological regeneration?
which of the following is incorrect about the description of scar tissue?
which is the result of the granulation tissue maturation?
what pathological change is found in this figure?
which organ is not the most prone to congestion in right heart failure?
which is not the major cause of diapedesis bleeding?
chronic or recurrent bleeding often leads to
cancer-related hypercoagulation is well known as
the risk factors of acquired hypercoagulability do not include
the characters of postmortem blood clot do not include
vegetations are most common on
which of the fate of thrombus shown in the picture?
decompression sickness means
which is the hallmark of inflammation in morphology?
what are the common leukocytes in the early stage of acute inflammation?
which statement is incorrect considering inflammation?
which is not the mechani of increased vascular permeability in inflammation?
which is not the hemodynamic change in inflammation?
which is correct to explain the fluid exudation?
which molecule is not closely related to the fever in the inflamed tissues?
considering fibrinous inflammation, which group are the mostly vulnerable tissues?
which is not associated with leukocytosis during inflammation?
which one of the following processes does not contain granulomas?
which disease is associated with the epithelioid cell granuloma formation?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following descriptions about the specimen is incorrect?
which of the following descriptions about the specimen is incorrect?
which of the following descriptions about the pictures is incorrect?
which of the following descriptions about the picture is correct?
which of the tumors is derived from the three germ cell layers?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which organs are the most frequently involved secondary sites in hematogenous spread?
which of the following statements about tnm system is incorrect?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following specimens is more likely to be a benign tumor?
which of the following statements is incorrect?
which of the following is not the feature of malignant tumors?
which of the following is not the feature of adenomas?
which of the following polyps is adenomatous polyp?
which epithelium does papilloma most often derive from?
which of the following features is not belonging to carcinoma?
which is not the feature of lipoma?
which of the following features is not the difference between carcinomas and sarcomas?
which is not the feature of myxoid liposarcoma?
which of the following diseases is not belonging to precancerous lesions?
which of the following statements of cin is wrong?
which of the following statements is right?
which is not a direct genetic change?
which of the following statements is right?
which is not an indirect-acting carcinogenic agent?