
时间:2024-06-24 09:10:54

【单选题】精益生产起源于日本,经 学者詹姆斯·p·沃麦克、丹尼尔·t·琼斯等总结提炼而成。

【单选题】丰田生产方式(tps)的创始人大野耐一受超市启发,研究出了 。

【单选题】大规模生产靠 降低成本,精益生产靠消除生产过程的一切不合理浪费降低成本。

【单选题】精益生产认为,产品价值只能由 来确定。

【单选题】下述哪项活动最可能不属于增值活动 。

【单选题】精益生产的终极目标是 。

【单选题】精益生产计划一般只下达到 ,其他工序只出示每月大致的生产品种和数量计划,作为其安排作业的一个参考基准。

【单选题】按工艺专业化布置设备,其主要缺点是 。

【单选题】从概念产品的产生开始直到制造出成品为止的完整过程称为 。

【单选题】1.下述哪项不用于区分是否增值活动 。

【单选题】不均衡生产或负荷过重都可能造成 种浪费。


【单选题】价值流分析是识别生产过程中由原材料到产成品过程中所有的增值和非增值要素,从而消除生产过程中的 。

【单选题】价值流分析生产过程的 。

【单选题】价值流分析可以把浪费分为三个层次,加工或管理浪费属于 浪费。


【单选题】绘制未来价值流图,你更倾向于重点关注哪几个问题 ?

【单选题】价值流管理是一种简单有效的管理工具,用 方法帮助我们找出并消除浪费。


【单选题】对精益生产你更趋向于下面那个观点? 。

【单选题】控制流水线生产速度的基本指标是 。

【单选题】库存积压不能掩盖什么问题 。

【单选题】计划节拍、生产节拍和生产线的固有节拍,三者之间的关系是 。

【单选题】连续流生产要求各道工序生产作业节拍保持一致,是为了保证生产的 。

【单选题】精益生产要求工人操作按照 加工零件。



【单选题】精益生产通过 实现柔性生产,使产品生产速度与用户需求保持一致。


【单选题】拉动式生产最适合 的市场需求?

【单选题】推动式生产最适合 的市场需求?

【单选题】看板分为取料看板、生产看板和 三类。

【单选题】信号看板适用于 情况。

【单选题】看板管理可以做到 ,避免了推式生产计划与实际生产脱节的问题。

【单选题】下述哪项不是看板作业原则 ?

【单选题】大量生产靠 调节市场波动,实现生产均衡?

【单选题】精益生产靠 调节市场波动,实现生产均衡?

【单选题】本章介绍的均衡生产主要指 的均衡?


【单选题】精益生产是基于 的管理,以消除浪费、提高生产效率为目标。

【单选题】生产工位旁边的物料一般不应超过 小时的使用量。


【单选题】允许在总装车间设成品库,以保持生产过程的 。

【单选题】零件计划包括零部件移动过程中从 的所有信息,对持续改善着重要作用。

【单选题】精益生产要求车间 以上的物料用物料箱乘放,多数可以回收再利用。

【单选题】除非特殊限制,一般从货架的 搬运物料。

【单选题】物料存取遵循先进先出原则,多个位置存放物料根据 区分先后。

【单选题】空物料箱、废弃物存放区最好设在 。

【单选题】超市存储量的大小,要根据 确定。

【单选题】物料箱装载量一般不超过 公斤,以便于人工搬运。

【单选题】排序、配套、看板拉动、电子拉动四种方式在物料配送中, 的配送频率最短。

【单选题】一般而言, 的零件配送频率长。

【单选题】下述哪种看板不属于生产指令看板 。

【单选题】车间内部配送小车,行进速度一般在 左右。

【单选题】收货台和发送台是货物接收和发送的短暂集散地,从持续改善的角度看应该 。

【单选题】精益物流服务商为企业提供 之间的的物流服务。

【单选题】精益物流服务商与传统运输商之间最大的区别在于 。

【单选题】有害物品管理的关键在于 。

【单选题】有害物品应做到 处理。

【单选题】质量管理要从 开始促进质量改善,使企业达到卓越。

【单选题】质量控制要把工序能力指数(cpk)控制在 。

【单选题】质量管理的基本程序是 。

【单选题】企业iso9000的认证,应该由 来认证。


【单选题】下述哪个时间属于生产损失时间? 。

【单选题】下述哪个时间属于计划停顿时间? 。

【单选题】每年的有效工作天数为? 。

【单选题】安顿系统一般不与 连接?

