
时间:2024-06-24 07:05:38

















































































目前, 我国报废汽车回收之后能循环利用的最主要的是什么材料?






现代项目管理通常被认为是( )的产物。

在项目管理的产生阶段,项目实施的目标是( )。

现代项目管理的理念是项目管理工作必须充满( )的思想。

我国项目管理的发展最早起源于20世纪60年代华罗庚推广的( )。

项目生命周期的第二个阶段是( )


下列属于项目的实例是( )。

项目利益相关者可能包括( )。

属于项目组成要素的有( )


项目管理知识体系(pmbok®)的概念是由项目管理会首先提出来的, 是指项目管理专业领域中知识的总和。





针对自己所了解的某一项目列出其利益相关方。 要求在介绍项目名称、工期及交付物要求的基础上,列出利益相关者的名单。

三种矩阵式组织形式中,( )形式中项目经理的权限相对最大。

对于风险较大、技术较为复杂的大型项目,最好采用( )组织。

对于规模较小、偏重于技术的项目,比较适合采用( )组织。

一般认为,( )是针对个人而言建立的,它强调的是对从事项目管理人所具备的能力要素,是一个对人的能力进行综合考核的评判体系。

国际项目经理资质认证(ipmp)分为( )个等级。


( )属于影响对项目组织形式选择的基本因素。

采用职能型组织结构,可能会出现的情形有( )

项目式组织的优点是( )。




国际上主要的两大证书体系分别是pmi的( )和ipma的ipmp。

国际项目经理资质认证(ipmp)分为( )(数字)个等级。

国际上主要的两大证书体系分别是pmi的pmp和ipma的( )。

pmi是( )的英文名称的简称。

强矩阵组织中每个项目都有最高领导者任命的( )。

1、 请结合实际情况分析你所在的某个组织,分析在某一项目实施时适合采用哪种组织结构形式,为什么?

在项目团队的发展过程中,冲突最大的阶段是( )。

赫茨伯格把凡是能促使员工产生( )的因素称为激励因素。

项目经理应当承担( )角色。

一般情况下,人都有一种归属于一个群体的需求,这种需求依照马斯洛的需求层次理论,就是( )。

团队内的领导层次明确,而且结构也比较稳定,并开始出现一定的凝聚力,这是项目团队发展的( )阶段。

下列项目团队的激励措施中,( )是激励因素。

项目团队除了成员具有共同的目标和相互信任外,还具有( )特性。

项目经理与职能经理一样也要行使( )职能。

项目经理的权力包括( )。

下列属于项目经理责任的有( )。






项目经理应具备良好的道德素质,这种道德素质包括社会道德素质,和( )道德素质。

目标设置理论指出,目标能把人的( )转变为动机,使人们的行为朝着一定的方向努力。

通过消除或削弱令个体不愉快或不希望的,从而使个体的某种行为变得更加可能发生,称为( )。

公平理论认为,人们的工作动机不仅受绝对报酬的影响,还受到( )的影响。

请针对如何成为一名优秀的项目经理阐述自己的观点,涉及: 优秀项目经理的素质要求 优秀项目经理的知识结构 优秀项目经理的领导行为

在项目的环境中,“范围”指的是( )。

工作包是( )。

( )包含详细的工作包说明。

假设某软件开发设项目其中一个工作包所需的时间,乐观估计需要10天,悲观估计需要38天,最可能的估计需要21天,按照pert方法进行工期估算,该工作包的工期应该为( )。

项目范围管理活动中通常不会包括( )。

工作持续时间估计的主要工具和方法有( )。

项目范围确认生成的主要文件有( )。

影响项目范围变更的因素主要有( )。





项目工作在时间上具有的紧前紧后关系可进一步分为逻辑关系和( )两大类。

用来描述项目的目标、工作内容、可交付成果和最终产品的文件是( )。

项目范围说明书与工作分解结构图以及工作分解结构词典共同构成了项目的( )。



项目资源计划编制的方法中( )是指从项目的下级开始进行资源估算,逐级汇总到上一层的方法。

资源负荷图绘制的步骤包括( )


项目费用预算的特征包括( )

