because they can put their aggression into their work, workers seldom commit acts of violence according to the author.
efficiently undertakes prospect compelled aggression whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the inidual who ____________it.
1. the couple began to adopt a frugal lifestyle because they made less money now and couldn’t afford many things they had had before.
direction: fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read i can resist anything but __________.
络合滴定中,金属指示剂应具备的条件是( )
technology can also be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like.
职场上男士的发型要做到“三个不”,即 ,侧不掩耳,背不及领。
concluding or transitional sentences only serve as the the function of closing the paragraph.
用大m法求目标函数为极大值的线性规划问题时,引入的人工变量在目标函数中的系数应为( )。
directions: decide whether the following statements are true or false according to text a. technology and happiness are not necessarily closely correlated.
your summary can contain some of the viewpoints of your own.
direction: fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read truth is honey, which is __________.
fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码) a. launched b. sufficiently c. celebrity d. popularity e. audience f. regard g. delighted h. target i. publicity j. chase food is _________ provided for the refugees and free of charge.
5.many people do things just to keep up with their neighbors.