we know whether people are interested, bored or scared by reading their_____
chimpanzees and bonobos can use the followings expect ______ to communicate.
when a judge says “i sentence you to ten years’ imprisonment”, what purpose of human language does it reflect?
language might be _____.
culture is made up of ways of ______.
people can communicate only in way of using language.
humans can communicate with animals.
animals, like birds and chimpanzees, cannot remember where they hided food or tools.
not only human beings have symbolic culture.
vervet monkeys use vocal alarm calls to warn each other about the presence of predators.
which culture’s perception of politeness emphasizes “being reserved”?
“you must be hungry, it’s a long time since breakfast. how about some lunch?”this is an example of which positive politeness strategy?
in the english language, what are the aspects that are most likely to interfere with communication?
what are the examples of face threatening acts?
language is a sound system.
when it comes to acquire a new sound system, much evidence suggests “the earlier, the better”.
negative face refers to unhappy face.
doing a fta off record means that you don’t say it explicitly but you imply it in your words.
social distance means how well you know the person you are talking to.
according to albert mehrabian, in a successful communication, body language conveys ____ of the meaning.
gesture emerges in ordinary young children ___ speech.
doing gestures can _______ memories more than seeing gestures.
humans are good at using olfactory cues present in body odor to assess____.
___ are not gestures but self-adaptors.
the main three relationships between gesture and speech are ____.
tactile interaction is somewhat universal.
sign languages are not language but gestures.
more modalities involved in l2 learning may lead to better learning outcomes.
the conversational partners may multimodally co-construct an utterance.
communication between people who belong to different cultures is called ____.
______ is the study of the uses of language, the conventions that govern language use, and how meaning is created in everyday interaction.
______ is a way of conceptualizing some aspect of the physical, social or spiritual world that is shared by the members of the culture.
ways of thinking about intercultural communication are ______.
language is central to identity, because ______.
songline is related to directness and indirectness.
evaluatives and cultural patterns of nonverbal behaviour are two issues that can lead to misunderstanding.
not all the cultural models that make up a world view are implicit and unconscious.
relational cultures see the self as independent and autonomous from others.
identities are people choose for themselves.
the statement of ‘men talk like books, women lose themselves in details’ is used in ___.
______ concerns the ways in which women and men use language reflect power and inequality at the social level?
_________ is a category that refers “to the socially imposed dichotomy of masculine and feminine roles and character traits” (kramarae & treichler 1985: 173).
in terms of gender and language, ____ and ____ are two important figures in the research on language and gender.
______ lacks noun classification completely that can resort to a variety of linguistic means to construct gender-related messages.
women gossip more than men.
men speak more comfortably in public than women.
women curse more than men.
to solve a problem, men look for companionship.
women use tag questions more frequently than men.
there are at least ___ languages spoken in the world and many more spoken in the past.
in the 1970s and 1980s in cognitive science, it became a ____ to think about how language might shape the way we think.
kuuk thaayoore people from aboriginal community in australia lay everything out in ____.
russian speakers use different ____ to continue talking about things with different genders.
kids who learn ___ as their first language will assign voices to animated figures that are appropriate to the grammatical gender in that language.
evidential information refers to the way you get to know the information such as by seeing or hearing from others.
navajo is a language spoken by a group of nativr americans and has different verb stems for different modes of consumption.
language differs from each other in terms of how it removes boundaries between categories.
in all european languages, all nouns are of particular grammatical gender.
english speakers don’t strongly distinguish between things that are accident and things that are intentional.
by age of ____, kids talk pretty much like s because all essential parts of language will be in place.
according to universal grammar, your language capacity is ___ across all human languages.
the things that linguists consider as possibly being innate in language learning include ____.
we use ___ to measure language development in children.
the language development among human beings as linguistic citizens of the world to culture-bound listeners happens very late in life.
according to usage-based view, the process of language acquisition is simliar to how learning proceeds in other cognitive domains.
behaviori aims to make psychology observsalbe and scientific.
accoding to ug, the structure of language is dependent of use like usage-based view.
most of children can only engage in dyadic joint attention till they are 1 year of age.