自下而上估计法的优点说确的是( )


一项工作的最早开始时间是第5天,最迟开始时间是第13天,最早完成时间是第9天,最迟完成时间是第17天,该工作( )。

下列关于网络图绘制规则描述中,正确的有( )。

计划评审技术(pert)和关键线路法(cpm)的主要区别是( )。

下列关于关键路径的描述中,正确的是( )。

某项工作的最迟完成时间取决于( )。

某项工作有两项紧后工作,这两项紧后工作的最早开始时间分别是第15天和第18天,该项工作的最早开始时间和最迟开始时间分别是第6天和第9天,该项工作的持续时间为9天。则该项工作( )。

对某一个项目来说,可能( )。

下列关于项目的虚工作描述正确的有(    )。

已知某项目的双代号网络图如下所示,下列描述中正确的是( )。

单代号网络计划中(    )。











能够管理项目利益相关者的期望,并且平衡相关者利益的是( )

戴明 pdca循环的四个过程是( )

下列方法中,能描述由不同的原因相互作用所产生的潜在问题的方法是( )

以下说确的是( )

项目质量保证包括( )

下列方法中,能找出发生次数少,但对项目质量影响程度大的因素的方法是( )

以下说确的是( )

旧城改造项目的利益相关者有( )

质量管理计划描述了( )

帕累托图说明( )

在产品缺陷的投诉中,其中一个问题占67%,另一个问题占15%,为找出投诉的共同原因,不应该选什么工具和技术?( )








1 项目信息是( )

2 建立项目信息管理的基础是( )

3 下列有关沟通论述正确的是( )

4 单项沟通与双向沟通一个最主要的区别是( )

1 项目信息管理包括项目信息收集、项目信息传递、_________、项目信息使用。

2 项目沟通渠道包括上行沟通、下行沟通和________。

对于冲突,传统观点认为( )

下列冲突诱因属于被动诱因的是( )

引发项目冲突的根源是( )

在项目冲突认知和人格化阶段,( )是解决冲突的重要影响因素。




当对项目冲突可能的解决方法进行选择时,项目经理人应该首先( )

项目冲突的诊断思考的思路有( )

对于项目目标实现影响较大的冲突,应该采取( )

对待冲突有两种观念:一种是害怕冲突,尽力避免冲突;一种是认为冲突既然普遍存在, 冲突才是上策

在冲突双方势均力敌、难分胜负时, 也许是较为恰当的解决方式。

编制项目管理程序手册时,应以( )为基础来定义项目输入和输出。

项目管理程序手册可以分为三层文件体系,其中第二层文件为( )。

企业高层领导对项目管理过程指导、监督和考核系统是( )文件的主要内容。

下面不属于莫里斯提出的成功管理项目的影响因素的是( )。

对所有项目,下面不属于判断其成功的标准的是( )。

成功的项目管理是项目的( )对于项目管理成果的认可和欣赏。







which of the following statements is true about the tower of babel?ity.

when you meet a friend in the morning and say “吃早饭了吗” to him or her, what function of language are you using?

saussure's "langue" is simialr to chomsky's _______.

why do people like reading poems?

chomsky made the distinction between _______________.

as modern linguistics aims to describe and yze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for “correct” linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___________.

“i can refer to confucius even though he died 2000 years ago.” this shows that language has the design feature of __________.

by_______is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.

when people use language to express attitudes, feelings and emotions, people are using the ____________function of language.

language is not only used to exchange information, it can also perform many other functions, such as to express emotions or to persuade others, etc.

_______studies the human speech organs and the way in which the speech sounds are produced.

how many types of syllables are mentioned in the lecture?

why is the example of george bernard shaw mentioned in the lecture?

what does “liaison” mean in phonetics?

which of the following is not r-linking?

which of the following makes an acceptable combination in english for the three letters b, s, u?

what is the proper way to pronounce the same sound linking, such as “kiss someone”?

how do we judge whether a sound is a vowel or a consonant?

which one is a closed syllable?

there are no principles or rules for the pronunciation of english words.

the speech organs you might use include 3 parts : nose, mouth, throat

there are in total______ vowels in english speech sounds. (numbers)

there are in total ______ consonants in english speech sounds. (numbers)

vowels can be ided into different catagories according to __________.

there are 5 triphthongs in english vowels.

the sound [a:] is an ______ back tense unrounded vowel.

the sound [i:] is a _____front tense unrounded vowel.

in phonetics, [p], [b] and [m] are called _________ sounds based on their place of articulation.

consonants, based on whether the vocal cords are vibrating in their production, can be classified into ________ consonants and voiceless consonants.

