3 简述边界层对流传质的薄膜论、渗透论和表面更新论。
旅游消费者行为的定义可概括为,旅游者为满足自身的旅游需要而选择旅游产品,并通过与旅游产品互动体验完成 和消费活动的决策和实践过程。
风险规避理论认为,旅游消费者在购买旅游产品时承受的风险主要有以下六种类型:功能风险、 、时间风险、资金风险、社会风险、心理风险。
旅游购买行为理论包括 、信息加工理论、风险规避理论和边际效用理论等。
( )认为,人的精神,由意识、前意识和潜意识三个部分构成。
需要和目标成为推动个体行为的动力时,我们就说个体形成了( )。
旅游需要是指旅游者或潜在旅游者感到某种乏力而力求获得心理满足而产生的一种心理状态,即对旅游的 和要求。
旅游动机的特征体现在五个方面,即 、多重性、学习性、复杂性、共享性。
心理学视角下知觉不可以分为以下哪种类型( )。
知觉是人脑对直接作用于感觉器官客观事物的整体反映。知觉有四个基本特性,即选择性、整体性、理解性、 。
旅游消费者感知旅游条件时,包括对 、对旅游时空的感知以及对旅游交通的感知等。
消费者学习理论在营销实践中得到了广泛的运用,明星代言就是基于 ( ) 的一种营销策略。
画面是基于认知学习理论的营销策略,营销者可以运用生动形象的画面使消费者形成瞬时记忆,瞬时记忆不断复述会形成( ) 。
人类的( )处于信息加工中的中心地位,也是认知学习的关键。
消费者学习基本要素中的( )是基于需要和目标的内在驱动力,也是学习的一种。
在下列选项中,( )是消费者学习发生的基本要素。
具有代表性的学习理论有 、操作条件反射理论、认知学习理论以及观察学习理论。
旅游消费者学习的主要内容包括旅游动机、 以及旅游消费。
消费者态度由认知以及以下哪些元素构成( )
影响消费者态度形成的因素包括以下哪几个( )
消费者认知态度可以通过以下哪几个方面进行改变( )
消费者情感态度可以通过以下哪几个方面进行改变( )
在现代心理学中,态度是指人们对于事物所持有的肯定或否定、接近或回避、支持或反对的心理或行为倾向。而旅游消费者态度是指旅游消费者在了解、 、享受旅游产品和服务的过程中,对旅游本身、旅游产品和服务以及旅游企业较为稳定的心理倾向。
态度的基本功能有适应功能、 功能、认知功能和价值表现功能。
测量个性的方法有测量自我概念的 、测量生活方式的aio方法以及vals方法等。
( )是指居住在一起的个人组成的群体,他们相互间存在着婚姻、血缘或收养的关系。
( )是由两个异性成年人组成的家庭,他们同自己的孩子或收养的孩子保持着合法的关系。其中,户主拥有或租用他们的住房。
在家庭生命周期中,几乎没有经济负担,消费观念时尚潮流,娱乐导向,热衷于新产品,对广告敏感,指的是( )。
在家庭生命周期中,收入水平上升,储蓄持续增加,家庭经济状况改善,对产品广告不敏感,消费观念现实化,指的是( )。
不同于一般的组织购买,家庭购买隐含了( ),从而影响家庭成员之间的关系。
饮料、烟酒的购买决策一般属于( )。
家庭购买决策主要有四种方式,即丈夫主导型、妻子主导型、 和自主型。
产生社会阶层的最直接原因是个体获取( )的能力和机会的差别。
社会阶层的( )是指其阶层的社会成员在价值观和行为方式具有共同点和类似性。
导致社会分层的原因有( )。
产生社会阶层的最直接原因是个体获取( )的能力和机会的差别。
社会阶层的( )是指其阶层的社会成员在价值观和行为方式具有共同点和类似性。
导致社会分层的原因不包括( )。
科尔曼社会地位指数法从( )方面测量消费者所处的社会阶层。
社会群体可以划分为 与非正式群体,也可以划分为主要群体与次要群体或隶属群体与参照群体。
社会阶层的特征包括 、同质性、限定性、多维性、层级性和变动性。
国际营销策略的跨文化因素包括消费者习惯和价值观、产品偏好、产品使用、语言、象征意义和( )
每个都有现实主义、爱的要求和分享等价值观。如果将这些文化与不同产品类别联系在一起,就有可能成为( )
文化差异所带来的文化冲击现象对旅游消费行为所产生的影响, -般要经历三个比较典型的阶段为
文化价值观,是指被社会的大多数成员信奉,被认为是社会普遍倡导的信念。从比较广泛的意义上可以将文化价值观分为三种形式,即他人导向的价值观、 和自我导向的价值观。
旅游消费者在 、信息搜集、旅游决策与目的地选择、主客文化差异与主客交往、服务质量感知与满意度方面存在跨文化的差异。
不同的人用不同的眼光看到同一事物的结论是不一样的,所以不同的人所做的购买决策也是不同的,这叫做( )。
旅游决策的过程划分为5个阶段,即 、旅游信息搜寻、可行性方案评估、旅游决策实施和购后行为。
旅游体验有五种类型,即 、教育、逃避、审美与移情
旅游者满意度测评使用的方法主要有 、servperf(服务绩效)、ipa(重要性一绩效分析)等三种。
boao forum has 300 attendees from 10 different countries.
