
时间:2024-06-24 09:13:45

1.按照仓储对象划分,我们可以将仓储分为( ) a、存储式仓储和加工式仓储 b、普通货物仓储和特殊货物仓储 c、配送式仓储和消费式仓储 d、自营仓储和公共仓储

2.以下不属于仓储管理人员的基本素质是( ) a、具有丰富的商品知识 b、熟悉仓储设备 c、具有一般管理素质 d、良好的市场营销能力

3.( )是仓储最基本的任务。 a.数量管理 b.质量维护 c.存储 d.存期控制

4.以下说确的是( ) a.仓储是生产过程的重要组成部分 b.仓储能完好无损的保持物资的原有使用价值 c.仓储是物流的核心环节 d.仓储是连接生产和消费的桥梁和纽带


1.( )组织结构权利集中,职权和职责分明,适用于仓储与配送企业规模不大,职工人数不多的仓储与配送企业。 a 直线式 b 职能式 c 直线职能式 d矩阵式

2.以下说确的是( ) a.全局性经营战略只对短期内的经营起作用 b.仓储与配送企业经营战略是指对其未来发展做出规划的方略 c.仓储与配送企业的首要目标要以质量为先 d.稳定型战略强调扩大产销规模,投入大量资源

3.经营战略包括以下( )层次 a.总体战略 b. 事业部战略 c.职能级战略 d.人才战略

4.矩阵式组织结构的优点有( ) a.任务明确,目的清楚 b.各方面人才有备而来 c.横向信息沟通容易 d.适应性强,协调配合好


2.适用于存放长型钢材的货架是( ) a 托盘货架 b 阁楼式货架 c 悬臂式货架 d 移动式货架

3.复杂的搬运设备适合( )的运输需要。 a.距离短、物流量小 b.距离短、物流量大 c.距离长、物流量小 d.距离长、物流量大

4.仓库的有效面积是指( ) a.库房、货棚、货场的使用面积之和 b.仓库使用面积中,实际用来堆放商品所占的面积 c.库房、货棚、货场内计划用来存放商品的面积之和 d.仓库内所有建筑物所占平面面积之和

1. 仓储与配送中心选址应遵循( )原则。 a. 适应性 b. 协调性 c. 经济性 d. 战略性


1.第三方物流企业的仓储属于( ) a 企业自营仓储 b 营业仓储 c 公共仓储 d 战略储备仓储

2. 仓储的( )功能使得仓储在物流中起着“蓄水池”的作用。 a.调节功能 b.集散功能 c.检验功能 d.配送功能

3.人力资源开发战略属于( )战略。 a.企业总体战略 b.事业部战略 c.子公司战略 d.职能战略

4.在市场整体中选定某一类顾客或某特定用途的产品,集中投入资源,以获取成本方面或差异性方面的优势的战略,如图书仓储与配送,这属于( )战略。 a.多角化经营战略 b.集中型 c.发展型 d.个性型

5.以下( )组织结构形式对经理的能力要求高,而且具有权利集中,职权和职责分明,命令统一的优点。 a.直线式 b.直线职能式 c.事业部式 d.子公司式

6. 仓储管理要遵循( )原则 a.效率 b.效益 c.安全 d.服务

7.按照对仓储物的处理方式的不同,可以将仓储分为( ) a.配送仓储 b.保管式仓储 c.加工式仓储 d.消费式仓储





入库货物进行全检的货物有以下( )

以下( )不属于入库前的具体准备工作。

商品入库手续办理完毕后,仓库帐务人员根据保管员签收的( )登入商品保管帐。

商品入库的第一道工序是( ),由仓库收货人员与运输人员进行商品交接。





播种式是分拣货物的一种方式,其操作方法包括以下几个环节( )。


同时具备( )特性的货品才能称为危险货物。

商品分区分类保管是仓库对仓储商品进行科学管理的一种方法,目前主要有( )几种方法。

金属制品的除锈方法大体有( )几种。

一般仓库中,主要有以下( )商品容易生霉。




粮食仓库中所指的恒温仓库是可以保持温度在25℃ 左右的仓库。






在进行部分货物出库作业时,应按照( )原则,安排出货。


出库业务的核单工作即保管员接到出库凭证后,应仔细核对( )