【单选题】现场工人能用身体感官发现异常并及时汇报,属于 的体现。

【单选题】计划维修制对设备的计划维修时间主要安排在 进行。

【单选题】生产切换应该尽量做到 。



【单选题】计算生产实际运行时间由两种方法 相比较而言, 方法更准确。

【单选题】多能工小组与 结合在一起实施?


【单选题】多能工小组与传统任务小组的最大区别在于 。

【单选题】多能工小组的形成,一般经过 个阶段.


【单选题】对员工合理化建议不能 。

【单选题】表彰被人们所关注,活动令人瞩目、让人牢记,以此必须做到 。


【单选题】企业全体员工有接受教育培训的机会,目的是为了 。

【单选题】表彰的内涵是 。

【单选题】下述哪项不是多能工小组成员的职责 。

【单选题】12.多能工小组领导应该是 。

【单选题】岗位轮换的目的在于 。

【单选题】多能工上岗证应该由 来认证。

【单选题】企业合理化建议应该由 处理。

this inidual distinction may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life.

where can linking be used?

many undergraduates prefer to study something that boosts the ____ of landing a job.

the police officer was _____ to look after the only witness.

can you _____ your speech into five minutes?

which of the following affixes are negative prefixes?

which of the following prefixes is not used to indicate space or direction?

when birds _______, they sometimes fly in formation.

the coming of the railways in the 1830s ______ our society and economy.

the gettyurg address was delivered by________?

concerning the function words, pick the odd category out.

identify the all things in life that make you feel good, and do one daily.

the course provides a(n) _____ view of shakespearean literature.

the technical innovations will help do away with heavy manual labour and raise _____.

as we know, the books in the library are by subject.

which of the following suffixes are noun suffixes?

which of the following words is an adjective?

which of the following words is not a "native word" in english?

your advice would be ___ valuable to him, who is at present at his wits’ end.

the students in our university have almost limitless resources at their _______.

i have been very fortunate to travel extensively throughout the world while still young.

when a plosive is followed by another plosive or an affricate, either within a word or between words, the first plosive should be exploded.

we have to examine his claim before we _____ any further.

before my speech i've _____ a state of calmness and confidence.

the magician on the stage _____ the frog into a princess.

what does the root -pel- mean?

they have no way to _____ of the hazardous waste they have produced.

how to say “请您带好随身物品” in english?

i guess the whole paper has to be rewritten; only the first few paragraphs may be _______.

the pioneers _______ their journey after a short rest.

a healthy and positive mind shall alert you if you are making an unhealthy choice.

there will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot _____.

the professor told the students not to ______ the difficulties of the work.

the company looks poised to make a significant _____ in china.

please pick out the word in which the plosive is unaspirated.

is eggplant an american or british word?

which of the following words means a all shop or store that sells fashionable clothes or expensive gifts?

what does harasent mean in chinese?

which of the following english words is not borrowed from french?

which of the following words means '统一;使成一体'?

to begin with, doing sports in the morning will refresh our body as well as give us a good appetite to enjoy breakfast.

which "ed" in the following words sounds different?

he wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. any to let him change will be in vain.

the is a person who is on trial for committing a crime.

conversion is a change in of a word without changing its form.

which is the euphemi for ethnic groups in america?

it was not a serious accident; the car needs only some _______ repairs.

the present difficulties ______ from our failure to deal with the problem when it first arose.

he said camps were being set up to people, with blankets, food and water being sent along.

red may be associated with the feeling of anger.

to a worker,what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play.