after the 2008 world financial crisis, world economy has recovered fully.
anti-globalization trend is mainly caused by noises and disagreements in many economic aspects.
china-australia free trade agreement has limited potential.
china has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the past 30 years.
a brexit could be the beginning of the destruction of not only the european union, but also of the entire western political civilization.
european council president donald tusk received an interview ten days after the referendum.
every family members know: divorce will impose serious harmful effects on all of them.
brexit would be bad for the european union but good in some way for british both economically and politically.
it will take at least seven years for britain to put an end to current contractual connections and to negotiate new relationships with the eu if it leaves the union.
all the people view globalization in a negative and hostile pattern.
some people fear that globalization will increase inequality.
globalization refers to the increasing integration of world economies.
globalization has nothing to do with culture, politics, and environment.
one side effect of globalization is that benefits brought by global markets cannot be shared by all.
20th century saw economic growth that has never been seen before.
per capita gdp in the richest part of the world has grown two times faster than that in the poorest part of the world.
capital movement in the last few decades has been volatile and up to crisis.
poorest economies can attract more fdi because of policy package.
macroeconomic stability is the least important for benefiting from globalization.
india exports us$150 billion it products to the us.
india is on the wait-and-watch mode to see how the us administration carries on its outsource program.
india it industry and government will make all the possible effort to hold the positive dialogue with the us.
india wants to confirm the us that their technology has made us more competitive and job-creative.
donald trump was the 55th american president.
us criticizes india’s communication and outreach program.
‘america first’ pledge was first announced on the inaugural speech.
donald trump vowed that he will rebuild us with his hands.
tata consultancy services is handling with the upcoming problems in a proactive manner.
it can be inferred that all fortune 500 companies are unwilling to make dramatic changes.
china has been initiating increasing anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, protection measures and special safeguard investigations since its accession to wto.
both the number and the amount of money involved in these cases have been increasing.
china has suffered the most in anti-dumping investigation in the world for nine years running.
starting from 1979 to the end of september 2004, 24 countries and regions launched altogether 665 disputes of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and special safeguard investigations against chinese products.
in spite of these investigations, china did not suffered a tremendous economic loss in terms of foreign trade.
tensions between the united states and china are increasing over exchange rate issues.
on the u.s. side, the tensions between the two countries is tied to trump's promise to reduce a trade deficit with china.
on the chinese side, the ruling communist party is trying to develop the country's economy, especially service-sector companies.
last year, chinese consumers formally ed south korean goods after south korea accepted a u.s.-made anti-missile system.
observers do not see any signs of an organized campaign in china to reject u.s. goods yet.
the long-term ( ) for the fair trade movement is that artisans everywhere would be treated with...
artisans everywhere would be treated with ( ) and that they would be paid fairly and have opportunities and access to markets to sell their goods.
i think that, specific goals of the fair trade movement right now are focused on continuing to ( ) issues of education and awareness,
so that we have informed consumers who know what ( ) are out there.
there is a variety of directions of where fair trade is ( ) and what the future of fair trade will look like.
i think that fair trade is already growing in ( ) and i think that you can expect, in the future, to hear more about fair trade and to see more fair trade options.
i am always excited to see fair trade options available and ( ) in some unlikely places. sometimes unknown companies talk about fair trade issues, find a great product that they want to sell in their stores, and that's a fair trade product.
you will see a lot of products that are just appearing in the ( ) as fair trade products because they are great products to sell and satisfy the requirements of being in the fair trade.
which of the following is not a macroeconomic goal?
__________ is responsible for making and implementing a country’s monetary policy.
__________ is responsible for making a country’s fiscal policy?
which of the following words means similar to “rise”?
which of the following words means similar to “decline”?
which of the following statements about alan greenspan is correct?
the mopping-up strategy is __________ .
what is irrational exuberance?
state governments in the usa are __________ .
when oil price goes up, british airways’ stock will
an account that two or more people hold is a _____ .
in order to withdraw money the bank requires your _____ .
the bank records all transactions of an account in the customers’ _____ .
many banks work with so many different customers and accounts that they need _____ to record all transactions.
you have to _____ your check in order to cash it.
the bank charges a _____ to cover the cost of bookkeeping.
i wrote a check for more money than i have in my account. i’m afraid i’m _____ .
the monthly statement gives you a record of all the _____ of your checking account.