__________ is a voiced alveolar stop.

the sound /f/ is _________________.

the different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the ____ of that phoneme.

a phone is a phonetic unit that distinguishes meaning.

a phone is represented with “[]”, while a phoneme is represented with “//”.

a phone is a _____ unit, while a phoneme is a ______unit.

using the diacritics(标音符号), _____________ transcription captures as many aspects of a specific pronunciation as possible and makes very subtle distinctions between sounds.

english phonemes areided into vowels and consonants. the distinction between the two lies in the obstruction of __________.

vowel sounds can be differentiated by a number of factors: the position of tongue in the mouth, the openness of the mouth, the shape of the lips, and the length of the vowels.

phonology is concerned with particular speech sounds in daily life.

two allophones occur in different phonetic environments and they complement each other in distribution, so they are in_____ ______.

how many consonants can the coda of a syllable contain?

“sea”is an open syllable.

the more prominent syllable is called a___syllable.

what does the word "whodunit" mean?

which branch of linguistics studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed?

which morpheme is not a bound one?

which affix is not an inflectional affix?

which morphemes are bound?

a root is the basic unchangeable part of a word, and it conveys the main meaning of the word. roots are always free.

which type of words expresses grammatical meanings?

which type of words has new members?

the allest meaning-bearing unit is a morpheme. how many morphemes are there in the word sunshine?

a derivational affix serves to derive a new word when it is added to another morpheme.

what is the term referring to words having more than one meaning?

in english, words usually have more than one meaning. there is no word which has only one meaning.

which language made the greatest impact upon the changes of english spelling?

what is the flemish way of english spelling?

which of the following words is formed by affixation?

which of the following words is formed by compounding?

which of the following words is formed by affixation?

which words are formed by blending?

which types of word forms become shorter?

the way to join two separate words to produce a single form is called compounding.

back-formation is an unusually abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language.

how many reasons are mentioned for words having more than one meaning?

which of the following is not influenced by its etymology?

which of the following statements is not true about the word “ball”?

which is not the factor influencing the changes of english spelling?

all letters were pronounced in old english.

all polysemy words have only one central or basic meaning.

what does the example “is everyone here” try to tell us?

in the example, the coach said “we didn’t play well today”. what is implied? it means “ .”

which of the following is not implied in “i haven’t eaten breakfast”?

what is the difference between “i didn’t eat breakfast” and “i haven’t eaten breakfast”?

what is implied in “i am writing a book”?

which of the following is grammatically correct but sounds strange?

“michael broke the window.” is more about what michael did, and “the window was broken by michael.” is more about what happened to the window.

which of the two sentences sounds more natural? a. if you play football on the road, a car may hit you. b. if you play football on the road, you may be hit by a car.

what is the major way to express tenses in english?

the present tense does not only mean what is true now. it can also refer to events in the past and the future.

the meaning of a sentence remains the same when it is changed from the active voice to the passive voice.

which of the two sentences sounds more natural? _____. a. you didn't receive the check? they must have delayed it in the mail. b. you didn't receive the check? it must have been delayed in the mail.

"politician" and "statean" differ in ______.

______ is the study of the linguistic meaning of words and sentences.

the absence of a word in a particular place in a lexical field is called _______.

the relationship between "tulip / flower" is ______.

the relationship between "married / single" is ______.

i bought some roses " ______ " i bought some flowers.

"can i borrow your bike?" ______ "you have a bike."