"hello, i'm pete." what intonation should the underlined word be pronounced in?

taxi and cab are two words that are clipped from taxicab.

how many basic intonations are there in english?

which of the following words does not take "to do" as the object?

physics_____ a compulsory course for every student.

which of the following words is not unique to women?

which of the following words are blends?

the doctor ________________ having fabricated data in his graduation thesis.

the household goods __________ of great concern to the family with a new house.

chinese upbringing has aroused widespread argumentations about the education methods of east and west.

which of the following stresses is wrong?

his failure to stop his car accounted the traffic accident.

it's important to children to more good books.

denotation refers to the literal meaning or "dictionary definition" of a term

which of the following words may arouse negative feelings in a reader?

function words should be stressed in an english sentence.

which of the followng phrases means "归结于"?

these criminals know how to play the system and get __________ it.

what makes some people able to face difficult circumstances with strength --- and even enthusia --- when the chances of success are slim?

"i hope that you could." which word in this sentence should be stressed?

he went over and sat down in a(n) chair next to christine.

many species of animals have now from the face of the earth.

parent and child are social antonyms.

antonyms are words that are different in sound and spelling but nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.

the water was so _______ that we could see the fish inside clearly.

who is regarded as the master of figures of speech?

which figure of speech is adopted in the sentence "a good apple rotten at heart."

the copy is ______ with the ones you bought last.




【填空题】食品中与非水成分有较弱作用或无作用,可被微生物利用的水是( )。


【填空题】检验食品的( )可对食品变质的程度及特征进行估计。




【填空题】由于使用农药而在食品、农产品和动物饲料中出现的任何特定物质(包括被认为具有毒理学意义的农药衍生物,如农药转化物、代谢物、反应产物以及杂质)被称为 。







































【判断题】6. 冷冻饮品生产过程中对冷却这一环节的要求是在4小时内将温度降至20℃以下。



【单选题】以下属于食物中毒范畴的是(   )

【单选题】下列不属于八大常见致敏食品范围内的是( )


【填空题】肉毒梭菌食物中毒的致病因子为 。

【单选题】2. 下列不属于金黄色葡萄球菌食物中毒好发食品的是

【填空题】金黄色葡萄球菌食物中毒是由活菌释放的 引起。


【单选题】细菌性食物中毒发病机制可分为( )







【单选题】亚硝酸盐中毒时,可用的解毒是( )

【单选题】亚硝酸盐食物中毒的特效解毒剂是( )




















歌德和席勒是文学家友谊的范例,歌德比席勒大( )

《少年维特的烦恼》最大的特点是( )

在22岁时,席勒自费出版了他的第一个剧本( )

歌德的长篇小说《维廉麦斯特》分为( )




1773年歌德写的剧本《快手骑士葛兹 · 封•贝利欣根》这是德国第一部现实主义历史剧。



拜伦有身体残障,他是一个( )

雪莱最脍炙人口抒情诗篇有( )

1819年,司各特将自己的创作转向了英格兰和欧洲历史创作了名为( )的小说,是司各特小说中最优秀的一部。

( )和( )从拥国大革命变成反对法国大革命,于是前者寄情山水,在大自然里寻找慰藉,后者神游异域和古代,以梦境为归宿。两人的诗歌合集题名为《抒情歌谣集》。

《忽必烈汗》,不是直接讲忽必烈这位蒙古大汗的人生事迹与显赫功绩,而是从头至尾展示与描写了( )

拜伦创作了以东方为背景的浪漫主义组诗《东方叙事诗》,其中有( )




雪莱在《希腊古瓮颂》中提出了"美即是真,真即是美"这个内涵深刻的命题, 对后世抒情诗的创作影响极大。

雨果的长篇小说《九三年》。故事发生在法国资产阶级革诞生不满一岁、革命与封建复辟势力生死搏斗的( )

大仲马《三个火》中的火团体中的火是( )

小仲马是大仲马的( )