出库复核的主要内容包括货物的( )







在我国北方秋、冬季节库内温湿度大于库外的温湿度时,应( )






仓库虫害的防治方法有( )






which of the following method should we use when dealing with experiments with more than one factor?

which of the following is not a common experimental strategy?

which of the following strategy can make the best use of experimental data?

which of the following can be achieved by using blocking principle?

during the following potential design factors, whose effect are relatively all?

by randomization, we can compensate for the effect of nuisance factors.

the fractional factorial experiment interprets the most straightforwardly.

replication reflects sources of variability only within runs.

experiments are used to study the performance of a process or system.

what are the basic principles of experimental design?

what are the advantages of repeated measurement?

what are the disadvantages of the best-guess approach?

when the degree of freedom k is greater than what, the t distribution has mean value μ = 0, and variance σ2 = k/(k-2)?

in the paired t test, there are n observations for each sample, by blocking or pairing we have effectively "lost" ( ) degrees of freedom.

which of the following distributions are symmetric?

experimental noise is generally controllable and avoidable.

the variability or dispersion can be measured by the variance.

the sample mean is an unbiased estimator of the population mean.

why does blocking serve as a noise reduction design technique?

why is blocking not always the best design strategy?

for unknown and uncontrollable nuisance factors, ( ) can be used to eliminate its effect.

what does “randomization” mean in a randomized complete block design(rcbd)?

when period becomes a factor in an experiment, ( ) can be chosen to perform?

in a graeco-latin square design, if there are four factors each with p levels, how many experiments need to be done?

in a randomized complete block design, we have treatments to compare and blocks with significant level α, and the test statistic is . when ( ), reject the null hypothesis that the treatment means are equal.

in a latin square designs, if a standard 5×5 latin square is used, the quantity of standard latin squares is ( )

in an experiment, what can be possible nuisance factors?

in a complete randomized block design, the total sum of squares can be written as the sum of the following ( )

in a randomized complete block design, block represents a randomization constraint, so is not a meaningful statistic in comparing blocks.

in a randomized complete block design, “complete” means each block (sample) contains all treatments.

briefly describe the differences among rcbd, latin square design and graeco-latin square design.

it is possible to have a main effect without an interaction, but it is impossible to have an interaction without a main effect.

the existence of interaction will affect the test of the main effect of a factor.

how do you deal with heteroscedasticity in model adequacy checking?

please list two other multiple comparison methods in addition to tukey's test and describe them.

in a two-level factorial design, the signs of the main effect a is “- - - - ”, and the signs of the main effect b is “-- -- ”. then the sign of the interaction ab is ________

analysis methods for a single replicate of two-level factorial design include ()

the variance of n duplicate measurements at the same level is greater than that of n replicates at the same level.

briefly explain why the normal probability plot can be used to detect significant effects in a single replicate of two-level factorial design.

an article in the at&t technical journal (march/april 1986, vol. 65, pp. 39–50) describes the application of two-level factorial designs to integrated circuit manufacturing. a basic processing step is to grow an epitaxial layer on polished silicon wafers. the wafers mounted on a susceptor are positioned inside a bell jar, and chemical vapors are introduced. the susceptor is rotated, and heat is applied until the epitaxial layer is thick enough. an experiment was run using two factors: arsenic flow rate (a) and deposition time (b). four replicates were run, and the epitaxial layer thickness was measured (). the data are shown in the table below. factor replicate factor levels i ii iii iv low(-) high( ) 14.037 16.165 13.972 13.907 55% 59% 13.880 13.860 14.032 13.914 14.821 14.757 14.843 14.878 short (10 min) long (15 min) 14.888 14.921 14.415 14.932 (1) estimate the main effects and interactions of all factors. (2) conduct an ysis of variance. which factors are important? (3) write down a regression equation that could be used to predict epitaxial layer thickness over the region of arsenic flow rate and deposition time used in this experiment. (4) analyze the residuals. are there any residuals that should cause concern?