“you are allowed to write up to ten checks without a service charge.” “that’s all? you mean ten checks is the _____?”
if you need money i can _____ you some.
when my friend needed a loan he offered the bank his house as _____.
james has not paid back two loans. he must have a terrible _____ .
if you _____ your car loan, the bank will take possession of your car.
in order to calculate the monthly payments on your loan, the bank adds the interest to the _____ and ides the total by the number of months.
apple’s sales has fallen continuously for 5 years in china.
one key factor that has won apple customer loyalty is its ios operating ecosystem.
apple inc. and google inc. occupy the no. 1 and no. 2 brands on the list and amazon entered the top 10, with 41 percent increase in brand value.
the combined value of the top five us tech giants was worth a quarter of the total value.
china mobile has become the most valuable chinese brand, followed by alibaba group holdings ltd and tencent holdings ltd.
the three companies were listed in the top 20 of the 100 most valuable chinese brands in 2017 released by brandz.
tencent’s share price has surged 60% over the last one year.
twelve years ago there was only one chinese brand that managed to squeeze into the top 13 best global 100 brand list.
the chinese brand value now accounts for 11 percent of the total reaching $937 billion.
the chinese brands have a bright future in the world because china is moving towards consumer-driven economy that places importance on quality of the product and services.
companies still cannot gauge the effectiveness of advertising now as they failed to do 100 years ago.
because facebook and google can track people’s online habits, they tend to know what people are likely to buy and put the right ads in front of them.
a recent study on ebay discovered that online ads have huge effect on traffic.
lucas did researches and published papers on the dynamics of college ranking and book reviews.
most advertisers don’t believe that search engine ads will be more effective than static banner ads.
digital media ad spending is expected to exceed 50% by 2018 and some advertisers are increasing spending on search ads.
yelp’s business model is to sell ads to all businesses, which give those firms’ listings prime position atop search results and then attract more customers.
luca and dai created a randomized sample of 7,210 u.s. restaurants to see the traffic change results with and without search ads.
even if when the experiment of luca proved yelp ads worthless the yelp still finds it useful because they can find alternative ways to make money and help customers.
many advertisers that yelp help propel to the top of a list are local businesses that people never heard of and brands people are unfamiliar to.
jack trout concept of positioning has been used by countless ngos and npos.
jack trout and his partner al ries have published books that are widely influential.
jack trout’s clients did not include agencies in american government or political parties.
the book “positioning: the battle for your mind” was first published in 1969.
companies should develop a lasting identity by being connected to a simple idea or a story.
many companies succeeded because they watered down their brand names by branching out and ignoring their core strength and benefits.
the very idea of marketing warfare is to treat marketing campaign as a battle and a competitive edge.
“we try harder” is the advertising slogan of hertz, a long-time rival of avis.
the best branding image for us is to present itself as the world’s last superpower.
good marketing is to tell good stories consistently from past to future.
the research in singapore evaluates the organizations’ _____ .
_______was the top area that 37% organizations are planning to outsource or recruit for.
marketers thought that _______ training workshop would be ideal to optimize the learning outcomes.
the following statements about the research are all correct except .
so far, digital has drawn the largest share of s’ time spent with media in the uk, france and germany.
according to the report, time spent with digital media among s is steadily increasing in three largest countries of western europe because of the mobile device use.
the report predicts time spent with digital media will overtake time spent in watching nondigital tv for the first time in both france and germany this year.
the overall nonvoice mobile device time has expanded its lead over desktop/laptop-based digital media consumption both in the uk and in germany.
this year, emarketer expects digital will draw the largest share of s’ time spent with media in uk and germany for the first time.
close to two in five of organizations in singapore felt data ytics was the top digital marketing skills gap that they needed to fill.
marketing as a discipline involves all the actions a company undertakes to draw in customers and maintain relationships with them.
networking with potential or past clients is part of marketing.
neil borden popularized the idea of the marketing mix and the concept of the four ps in the 1950s.
in marketing place refers to the distribution of the product.
word-of-mouth marketing (wom marketing) is free advertising triggered by customer experiences.
also known as "digital marketing" and "e-marketing," social media marketing has purpose-built data ytics tools that allow marketers to track how successful their efforts are.
cold calling is the marketing process of approaching prospective customers or clients—typically via telephone, by email or through making a connection on a social network—who were just expecting such an interaction.
traditional forms of marketing such as newspaper and television advertising, direct mail and cold calling integrate well with the powerful medium of the internet and have become more and more effective as a result.
one of the most beneficial ways that the internet has changed marketing is the dramatic reduction in cost.
internet marketing is a new ‘fad’, a phase that will eventually pass.
which of the following product of tesla and space x is not mentioned according to the recording?
what is the general comment many global technology leaders make on musk?
which of the following places is the most favorable global innovation hub for ceos?
how many leaders were surveyed by kpmg?
what does the word “apt” mean?
“when my emotions got the better of me” means __________.
according to the lecturer, the most admired ceos he knows are ___________.
when the lecturer worked for texas instruments, he once asked his boss _______.
a great leader should be ___________.
dara khosrowshahi served in urber for 18 months.
khosrowshahi has shown a remarkable degree of self-awareness.
travis kalannick was the head of the ride-hailing service—uber.
the biggest challenge of uber’s new ceo is working with uber board driven by animosity and legal disputes.
uber needs to recruit employees because many of them left.