雨果幼年曾随其父的军旅到过( ),这为他成年后的浪漫主义创作打下了基础。

雨果在流放中先后发表了长篇小说( )

大仲马创作的叙述达塔尼昂一生的三部曲有( )





1827年普希金创作了著名诗篇( ),并托伏尔康斯卡娅带给流放中的十二月人。诗中表达了普希金对十二月人的革命事业和崇高理想的坚定信念。

莱蒙托夫因创作了哀悼被杀害的诗人( )的《诗人之死》一诗,被沙皇流放高加索。

屠格涅夫小说《罗亭》中罗亭的形象是以俄国著名的社会活动家( )为原型而塑造的。

普希金在被流放到米哈伊洛夫村时创作了一系列脍炙人口的爱情诗( )

屠格涅夫中篇小说创作中被称为“恋爱经典”的有( )

屠格涅夫的长篇小说反映了俄国19世纪40-70年代,从农奴制度过渡到资本主义这一历史转折时期社会运动和社会思潮的某种重要方面,描写了( )等几代历史人物的命运和作用。





司汤达(1783-1847),原名( )

巴尔扎克在而立之年写出的第一部长篇小说是( )

福楼拜小说《包法利夫人》的副标题是( )

福楼拜创作的历史小说是( )







( )是集中揭露英国司法制度的小说,狄更斯用富于象征性的笔触,把英国司法界描绘成一片铺天盖地的黑雾,把冗长、拖沓的诉讼程序比作一团烂污的泥海。

狄更斯自己最偏爱的小说,是一部“成长小说”,也夹杂着作者自己童年、少年、青年艰辛生活和奋斗历程忧伤、惆怅而又甜蜜的回忆他的名字是( )

( )的主要成就,是通过奥列佛由孤儿到窃贼的经历,抨击了刚刚通过的英国新济贫法的虚伪,暴露了维多利亚“盛世”下骇人听社会罪恶。


哥特小说的共同特点是:神秘、恐怖。它们记述的往往是阴谋、复仇、暗杀的故事,场景往往有古堡、地牢、坟场之类的地方,甚至有幽灵出没。格调未必高,但总能引人入胜。勃朗特姐妹的( )、狄更斯的( )等都有哥特式的情节。

哈代“性格与命运”小说中最重要的4部是( )



狄更斯小说《艰难时世》开头:“那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的春天,那是失望的冬天;我们全都在直奔天堂,我们全都在直奔相反的方向--简而言之,那时跟现在非常相象,某些最喧嚣的权威坚持要用形容词的最高级来形容它。说它好,是最高级的;说它不好,也是最高级的。” 是小说开头的经典。


陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说( )中的主角梅什金公爵和他本人一样,都患有癫痫病。

1846年,陀思妥耶夫斯基因加入了空想者组织的“彼得拉舍夫斯基小组”,被沙皇判处流放,他在西伯利亚待了( )才返回彼得堡。


下列妥是妥耶夫斯基小说不是以犯罪与谋杀作题材的有( )。

《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中老卡拉马佐夫的儿子有( )

列夫 · 托尔斯泰的处女作是中篇小说《自传三部曲》( )


1862年,托尔斯泰已经是34岁的人了。这一年他向熟识的御医安德烈叶夫 · 斯塔夫耶维奇•贝文斯家人的二女儿冈察洛娃求婚。



in daily communication, listening and speaking separately occupy the proportion of 45% and 30%.

the main forms in participatory and interactive speaking and listening involve face to face conversations, seminars, and tutorials.

non participatory and interactive speaking and listening processes includes announcements, lectures, and tv or radios.

according to nunan, there are three majors steps involved in successful advanced speaking process, i.e. transanctional and interpersonal skills, managing interaction, and negotiating meanings.

core modules in this course includes critical thinking training,discussion with specific hot issue, and further application in extended listening and speaking practise.

according to bloom, among the six basic levels of critical thinking, high order of thinking skills refer to understanding, applying, yzing, evaluating and creating.

critical thinking requires language learners to ask the right question and makes it easier for one to access evidence, evaluate arguments, and adapt one’s thinking.

critical thinking involves reason and logic.

critical thinking is judgement about beliefs and application to real world.

critical thinking means black & while thinking mode.

