【判断题】hunanese people are often associated with political revolutions.
【简答题】what is it? where does it located? do you know something about it?
【单选题】what’s the major difference between chinese and western dragons?
【单选题】according to the legend, who has created human beings?
【单选题】according to the legend, magpies gather in heaven so that who can meet each other once a year?
【简答题】please briefly introduce the culture of door gods.
【简答题】please briefly introduce how nv wa creates human beings, or how nv wa patches up the sky.
【单选题】where is the yuelu academy?
【单选题】where is the dongting lake?
【单选题】______ how many styles are there in hunan cuisine?
【填空题】____book, the border, makes the phoenix ancient city famous to the world.
【填空题】in the phoenix ancient city, the mother river is ____.
【填空题】____was finally named hunan university in 1926.
【填空题】zhu xi was a great thinker and educator in the ____dynasty.
【填空题】zhang shi was a great thinker in the northern song dynasty, representative of the ____school.
【填空题】in dongting lake, an island is called ____.
【简答题】how many main cuisines are there in china?
【单选题】who is the most important character of journey to the west?
【单选题】which is the following is correct about the theme of water margin?
【单选题】the story of romance of the three kingdoms began with________.
【单选题】which of the following is not correct about the characters depicted in water margin?
【多选题】dream of the red chamber is believed to be semi-autobiographical, mirroring the rise and decline of author own family and, by extension, of the _________ dynasty.
【多选题】chinese classic novels originated from ________.
【判断题】romance of the three kingdoms has a total of 800,000 words and nearly a thousand dramatic characters (mostly historical) in 120 chapters.
【判断题】dream of the red chamber is believed to be semi-autobiographical, mirroring the rise and decline of author cao xueqin’s own family and, by extension, of the qing dynasty
【单选题】which folk custom belongs tomb-sweeping day?
【单选题】according to the qing dynasty wedding, what does the “x” means?
【单选题】according to the new year's eve,which one is ture?
【填空题】the funeral forms in ancient china include earth burial, ____,____, celestial burial, hanging coffin burial and naked burial.
【填空题】according to the old custom, when sweeping tombs, people would bring ____, fruit, paper money and other items to the cemetery to worship.
【填空题】laba festival in china has a long tradition and history, on this day, ____is the most traditional people across the country.
【简答题】please introduce the four ceremony bows.
【简答题】please think about why do people like “spring blossoming qingming time”.
【单选题】___________ is the fourth stage of the development of chinese calligraphy.
【单选题】_______ is the most famous ink stick in china.
【单选题】chinese lantern festival is on the ____ day of the first month in chinese lunar calendar.
【多选题】dan can be classified into ______________.
【多选题】chinese musical instruments include _________.
【多选题】sheng in beijing opera include ______.
【填空题】the charaters with _____ face is someone who is cunning.
【填空题】__________ created his own style of beijing opera performance.
【填空题】_______ is a comical person in beijing opera.
【判断题】erhu is a string instrument.
【判断题】guqin is also called five-stringed instrument.
【简答题】what are the four treasuers of the study?
【单选题】which one is the correct translation of 驴打滚 ?
【单选题】which one is the right translation of 夫妻肺片?
【单选题】what is the right translation of 红烧狮子头?
【单选题】how to translate 童子鸡?
【填空题】glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour is a famous dish in china,which is called ______ in chinese.
【填空题】stewed pork ball in brown sauce is a famous dish in china,which is called ______ in chinese.
【填空题】pork lungs in chili sauce is a famous dish of china.it is called _____ in chinese.
【填空题】spring chicken is a famous dish of china.it is called _____ in chinese.
【判断题】rolling donkey is a proper translation of 驴打滚。
【判断题】stewed pork ball in brown sauce is a proper translation of 红烧狮子头。
【简答题】how do we translate the name of the dishes properly?
【单选题】xunzi advocated the following except .
【单选题】the expression “filial piety” most probably means being ______.
【单选题】for confucius, ren means all of the following except ______________.
【填空题】____inherited the confuciani, and made it further more systematic. he is therefore respected as the second sage.
【填空题】mencius believed the innate ____of iniduals, while xun zi argued that the human beings are born ____.
【填空题】confucius built up a system of philosophical thoughts with ____as its basic virtue.