which of the following statement describes correctly the purpose of ysis of the variance?

does the experimental sequence need to be randomized?

what's the difference between a fixed effects model and a random effects model?

in an experiment, we can use blocking to deal with ( )

what's the main contribution of genichi taguchi?

if y obeys n(μ,σ2), then the random variable z=(y-μ)/σ follows ( ).

which of the following hypothesis is not true about single-factor ysis of variance model?

in the one-way anova model, when all the treatments are viewed as a random sample from a larger population of treatments, it is called

plotting the residuals in time order could be used to detect the following except

which of the following transformation should we use if the observations follow the binomial distribution?

in a contrast, or a linear combination, the contrast coefficients sum up to ( ).

which of the following method can be used to compare any and all possible contrasts between treatment means?

in the random-effects model of the single-factor experiment, factor a has four levels and each factor level is replicated 4 times. if sstreatment=6 and sse=4, then the statistic f is?

the f-statistic of anova is the basis of decision-making. generally,

which of the following statement is not ture about a random effect model with one factor?

when there are two interference factors, we may consider using

for known but uncontrollable nuisance factors, which of the following method can we use for processing and ysis.

how many nuisance factors can exist at most in the graeco-latin square design?

in a randomized complete block design, , then the degrees of freedom of is ( ).

in a two-factor factorial design, suppose factor a has a levels and factor b has b levels. what are the degrees of freedom for factor a, factor b, and the interaction between factor a and b?

what test method is used in the ysis of variance?

in a factorial experiment with two factors, namely factor a and factor b, each at two levels. when factor a and factor b are both at the low level, the response (y) is 15; when factor a at the high level and b at the low level, the response (y) is 30; when factor a at the low level and b at the high level, the response (y) is 35; when both a and b at the high level, the response (y) is 60. the main effect of a, the main effect of b, and the interaction effect of ab are ( ) respectively.

compared with randomized complete design and ysis of variance, random block design and ysis of variance has( ).

which of the following statement is not ture?

when we encounter some problems, we take ( ) for the results of n times of repeated measurements.

the statistical model designed by the graeco-latin square design is

in a randomized complete block design, the computational formula for the sum of squares of treatment is

in a randomized complete block design, ( ) is the computational formula for the total sum of squares

the regression model is . observe the following figure, denotes factor a and denotes factor b, then the estimates of are

which of the following are model hypotheses for a two-factor factorial design?

complete the analysis of variance table: question 171 source of variation sum of squares degrees of freedom mean square p-value percentage of carbonation(a) 16.00 1 16.00 q171 0.0862 operating pressure(b) q172 1 100.00 19.06 0.0001 line speed(c) 0.56 1 0.56 0.11 0.7445 ab 0.06 1 q173 0.01 0.9135 ac 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 bc 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 abc 10.56 q174 10.56 2.01 0.1614 error 293.75 56 5.25 total 421.43 q175

complete the analysis of variance table: question 172 source of variation sum of squares degrees of freedom mean square p-value percentage of carbonation(a) 16.00 1 16.00 q171 0.0862 operating pressure(b) q172 1 100.00 19.06 0.0001 line speed(c) 0.56 1 0.56 0.11 0.7445 ab 0.06 1 q173 0.01 0.9135 ac 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 bc 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 abc 10.56 q174 10.56 2.01 0.1614 error 293.75 56 5.25 total 421.43 q175