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(0-18秒) according to the kids in the interview, their answers cover the following except

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (18-26秒) the old man mentions his position towards social media that

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (43秒-54秒)according to the lady, her attitude towards social media is

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分17秒-1分46秒)according to the speakers in this clip, the negative sides of social media includes the followings except

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分47秒-1分55秒)when the speaker here mentions that he feels that he is like a phony, he actually means that

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分55秒到1分59秒)the woman mentions that social media__________

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分到2分14秒)the woman mentions that she doesn’t want the social media to run her life because______

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分15秒-2分36秒) the elder man criticizes social media that it is the cause for the detached relationship among people nowadays, for social media would make people the following reasons except______

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分36秒-2分49秒)the woman says that she loves social media because we are always evolving and changing, and social media helps us to ___________

please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions. according to what you have watched from the video, it is possible that social media is

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (1分11秒-55秒) what happened when the speaker just built the instrument with his team to propose an experiment to fly to venus?

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (1分55秒-2分17秒) british physicist john tyndall, in the 1850's, made laboratory measurements of the infrared radiation, which is heat. and he showed that gasses such as co2___________ , thus acting like a blanket warming earth's surface.

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (2分17秒-3分08秒) the speaker worked with other scientists to yze earth climate observations. in 1981,they published an article in science magazine concluding that

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (3分08秒-4分02秒) the paper lead the speaker testifying to congress in the 1980’s, testimony in which he emphasized that global warming increases

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (5分29-5分52秒) the speaker then describe the most important conclusion from the physics, first,_____________, and second, _____________.

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (6分29-7分09秒) the biggest reservoir, the ocean, was the least well measured, until the scientists use the evidence

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (8分-8分29秒) to argue against the claim that the sun is the main cause of climate change held by climate change deniers, the speaker argues the followings except

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (09分20秒-10分07秒) according to the scientific research, the speaker concludes that_____.

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (11分06秒-11分39秒) as for the sea level, the speaker speculates that according to current evidence of scientific research, it will

please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (12分25秒-13分31秒) global warming is already affecting people. and the speaker then cited some facts to further proving his argument which includes

please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (0-00:13)airbnb told cbs news that the company takes privacy extremely seriously and there is absolutely no place in our community for this kind of behavior.

please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements : (00:13-00:30) the company says cameras are "never allowed in bathrooms or bedrooms", and that does stop ill-intentioned hosts from hiding them.

please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (00:30-1:12)megan hilden, the 22-year-old from washington state, said it was really scary when she and her friends found an ipad and a camera were filming in the house when staying in switzerland.

please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements (1:12—1:36) the problem was not in coincidence, and an indiana couple said they found a camera in a oke detector in the bedroom at their airbnb in florida. the home owner was arrested for "video voyeuri."

please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (1:36-02:05) when asked whether it is legal or not to put a camera in the place they rent on airbnb, cameron russel, a professor at fordham law, said that it's conceivable if they gave you enough specific notice that they were going to do this and you willingly consented to them.

please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (02:05-02:35) megan hilden felt it was satisfying with the way airbnb settling the problem mentioned above.

please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (02:35-02:55) in order to protect ourselves from being recorded, experts suggest that we could invest in a digital device detector, search rooms and use a flash light to try and spot lenses.

please listen to the video in the website and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements : (00:00-00:16) reid hoffman is one of silicon valley's most high-profile investors. he was an early investor in facebook and is a co-founder of linkedin. hoffman is also a partner at the venture capital firm greylock.

please listen to the video in the website and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements : (00:16-00:30) in a new book called "blitzscaling: the lightning-fast path to building massively valuable companies" , reid hoffman says "blitzscaling" is "prioritizing speed over efficiency" when developing a company.

please listen to the video in the website and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (00:30—01:11) by citing such examples as airbnb, uber and faceboook, reid hoffman gives he reason is this is the modern way you build massive companies.