【判断题】in qin dynasty, confuciani was revived. it was chosen by emperor of qin and used as a political system and a kind of state religion.
【判断题】confucius was the first teacher who taught large numbers of students in a private capacity.
【简答题】“children should not travel far while their parents are alive. if they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint (父母在,不远游,游必有方。) how do you understand this line?
【单选题】now how many hutongs are left?
【单选题】which one was introduced to china through the silk road?
【单选题】huangshan is in _____ province in china.
【单选题】how many world heritage sites are located in china up to july, 2019?
【填空题】laoshe, a famous author in china, made ____the backdrop(背景) of his novel “four generations under one roof.”
【填空题】the pioneer who blazed the trail of the silk road was ____.
【填空题】the huangshan pine is considered an example of vigor because the trees thrive by growing straight out of ____.
【判断题】hutong is a narrow lane, alley or all street between rows of siheyuan.
【判断题】in the ming and qing dynasties, the center was the forbidden city. citizens of higher social status were permitted to live far away the center.
【简答题】why is huangshan on the list of world natural and culture heritage?
【填空题】任务2中的输入设备是( )和( ),输出设备是( )。
【填空题】plc是一种专门为在工业环境下应用而设计的数字运算操作的( )。它采用可以编制程序的存储器,用来在其内部存储执行逻辑运算、顺序运算、计时、计数和算术运算等操作的指令,并能通过数字式或模拟式的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。
【单选题】观察西门子plc实训台,请回答以下问题。 表示plc数字量输入的是:
【单选题】观察西门子plc实训台,请回答以下问题。 表示plc数字量输出的是:
【单选题】观察西门子plc实训台,请回答以下问题。 实训台上可以直接接线的plc输入端子有几个?
【单选题】观察西门子plc实训台,请回答以下问题。 实训台上可以直接接线的plc输出端子有几个?
【多选题】观察西门子plc实训台,请回答以下问题。 表示plc模拟量输入和输出的是:
【多选题】plc外壳上写有 cpu224cn ac/dc/r,下列说确的是?
【填空题】输出公共端1l、2l、3l前都有一个黑色的结构,请问该结构是( )。
【判断题】观察西门子plc实训台,请回答以下问题。 实训台上 有8个点动按钮可使用,为了方便接线,8个按钮的一个端子短接在一起,接在了com端。
【判断题】plc的硬件接线中,输入的公共端1m接 24v。
【判断题】plc的硬件接线中,输出的公共端1l接 24v。
【单选题】按点数分类,西门子s7-200系列plc属于( )
【单选题】下列不属于plc硬件系统组成的是( )
【单选题】plc的输入电路均采用( )方式。
【填空题】plc的运算和控制中心是( )。
【填空题】plc中输入接口电路的类型有直流型和( )两种。
【填空题】梯形图中的触点( )任意串联或并联,继电器线圈可以并联而不能串联。填空处填写 可以/不可以。
【单选题】特殊标志位存储器( )提供了大量的状态和控制功能。
【单选题】使用位寻址方式来存取信息的寄存器不包括( )。
【多选题】s7-200系列plc的数据存储区按照存储器储存数据的长短可划分为( )和( )和( )。