________ refers to the relation between a pair of sentences, in which the truth of the second sentence necessarily follows from both the truth and falsity of the first sentence.

what are language resources?

isolated sounds or letters do not have meaning.

what does “you are such a good friend!” mean?

what is pragmatics?

which of the following verbs is not often used in presupposition?

from this lesson, how many ways do people use language to serve their purposes?

which of the following sounds most polite?

when expressing meaning, we don’t just use language, we need additional information. match the term with its explanation. information about the speaker and hearer.

when expressing meaning, we don’t just use language, we need additional information. match the term with its explanation. information about the purpose.

_____ deals with how meaning was used and negotiated in the context.

_____ studies meaning isolated from context.

________is the act of speaker’s intention.

________is the effect of the utterance on the hearer.

sentences in which there is a miatch between the form and function are called _______.

there are basically 3 different sentence types:

(a): professor john’s lecture is so boring. (b): what a nice day! let’s go for a picnic. which maxim does (b) flout?

(a)-how did jimmy do his history exam? (b)-not very well. teachers asked him things that happened before he was born. which maxim does (b) flout?

whenever there is a direct relationship between a structure and a function, we have a direct speech act

according to grice, conversational implicature occurs when a maxim of cooperative principle is flouted.

chomsky put forward the cooperative principle.

the sentence structure is ________.

which of the following is not included in the three classes of syntactic relations?

morphology focus on the structure and ordering of components within a sentence.

the structural approach was started by the swiss linguist saussure.

which of the following is not included in the three classes of syntactic relations?

positional relations are also called _________.

relations of subsitutability are also called ___________.

immediate constituents analysis is a way to diantle a grammatical construction in________ .

when language is used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contact rather than for exchanging information or ideas, it serves a(n) _____ function.

in systemic functional grammar, three functions are_________.

in a clause, old information is called theme, while new information is called rheme.

immediate constituent ysis is the approach to ide the sentence into its immediate constituents by using binary cutting until obtaining its allest grammatical units.

ic ysis stands for image constituent ysis

________ construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i.e., a word or a group of words, which serves as a definable centre or head.

the syntactic constructions can be ided into ______________.

how many tree diagrams could be used to yze the structure of sentence?

the play pygmalion was named after a greek myth.

chinese dialects differ in their_____.

the so-called internet hot words, or web buzzwords, can be viewed as part of a(n) ______.

what was the case of labov mentioned for?

dialects not only indicate _______difference but also suggest________ gaps in language.

non-standard language refers to the variety of a language assigned with the highest status in a country or state.

regional dialect is a variety of a language spoken in a specific geographic area.

in which of the following countries is english not used as an official language?

the language difference between england and scotland is called .

there is no absolute standard english.

in general, ____ speakers tend to use less hedges and tag questioms than their ____ counterparts with the same social background.

man interrupt more often to gain a floor than women.

in written, three most common language registers are________

halliday proposes three dimensions of ysis, they are ________

how many versions does sapir-whorf hypothesis have?

we can think while remaining conscious of our thinking process.

the reasom why there is only one word for camel in english while more than 400 words for camel in arabic is that our life environment influnces our language.

language influences how we perceive the things around us.

contemporary psycholinguistics mainly deals with such issues as______.

logically, language production contains three major steps: conceptualization, formulation, and_______.

formulation could be further ided into_______ and ________.

we don’t only perceive the things. what else do we also perceive?

which of the following scholars holds the view that "language system forms thought"?

according to lakoff and johnson, which of the following statements is not true?

how many metaphors are there in the sentence “my mother was a magician at stretching a dollar”?

tom is like a lion. 属于“明喻”。

chinese students often make some translation mistakes in english because of their different ways of metaphorical cognition.

audilingual teaching method stems from the behaviorist perspective.


for behaviorists, children learn their first language through ___.