(0:00-2:38) even if the speaker could go back into government, she didn't want to. what was the reason mentioned in the speech?

(2分38秒--4分12秒) the measure of male-female equality is usually considered to be___

(4分12秒-5分48秒) what is the real equality in workplace?

(5分48秒-6分32秒) what did the 2008 national study on the changing workforce show?

(6分32--7分23秒) why do fewer and fewer businesses close for siesta?

(7分23-09分04秒) what is real equality in policy terms in the speech?

7. what do such governments as norway, sweden, denmark, the netherlands provide ?

(11分15秒-13分39秒) why does the speaker say that when a man decides to be a caregiver, he puts his manhood on the line?

(13分39秒-14分57秒) what is the ultimate goal of r championing women’s rights?

(14分57秒-16分59秒) from the speech, it could be known that the speaker’s attitude towards the revolution for human equality is ___

(0-10秒) according to the speaker, under what kind of conditions one can consider to live independently by oneself?

(10-27秒)what is the real situation about renting or buying a house in the united states?

(28-41秒)if on want to rent a house, one should

(42秒-55秒)if one search for sale, which of the following elements should one consider as the crucial factors?

(56秒-1分03秒)when one put the monthly cost of renting or buying a house side by side, which one seems cheaper?

(1分03秒-1分10秒)which of the following should one seriously consider before buying a house except?

(1分14秒-1分18秒)the bright side of buying a house is

(1 分19秒-1分23秒)the big downside of renting a house is that

(1分24秒-1分27秒) the last key issue to consider about renting or buying a house is

(1 分30-35秒)as a rule, if one want to cover the cost he initially buy a house, how many years can be enough?

1. what happened to the speaker before 9/11 about the mental health?

when did the speaker feel that he had a massive panic attack?

later, the speaker found that he might suffer from __________.

does the speaker realize that his mental problem might be related with his experience in the war when he recovered?

what kind of people are not vulnerable to long-term ptsd?

and maybe what determines the rate of long-term ptsd isn't what happened out there, but the kind of society you come back to. and maybe if you come back to a close, cohesive, tribal society, you can get over trauma pretty quickly. and if you come back to an alienating, modern society, you might_____________________.

what is tom's main role in his new position?

what does tom see as game-changing chances in the future?

which of the followings does tom not advocate on how to serve messages directly to customers?

what does tom do first to deal with in the toughest job?

which of the following might tom work for ?

in the role of media agencies, which of the following is not needed?

(37秒-1分)when bill gates says that “today the greatest risk of global catastrophe doesn't look like this. instead, it looks like this.”, “this” here refers to ___________.

(37秒到1分20秒)now, part of the reason for this is that we've invested a huge amount in nuclear deterrents. but we've actually invested very little____________. we're not ready for the next epidemic.

(1分20秒-1分50秒) and as you look at what went on, the problem wasn't that there was a system that didn't work well enough, the problem was that __________________.

(1’51秒-2分53秒)a ccording to bill gates, the current problems to contaim pandemics include the following except

(2分:53秒-3分22秒)the duty of who refers that

(6分13秒-7分21秒)when bill gates mentions that “what are the key pieces? first, we need strong health systems in poor countries. that's where mothers can give birth safely, kids can get all their vaccines. but, also where we'll see the outbreak very early on. we need a medical reserve corps”. here “medical reserve corps”refers to

(6分13秒-7分21秒)when bill gates says that “and then we need to pair those medical people with the military. taking advantage of the military's ability”. the advantages of military ability includes the following except

(6分13秒-7分21秒)bill gates points out that “ the last time a germ game was done in the united states was back in 2001, and it didn't go so well. so far the score is germs: 1, people: 0.” here he actually means that ______

(7分21秒-7分55秒)according to the budgets mentioned by the world bank, if we have a worldwide flu epidemic, global wealth will go down by _____________.these investments offer significant benefits beyond just being ready for the epidemic.