【填空题】plc运行时总是on的特殊存储器位是( )
【填空题】在第一个扫描周期接通可用于初始化子程序的特殊存储器位是( )。
【填空题】plc最基本的应用领域是取代传统的继电器控制系统,实现逻辑控制和( )。
【单选题】学习完s7-200系列plc定时器的刷新方式后,请回答以下问题: 1ms定时器采用_____的方式刷新。
【单选题】学习完s7-200系列plc定时器的刷新方式后,请回答以下问题: 10ms定时器采用_____的方式刷新。
【单选题】学习完s7-200系列plc定时器的刷新方式后,请回答以下问题: 100ms定时器采用_____的方式刷新。
【填空题】定时器使能端in输入有效后,plc内部的时基脉冲增加1计数,最小的定时单位称为时基脉冲宽度,又称为( )。
【单选题】s7-200系列plc定时器采用"t"表示,可计时内部时钟累计时间增量,总共有( )增量型定时器。
【填空题】定时器有三种类型,包括ton、tof 和( )。
【填空题】定时器按定时精度分为三种类型,包括1ms,( )ms和100ms。
【单选题】s7-200系列plc提供了( )种类型的计数器。
【单选题】s7-200系列plc提供的计数器编号范围为( )。
【单选题】s7-200系列plc的增计数器的操作码为( )
【填空题】从scr 开始到( )结束的所有指令组成scr段。
【填空题】顺序控制段转移指令的操作码是( )。
【填空题】顺控状态转移图单流程结构的控制对象的状态(动作)是一个接一个地完成的。每一个状态连接( )个转移,每一个转移连接一个状态。
【单选题】十六进制的d,转变为十进制是多少( )。
【单选题】下列那项属于字节寻址( )。
【单选题】二进制数100110对应的十进制是( )。
【单选题】mb0中,m0.0、m0.2的数值都为1,其它都为0,那么,mb0数值等于多少( )。
【单选题】下列不属于plc硬件系统组成的是( )
【单选题】( )是整个plc的控制中枢,它按照plc中系统程序指挥plc有条不紊的进行工作。
【其它】某企业承担了一个继电接触控制系统实现对一台电机的y—△降压启动的升级改造,继电接触控制系统的y—△降压启动如图1.1所示。请分析该控制线路图的控制功能,用可编程控制器设计其控制系统并调试。 图1.1 电机y—△降压启动 内容: 1、按控制要求,画出plc的i/o地址分配表; 2、完成plc控制i/o接线图; 3、根据要求写出控制程序。
【简答题】某小车要求在a、b、c三点之间来回移动(a、b、c三点在一条直线上),三点自动往返示意图如下,一个周期的工作过程为: 1.按下启动按钮sb1,小车电动机m正转,小车前进,碰到限位开关sq1后,小车电动机反转,小车后退。 2.小车后退碰到限位开关sq2后,小车电动机m停转,停5s。第2次前进,碰到限位开关sq3,再次后退。 3.当小车后退再次碰到限位开关sq2时,小车停止。
【简答题】某小车要求在a、b、c三点之间来回移动(a、b、c三点在一条直线上),三点自动往返示意图如下,一个周期的工作过程为: 1.按下启动按钮sb1,小车电动机m正转,小车前进,碰到限位开关sq1后,小车电动机反转,小车后退。 2.小车后退碰到限位开关sq2后,小车电动机m停转,停5s。第2次前进,碰到限位开关sq3,再次后退。 3.当小车后退再次碰到限位开关sq2时,小车停止。 请完成系统的梯形图编写。
【单选题】电影《美食恋爱与祈祷》 中的女主角在哪里收获了爱情
【填空题】电影票房用英语怎么说?( )
【单选题】嵌入式系统的硬件发展过程中,出现过多种流行的微处理器系列芯片,从21世纪初流行起来的arm9微处理器是( )的处理器。
【单选题】“嵌入式系统”这个名词的来源最早可以追溯到( )。
【单选题】若某嵌入式系统中,想采用windows ce操作系统作为某软件平台,现要完成bsp移植、操作系统的移植和定制等工作,开发者应选用( )集成开发环境来作为其开发工具。
【单选题】目前,嵌入式系统的应用领域非常广泛。但通常把( )领域称为嵌入式系统的传统应用。
【单选题】在智能手机这样的嵌入式系统产品中,广泛使用的anroid操作系统,其内核实际上是( )。
【填空题】vxworks是风河公司推出的嵌入式操作系统,其内核采用了 来进行任务调度,并支持同优先级任务间的时间片分时调度,以保证紧急事件的任务及时执行。
【填空题】嵌入式系统的应用需求多种多样,复杂程度也不一样。若需要构建一个linux操作系统作为目标机的软件平台,需要完成启动引导程序设计、 、根文件系统建立等工作。
【填空题】目前,把以应用为中心,以计算机技术为基础,其软硬件可裁剪, 的专用计算机系统称为嵌入式系统。
【填空题】sopc是嵌入式系统的一种体现形式。它是基于一个超大集成规模的 上,该芯片上通常集成有至少一个微处理器核(硬核或软核),以及片上总线、存储器、大量的可编程逻辑阵列等。
【填空题】rvds是arm公司推出的一个集成开发环境,它汇集了 开发工具中优良的源代码编辑与管理工具,以及realview系列开发工具中优良的编译、调试工具。