简单的输入输出:编程实现输入姓、名的提示语并接受用户输入,并单独显示姓、名和全名,执行效果如下所示: input your surname: zhang input your firstname: dazhuang your surname is: zhang your firstname is: dazhuang your full name is: zhang dazhuang 在看参考程序之前你成功了吗? 【参考答案】 surname = input('input your surname: ') firstname = input('input your firstname: ') print('your surname is:', surname) print('your firstname is:', firstname) print('your full name is:', surname, firstname)

用字典创建一个平台的用户信息(包含用户名和密码)管理系统,新用户可以用与现有系统帐号不冲突的用户名创建帐号,已存在的老用户则可以用用户名和密码登陆重返系统。你完成了吗?建议程序框架为: def newusers(): enter a name if the name is used in the system: enter again else: set the password … … def oldusers(): enter the username and password if password is right: print(name, 'welcome back ') else: print('login incorrect') … … def login(): option = ''' (n)ew user login (o)ld user login (e)xit """ enter the option ''' if __name__ == '__main__': login()

1.what is the lexical ersity?

2. which of the following is the most specific?

3. which of the following does not belong to the same group in terms of the degree of being specific?

4. what quality of an essay do signal words help a lot to improve?

in which period did geoffrey chaucer live?

in which period did william shakespeare live?

middle english period begins from ______________.

norman conquest happened in the period of ____________.

the influence of the renaissance mainly happened in the period of _______________.

three languages existed side by side at middle english period. they are _________.

which of the words are borrowed from french?

what are the borrowings in the old english period from?

which of the following events influenced modern english?

which of the following words are borrowed from chinese?

how many words are there in english? at least:

in the phrase “modern english vocabulary” , vocabulary refers to ____________.

how many morphemes does the word "internationalization" have?

how many morphemes does the word "predictable" have?

morphemes can be classified as _______________________.

which of the followings are the definition for word?

what does the form of a word refer to?

which of the followings are morphemes?

which of the following words include inflectional morphemes?

bound morphemes include ________________.

which is the superordinate of the following group of words?

which is the superordinate of the following group of words?

which is the superordinate of the following group of words?

strong __________________

powerful _____________

synonyms must be similar in meaning and in part of speech.

foreign words provide a most important source of english synonyms.

synonyms are identical in denotation but only different in style and affection.

foreign words are generally more formal than native words and french words am less formal than latin words.

what is the lexical ersity?

which of the following is the most specific?

which of the following does not belong to the same group in terms of the degree of being specific?

what quality of an essay do signal words help a lot to improve?

the synonyms of "unhappy" are _________________.

the synonyms of "times" are ________________.

the synonyms of "in good mood" are _________________.

the subordinates of the word "scientists" are ___________________.

put the following antonyms under the right type. all—large ________________

put the following antonyms under the right type. doctor—patient ________________

put the following antonyms under the right type. give—receive ________________

put the following antonyms under the right type. male—female ________________

________ is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until, in many cases, there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning.

replace the underlined word with its homonym based on the context. i really must do some more exercise or i’ll never lose wait.

replace the underlined word with its homonym based on the context. watching sport on tv is such a waist of time.

replace the underlined word with its homonym based on the context. there is a hole in the soul of my shoe.

replace the underlined word with its homonym based on the context. he broke a pear of glasses in the kitchen window.

replace the underlined word with its homonym based on the context. the eldest son of the monarch is the air to the throne.

1. the three appeals are the following except_________.

2. please read the poem and identify the phonological devices used in it. the eagle alfred, lord tennyson (1809 – 1892) he clasps the crag with crooked hands; close to the sun in lonely lands, ringed with the azure world, he stands. the wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; he watches from his mountain walls, and like a thunderbolt he falls. which phonological device(s) is /are used in this poem?

3. simile can be found in all of the sentences except __________.

4. metaphor can be found in all of the following sentences except__________.

onomatopoeia belongs to _________________ rhetorical device.

simile and metaphor belong to ________________ rhetorical devices.

in “life is like a box of chocolates” the tenor is __________________.

in "some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." the vehicle is ____________________.

rhetorical devices fall into three classifications. they include _________________.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. the old car moaned as it was climbing the mountain road.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. "we won!" my boss chortled in joy.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. he feels as if he could crumb the earth into pieces.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. many software programs are able to read the users' psychology.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. the boss sucks the workers' blood.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. many americans were worried that the war in iraq would become a second vietnam war.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. to heaven or to hell, i'll go with you.

1. which of the following sentences is metonymy?