(7分55秒-8分9秒)when bill gates says “...but we need to get going, because time is not on our side. ” he actually means that_______.

实际电路的几何尺寸远小于其工作信号的波长,这种电路被称为( )

当电路中电流的参考方向与电流的真实方向相反时,该电流( )

已知空间a、b两点间,电压,a点的电位为,则b点的电位为( )

在如图⑥所示的电路中,电阻r吸收的功率p等于( ) 图⑥

某元件功率为负,说明该元件( )功率,该元件是( )。 ①产生 ②吸收 ③电源 ④负载

在图⑦中各元件功率均为10w(吸收),则u和i分别为( )。

已知电路元件的参考方向和伏安特性如图⑧所示,则元件的电阻为( )ω。

电路如图⑩所示,则电流源电流i允许的取值是( )。

电流与电压为关联参考方向是指( )。



用网孔分析法求解图⑥中的电流i,则正确的网孔电流方程为( ) 图⑥

用节点分析法求解图⑦中电流源的电压,则正确的节点电压方程为( )

用节点分析法计算图⑧所示电路中的电压u,则正确的节点电压方程为( )

图12所示电路中各节点的电位分别为u1、u2、u3,则节点②的kcl方程( ) 0.5i 2=0,括号中应为()。

如图13所示电路,由节点分析法可求得u =( )。

叠加电路只适用于( )。

利用叠加原理分析线性电路时,不作用的独立源应将其( )。

叠加定理用于计算( ) 。


图所示电路中当12v电压源单独作用时,i的分量是 ( )。

用叠加定理计算图2中的电流i为( )

如图3所示电路中输出电压uo和输出电压ui的比值为( )

如图4所示电路中, 若6v电压源单独作用,则电流i等于( )。

如图5所示电路中,is=0时,i=2a ,则当is=8时,i=( )。

如图6所示电路中,当6a电流源单独作用时,电压u=( )




电路如图所示电路,电阻rl上可获得的最大功率为( )。

电路如图所示,端电压u为( )。

电路如图3所示,端电压u为( )。

已知图4(a)中的us1=4v,is1=2a,用图b所示的等效理想电流源代替图a所示的电路,该等效电流源的参数为( ) 。

戴维南定理说明一个线性有源二端网络可等效为开路电压和内阻( )连接来表示。

求线性有源二端网络内阻时,(1)无源网络的等效电阻法,应将电压源短路处理,将电流源开路处理;(2)外施电源法,应将电压源短路处理,电流源开路处理;(3)开路短路法,应将电压源( )处理,电流源保留处理。

图5所示单口网络的等效电阻为( )。



电容器c的端电压从0升至u时,吸收的电能为( )

5f的线性电容的端口特性为( )


在直流稳态时,电感元件上( )。

在直流稳态时,电容元件上( )。

在下图中,开关s闭合前电路已处于稳态,试问闭合开关s的瞬间,为( )。

在下图中,开关s闭合前电路已处于稳态,试问闭合开关瞬间,电流初始值i(0 )为( )。

在下图中,开关s闭合前电路已处于稳态,试问闭合开关瞬间,初始值il(0 )和i(0 )分别为( )。

1ω电阻和2h电感并联一阶电路中,电感电压零输入响应为( )



动态元件的初始储能在电路中产生的零输入响应中( )

工程上认为r=25ω、l=50mh的串联电路中发生暂态过程时将持续( )

在电路的暂态过程中,电路的时间常数愈大,则电流和电压的增长或衰减就( )。

rl串联电路的时间常数为( )。

串联rc电路中,电阻上的电压( )。

下列关于电容和电感说确的是( )。



额定值为220v、40w的灯泡,接在110v的电源上,其输出功率为( )。



如果三相对称负载连接成y形,已知相电压用电压表测定的读数为10v,则线电压用电压表测定其读数为( )。

一台三相电动机接在有效值为380v的线路上使用,若功率为10kw,功率因数为0.8,则电流有效值为( )。