【单选题】arm9系列的微处理器芯片均采用了( )版本的指令集架构。
【单选题】若一条分支指令位b next,next为偏移量,其值等于0x000080,该指令在存储器中存储单元的地址若为0x00000018,那么,该指令执行后,将转移到地址为( )处接着执行指令。
【单选题】arm9微处理器既可以访问字节,即一次读/写8位二进制数,也可以访问字,即一次读/写32位二进制数,下面可以作为字地址的是( )。
【单选题】下面的寄存器中,( )寄存器在fiq模式下所使用的寄存器,与用户模式下所使用的寄存器,物理上是独立的。
【单选题】arm9微处理器支持7种异常,这7种异常的优先级是固定的,下面有关优先级的说明语句中不正确的是( )。
【单选题】当arm9微处理器响应异常时,当前pc的值将保存到( )寄存器中,以便异常服务完成后,返回到断点处接着执行。
【填空题】以arm9微处理器为核心的嵌入式系统中,若字地址对应的是该字中的最低8位,那么,该嵌入式系统采用了 存储方式。
【填空题】在管理模式下,可通过设置cpsr寄存器中最后5位二进制值,使得arm9微处理器核进入相应的工作模式。若想使微处理器核进入irq模式,那么,这5位二进制值应该是 。
【填空题】当arm9微处理器响应irq异常后,异常服务程序完成后,利用指令 来实现返回断点处。
【填空题】arm9指令集中具有寄存器移位寻址方式。若要指令中存储第二个操作数的寄存器逻辑左移,寄存器中的低端空出位补0,那么,应使用助记符 。
【填空题】arm9微处理器核的指令系统中有两种指令集状态,通常使用的是32位的arm指令集,另一种16位的指令集称为 。
【填空题】对于i/o端口的访问,arm9微处理器体系结构是使用存储器映射的方法来实现的。存储器映射的i/o端口,其输入/输出操作指令与存储单元的 是相同的,但行为通常不同。
【单选题】arm9微处理器的汇编指令ldreq r5,[r6,#28]!的功能是( )。
【单选题】若有一条减法指令subs r0,r1,#80,减法指令助记符sub后面的字符“s”代表的功能含义是( )。
【单选题】若把一个立即数10传输给arm9微处理器的内部寄存器r2,下面几条汇编指令或伪指令中,不能完成此功能的是( )。
【单选题】arm9的汇编程序源文件中,需要一些指示符来指示汇编器如何对该汇编源文件进行编译连接,其中指示程序入口的指示符是( )。
【单选题】以arm9微处理器为核心开发的嵌入式系统中,有关其系统引导程序的说明语句中不正确的是( )。
【单选题】arm9微处理器的指令mov r3,#0x81,ror #31完成是给r3寄存器赋予一个数值,其值为( )。
【填空题】arm9微处理器的汇编指令均是有条件执行的,若要表示某指令在“不等”的条件才执行,那么,该指令助记符的后缀字符应该是 。
【单选题】下面描述s3c2440芯片内部中断未决寄存器的特点及作用的语句中,错误的语句是( )。(假设cpsr寄存器中i、f均设置为0。)
【单选题】若某个以s3c2440芯片为核心的目标系统中,要求开放外部中断eint0,其他中断均禁止,那么,写入中断屏蔽寄存器的参数为( )。
【单选题】下面描述s3c2440芯片中断源优先级的语句中,正确的是( )。
【单选题】下面描述中断源识别原理和方法的语句中,不正确的语句是( )。
【填空题】嵌入式系统中,经常采用中断控制方式来控制i/o端口或部件的数据传输,采用中断方式的目的是为了提高i/o端口或部件的( )。
【单选题】s3c2440芯片内部的gpio引脚分成了( )gpio端口。
【单选题】gpecon寄存器是端口e的功能设置寄存器,若gpecon寄存器中写入了一个参数:0xa000 5050,那么,引脚gpe15的功能是( )。
【单选题】s3c2440芯片内部的gpa端口是多功能的端口,下面有关对其功能描述的语句中不正确的是( )。
【单选题】端口e的gpeup寄存器,其作用是( )。
【单选题】用某种新疗法治疗某病患者41人,治疗结果如下: 治疗结果 治愈 显效 好转 恶化 死亡 治疗人数 8 23 6 3 1 该资料的类型是
【单选题】在描述定量资料的集中趋势时, 以下论述中错误的是
【单选题】测量某地101名30-49岁正常成年男子的血清总胆固醇,结果如下(mmol/l) 胆固醇 2.5~ 3.0~ 3.5~ 4.0~ 4.5~ 5.0~ 5.5~ 6.0~ 6.5~7.0 人数 1 8 9 23 25 17 9 7 2
【单选题】下列表示离散趋势的指标中,( )没有单位(量纲)。
【单选题】关于频数表的制作, 以下( )论述是正确的。
【单选题】某市500名10岁正常男孩中,有95%的人体重在 18~30kg范围内,由此可知此500名男孩体重的标准差等于
【单选题】正态分布的两个参数μ与σ,( )对应的正态曲线愈趋扁平。
【单选题】what class of ticket would you like,______ class or business class? 那你需要定什么舱位的机票(经济舱还是商务舱)?
