如果有typedef struct student { int s; char t; }t; 则下面的描述正确的是()
the architectural elements do not include ( ).
long coats are usually big and loose, worn by the dongs, yis, miaos, hanis, dais, bouyeis, maonans, tujias, and zhuangs, etc.
the advantage of multi-plane orthogonal projection drawing is
for a a1 sheet, the width of the sheet should be mm
chinese batik is a unique form of manual dyeing art that originated with the ancient yi ethnic minority group during the eastern zhou dynasty, developed in the qin and the han dynasties, and prevailed in the song dynasty.
the unit for all the drawings including site plan, architectural construction drawing and structural construction is mm.
ancient architecture continued to develop in the yuan dynasty, especially the islamic mosques and buddhist temples, which brought deep influences on the ethnic architecture.
styles that focus on qi manipulation are called external, while others that concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness are called internal. geographical association, as in northern and southern, is another popular classification method.
cantonese opera is one type of traditional local operas, popular in _____and _____ provinces and in chinese communities in south asia and america.
please choose the right statment on cutting symbol“┏1”