2. oxymoron can be found in the following sentences except________.

3. paralleli can be found in the following speeches except__________.

1. chiaus can be found in the following advertisement slogans except__________

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. ignorance is joy.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. the pen is mightier than the sword.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. he is a clever creature.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. the hall applauded.

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. to earn one’s bread

identify the figurative language used in the sentence. you achieve your goal only to find out that it's not what you want!

rewrite each sentence by changing the underlined words, using a suffix. 1 most of his crimes can be forgiven. most of his crimes are ..................................

2 the club refuses to admit anyone not wearing a tie. the club refuses ................................. to anyone not wearing a tie.

3 her only fault is that she is lazy. her only fault is ..................................

4 this firm has produced a lot in recent years. this firm has been very ................................. in recent years.

5 i found the book very easy and pleasant to read. i found the book very ..................................

compounding are words formed by combining affixes and stems.

open compounds look like free phrases as the elements forming each word are written separately.

the meaning of a compound is usually the combination of the stem.

using the prefix construct words or phrases to replace the underlined words. change the form if necessary. the bbc tries to avoid pronouncing foreign words incorrectly. the bbc tries to avoid ________________ foreign words.

using the prefix construct words or phrases to replace the underlined words. change the form if necessary. most people say they have to work too hard but paid too little. most people say they are ______________ but __________________.

which negative adjective fits the following definition? ................................. means not having a huand or wife.

conversion refers to the use of words of one class as that of a different class.

the conversion between nouns and verbs may involve a change of stress.

words mainly involved in conversion are nouns, verbs and adverbs.

we can't stomach such an insult. the converted word is _______________.

come to the fire and have a warm. the converted word is ______________.

the word "sitcome" is a blend of ____________.

the word "skylab" is a blend of ________________.

the word "emote" is back-formed from _____________.

点的y坐标,即点到 的距离。

h面上的点,其 坐标值为0。

两点的w面投影重合,则这两点只有 坐标不相等。

过空间一点的h面投影作水平线,过其w面投影作竖直线,一定交于过原点的一条 上。

oz 轴上的特殊点,其 投影重合。








若直线平行于h面,则其h面投影是倾斜的,且等于直线的实长,且h面投影可反映直线与 面的倾角。

若交叉直线的w面投影相交,此处的“交点”不是同一点的投影,而是两点的重影。这两个重影点的可见性可由 投影中两点的投影位置来判断。


一般位置直线的实长,可以由直线的 所构成的直角三角形的斜边作出。










一般位置平面对h面的倾角,等于该平面上一条 对h面的倾角。

平面图形的投影 其空间实形。







特殊位置的线面、面面相交共有___ ___种情况。

直线与平面及平面与平面相交共有___ __种情况。

用辅助平面法求一般位置直线和平面的交点,一般分为___ __个步骤。























《土木工程制图习题集》(第4版)p14页,其中,第5题不做;p15页第1和第2题。 仅提交14页,第15页作业不交。


《土木工程制图习题集》(第4版): (1)p18页,其中,第6题为课堂练习题,作业不做。 (2)p19页。



画剖面图时,剖切位置线的长度宜为( )

画剖面图时,投射方向线的长度宜为( )

在右侧的四个图a、b、c、d中,正确的a-a剖面图是( )

下方的平面图对应的局部剖面图为( )

下方的平面图对应的局部剖面图为( )

下方的平面图对应的局部剖面图为( )





第二章 单元作业

第三章 单元作业

第四章 单元作业

第五章 单元作业

第六章 单元作业

第七章 单元作业

第八章 单元作业

第九章 单元作业

第十章 单元作业

第十一章 单元作业

第十二章 单元作业

第十三章 单元作业

第十四章 单元作业

第十四章 单元作业(2)

写明作业章节,再上传图片: 第二章 单元作业 第三章 单元作业 第四章 单元作业 第五章 单元作业 第六章 单元作业 第七章 单元作业 第八章 单元作业 第九章 单元作业 第十章 单元作业 第十一章 单元作业 第十二章 单元作业 第十三章 单元作业 第十四章 单元作业 第十四章 单元作业(2)