【多选题】what information should we offer when we reserve an air ticket?
【多选题】lee is going to reserve an air ticket to paris. but he is not sure about the return date. so what kind of ticket would you suggest him to book?
【多选题】how could we pay the ticket fare?
【填空题】what is the _____ of the ticket? (请问机票折扣是多少?)
【简答题】how do we reserve an air ticket?
【单选题】i am afraid that your baggage is ______.
【多选题】we have to ____________, before going through the security inspection.
【填空题】which seat do you prefer, __1___ seat , ___2___ seat , or ____3_____seat? 您喜欢什么座位,靠窗的,靠过道的,还是中间的位子?
【判断题】we should show our id card when we are checking in at the departure lounge.
【论述题】how do we check in at the airport?
【单选题】usually speaking, when should we get to the airport for the international flight?
【判断题】most passengers must go through the security gate for check.
【判断题】the passengers are not allowed to carry metallic things.
【判断题】the carry-on luggage must go through x-ray scanner.
【判断题】flammable items cannot be taken with you into the aircraft.
【判断题】the cellphone and laptop should be put in the basket for check.
【判断题】most passengers must go through the security gate for check.
【简答题】what is the purpose of security check at the airport?
【简答题】how many processes are there during the security check?
【多选题】which item belongs to the contraband on the plane for the carry-on baggage?
【判断题】only international flights require security check.
【判断题】the passenger, who refuses the check, would not be allowed to board the flight.
【判断题】battery and mobile pack charger are allowed in the checked luggage.
【判断题】it doesn’t matter to make jokes regarding aircraft hijacking or bombing.
【判断题】any liquid is prohibited in the carry-on luggage.
【单选题】 the sign above means__________?
【单选题】 the sign above means__________?
【单选题】if we need some help at the airport, what kinds of signs below could we look for?
【单选题】what does the sign below mean?
【单选题】 which sign blow has the same meaning as the sign above?
【多选题】 the sign above means______________?
【单选题】boarding usually happens _____ minutes before scheduled departure.
【判断题】about two hours prior to takeoff, the gate attendant will announce the boarding time.
【判断题】most hallways are long.
【其它】boarding usually happens _____ minutes before scheduled departure.
【其它】_______ always boards the plane first
【其它】your larger carry-on luggage should be put __________
【单选题】which of the following doesn't belong to nonalcoholic beverage?
【单选题】please put your _____ in upright position.
【单选题】now we’ll be serving drinks. please pull down your ______ table.
【填空题】how do you like your steak done? ____, medium or well-done?
【简答题】translation:please put your seatbacks in the upright position and pull open your table, please.
【简答题】translation: may i have a vegetarian meal instead please?
【简答题】translation: which do you like to have for your lunch, beef, chicken or fish?
【多选题】what are listed on the passenger arrival card?
【多选题】if your uncle is a chinese and he goes to paris for travelling, then for french people, his behavior is _____.
【填空题】excuse me, i can't find my _____?
【判断题】after we get off the plane, will we be able to leave the airport directly and enjoy our travelling in the foreign countries?
【判断题】immigration officer will not check whether your passport and the visa are valid.