complete the analysis of variance table: question 173 source of variation sum of squares degrees of freedom mean square p-value percentage of carbonation(a) 16.00 1 16.00 q171 0.0862 operating pressure(b) q172 1 100.00 19.06 0.0001 line speed(c) 0.56 1 0.56 0.11 0.7445 ab 0.06 1 q173 0.01 0.9135 ac 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 bc 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 abc 10.56 q174 10.56 2.01 0.1614 error 293.75 56 5.25 total 421.43 q175

complete the analysis of variance table: question 174 source of variation sum of squares degrees of freedom mean square p-value percentage of carbonation(a) 16.00 1 16.00 q171 0.0862 operating pressure(b) q172 1 100.00 19.06 0.0001 line speed(c) 0.56 1 0.56 0.11 0.7445 ab 0.06 1 q173 0.01 0.9135 ac 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 bc 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 abc 10.56 q174 10.56 2.01 0.1614 error 293.75 56 5.25 total 421.43 q175

complete the analysis of variance table: question 175 source of variation sum of squares degrees of freedom mean square p-value percentage of carbonation(a) 16.00 1 16.00 q171 0.0862 operating pressure(b) q172 1 100.00 19.06 0.0001 line speed(c) 0.56 1 0.56 0.11 0.7445 ab 0.06 1 q173 0.01 0.9135 ac 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 bc 0.25 1 0.25 0.05 0.8280 abc 10.56 q174 10.56 2.01 0.1614 error 293.75 56 5.25 total 421.43 q175

what are the purposes of the experiment design?

which of the following belong to nuisance factors?

which of the following can be shown in a box plot?

in single-factor experimental ysis, what are the advantages of anova over the t-test?

in the ysis of variance, which of the following belong to random error?

some common methods of multiple comparisons include

which of the following can be used as a response variable when studying dispersion effect?

which of the following statement about latin square design is true?

the contents of anova table often contain ( ).

what are the advantages of a factorial design?

the ysis of variance indicated that the basic sources of differences between the means of different treatment groups are:

which of the following graphics can be used for model adequacy checking?

which of the following graphics can be used for detecting the inequality of variance.

what are the characteristics of latin square design?

among nuisance factors, uncontrollable factors can be measured.

the sample variance is an unbiased estimator of the population variance.

in the single-factor experiment, the experiment can be carried out according to the factor levels.

the graphic method can be used for exploratory ysis of experimental data.

the square root transformation is often used for poisson data.

from the results of ysis of variance, it can be concluded which processing means are different from other processing means.

when we think of several hypotheses, we will use multiple comparison method.

the presence of interaction does not affect the test for the main effect of a single factor.

a two-factor factorial design is a completely randomized design

the mean of response plots can be used to tell if there's interaction between two factors.

anova can only determine if there is a difference between the total averages and multiple comparisons can be used to further determine which two averages are different from each other and which are not.

when the interaction is significant, we must fix a factor at all levels and test the other factor.

in a multifactor factorial design, the factors are equally important and all need to be tested for their main effects and their interaction with other factors.

the f-test in anova can be a one-sided test or a two-sided test.

the relative efficiency must increase as the number of factors increases.

interaction is the difference in response between the levels of one factor is not the same at all levels of the other factors.

the p-value in the hypothesis test is the probability of making the type i error.

in a factorial design, (1) represents the treatment combination of both factors at the low level.

in a randomized complete block design, use as the test statistic, when , then reject the original hypothesis.

if a model contains a high-order term (such as ), it should also contain all of the lower order terms that compose it (in this case and ).

in a two-factor factorial design, can all be used to estimate

in the factorial design, the contrast of bd is .















































单活塞式液压缸说确的是(  )。

图示两个结构和尺寸均相同相互串联的液压缸,无杆腔面积a1=100cm2,有杆腔面积a2=80cm2,缸1输入压力p1=0.9mpa,输入流量q1=12 l/min。不计损失和泄漏,两缸承受相同负载时(f1= f2),负载和速度各为多少?