【简答题】translation: what's the purpose of your visit? business trip or sightseeing?
【单选题】as a chinese, how many customs should we go through when we go to paris for travelling?
【多选题】what cannot be allowed for clearance?
【判断题】which carousel is for the luggage from shanghai? : 哪个行李传送带是负责运送来自上海的行李的?
【简答题】translation: may i have a declaration form please?
【简答题】translation: that’s more than the allowance of free.
【简答题】translation: do i have to pay duty on it?
【多选题】which of the following is a foreign currency?
【多选题】what should be signed on the exchange form?
【多选题】which of the following currencies are still available now ?
【多选题】which of the following is a creadit card?
【判断题】is it in traveler's cheque? : 能换旅行支票吗
【简答题】translation: i'd like to know how i shall give it to you.
【简答题】translation: in what denominations?
【简答题】what a cashier should do at the foreign exchange counter?
【多选题】what are the possible reasons of baggage lost?
【多选题】which of the following aspects need to be given in order to find the lost luggage?
【判断题】you needn't to pay for the excess baggage charge for your overweight luggage.
【判断题】if you want to pick up your luggage, you need to find the baggage claim area first.
【单选题】if a person is not quite sure about how to find a certain place, you might_________.
【单选题】which one could be the best way to give directions?
【判断题】before we ask for directions, we needn't remember to be polite.
【判断题】the best way to give directions is to use long sentences which include lots of detailed information.
【单选题】i’d like to _______ further explanations about exchanging business cards at the first meeting.
【单选题】i'm glad to have the _______ of meeting you in my hometown.
【单选题】we _______ very much that you have come to visit our company.
【单选题】in the business letter of _______ ,give background information from your personal experience.
【单选题】i _______ a lot every year on business, but this is my first visit to your country.
【判断题】business introductions are usually very formal.
【判断题】you should introduce the old to the young.
【判断题】when receiving others’ business card, always look at it and acknowledge it.
【判断题】put the card you received carefully in your card case or with your business documents.
【判断题】some elements like introducers, recipients, context and etiquette should be considered in business introduction.
【单选题】we _____ high reputation among our customers in the world market.
【单选题】we are focusing our attention on building a strong _______ and improving the quality of our products.
【多选题】what preparation work should we do before we go to the airport to meet the guest(s)?
【判断题】it is not so necessary to exchange your name card with your customer when meeting him at the airport.
【判断题】business appointments are usually very formal.
【判断题】you should arrive early to greet your guests.
【判断题】you should make a business appointment face to face.
【判断题】when making business arrangement, you should follow some rules.
【判断题】it is not necessary to make your first appointment as early as possible.
【单选题】i was just _____ by the airlines that my flight has been rescheduled.
【单选题】i am planning to _______ my talk with him till tuesday.
【单选题】according to the schedule_______before, mr. shawn is going to visit your company.
【单选题】i'm afraid that i have to __________ my appointment.
【单选题】something _______ has come up. he has to attend a very urgent meeting.
【判断题】making the call to rearrange the appointment is a good way.
【判断题】lies or bogus excuses are worst reasons for rescheng.
【判断题】you should call the person you are scheduled earlier whenever possible.
【判断题】you should bring forward the appointment as soon as possible.
【判断题】business schedules couldn’t help companies keep track of important events and dates.
【单选题】which is not one of the main types of hotel room offered to the conference attendees?
【单选题】a hotel usually provides the following services except ______.
【单选题】choose the most suitable expression
【单选题】choose the most suitable expression
【单选题】how much do you _____ per night?
【单选题】60 dollars per night per room, plus 15%____.
【单选题】i would like to reserve a family ____.
【多选题】what items should be covered while booking a room?
【多选题】do you have a _______twin room ?
【判断题】the identification is unnecessary to present when you check into the hotel as it can be seen in the hotel reservation system.
【判断题】providing the registration number can save our time for pulling up the information.
【判断题】when upgrading the room, we should never pay the extra charge.
【判断题】there are several ways for booking a hotel, such as online booking, telephone booking, etc..
【判断题】we don't need to give tips to bellboy when reaching the hotel.
【简答题】in general, there are two types of banquet speech. please list out the layout of each of them respectively.
【简答题】please compare the similarity and differences between welcoming speech and appreciating speech, then present it in oral report.
【论述题】imagine you are one staff on behalf of abc company to entertain the clients, please make a welcoming speech in the banquet.
【判断题】on the western dinner table, the bread and butter plate is on the center.
【判断题】place your napkin on the lap as soon as you are seated when you are having the western dinner.
【判断题】you can talk with food in your mouth at the dinner.
【判断题】things those are not eaten like bones should be put on the table at the western dinner .
【单选题】the flavor of shandong cuisine is_______.
【单选题】which does not belong to the eight great regional cuisine in china?
【简答题】please list out the basic rules of menu translation.
【简答题】2.what is the right course order of chinese cuisines?
【判断题】in china, according to etiquette practices, when having dinner, the better seats are those facing the main entrance.
【判断题】the chinese prefer to entertain in their homes rather than in the public places, especially when entertaining foreigners.
【判断题】in china, it is polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation.
【判断题】in the west, it is a general practice to send a gift to guests, but the gift is neither too big nor expensive.
【简答题】apart from traditional ways,what other kinds of activities should we plan to entertain guests?
【简答题】make a brief introduction to the seat arrangement in chinese culture.
【单选题】what are essential in a company visit?
【单选题】as about the branch names of a company, which expression is not correct?
【判断题】成品 real prodcution
【判断题】原材料 raw material
【判断题】占(比重) account to
【判断题】市场占有率 market share
【判断题】人工成本 labor profits
【单选题】what items should be included in the presentation?
【多选题】what should we do for a company presentation?
【多选题】my name is lucy smith. and i’m____ sales department of rainbow company.
【多选题】what background information could we prepare for presentation?
【多选题】which is one of the different types of the booth?
【多选题】what are the principles of choosing the exhibition venue?
【多选题】which translation is not corrct?
【判断题】it is a good choice for us to choose the venue which is far away from the political areas.
【单选题】we have already_____ a leading market position.
【单选题】we have developed into a medium¬_______ ¬¬enterprises with many branches and offices.
【单选题】we have already_____ a leading market position
【单选题】we have developed into a medium _______ enterprises with many branches and offices.
【多选题】what is the ways of promoting exhibitions?
【多选题】what are the good ways for promotion before the show ?
【填空题】the ( ) of the internet has ushered in an era of sales promotion by( )means.
【单选题】which one has the same meaning as the word "bedrock price"?
【多选题】which statement about pricing strategy is true according to this lesson?
【多选题】what are those factors that may influence the final price of a product in the pricing negotiation?
【判断题】the aim of price negotiation is onnly to make the greatest profits.
【单选题】since we _____ the goods, we hope you will supply the goods for prompt shipment.
【单选题】a: how would you like us to pack your products? b: since there are glasses and fragile items, i think you'd better use _______.
【多选题】shipment is to be ______ during october.
【单选题】we are unable to consider your request for payment ____ d/a terms?
【单选题】what is the mode of payment you wish to ____?
【单选题】what is your_____practice on the mode of payment?
【单选题】which of the following expressions are demanding favorable terms of payment?
【单选题】i'm afraid i have a complaint to _____.
【单选题】the goods you sent us are _______ _________ to the original sample.
【单选题】the woolen sweaters you delivered do not _____ the sample we provided.
【单选题】i'm sorry to say the shipment didn't turn to _________
【多选题】we checked some of the items and found they were ______. 我们检查了部分产品,发现它们已严重受损。
【简答题】how can we make an effective complaint or a claim?
【单选题】we’ll sign two ____, each in the chinese and english language.
【单选题】this contract will _________ as soon as it is signed by two parties.
【多选题】the contract is _____ for two years.
【多选题】请问我在哪里签名? 以下翻译正确的是:______
【判断题】the first shipment should be made at or before oct.25th.
【论述题】what qualities does the contractor should have?
【单选题】what are not the necessary process during the preparation of a conference?
【单选题】when will the conference_______?
【多选题】what kinds of organization group of staff could we have for complete preparation?
【单选题】you can________relevant situation on well known enterprises.
【多选题】what kind of element could be referred when we invite our guests to the conference?
【单选题】when opening the conference, what should the host pay attention to?
【单选题】if there is no further developments, i’d like to____________ to today’s topic.