西汉初期,思想家___ 提出“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,让儒家礼教成为定制。
礼仪的实质就是一个字——___ 。
俗话说“礼多人不怪”,所以,人际交往中礼越多越好。( )
修养的内涵主要包括思想修养、文化修养和审美修养。 ( )
礼仪的特征主要体现在继承性、差异性、针对性和规范性等四点上。 ( )
孔子的“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼”使当时的社会尊老爱幼蔚然成风。 ( )
“一人之辩,重于九鼎之宝,三寸之舌,强于百万之师”出自司马迁的《史记》 。
俗话说 “善言,能赢得听众;善听,才会赢得朋友”,所以,与人交谈,要少说多听。
“tpo”原则是国际上公认的穿衣原则,它是三个英文单词的缩写,告诉我们穿衣要注意 、地点和目的。
“个人形象礼仪”主要包含了仪容礼仪、 礼仪和仪态礼仪。
职场上男士的发型要做到“三个不”,即 ,侧不掩耳,背不及领。
女性在职场上有一种裙子最好不要穿,那就是 。
男士着西服时,皮带、 和手中的公文包最好是同种颜色,同一质地。
男士的单排扣西装有两粒扣与三粒扣之分,若为两粒扣,只扣上面一粒;若是三粒扣,则要全扣上。 ( )
珍贵的饰物虽然夺目,但若佩戴过多,反而会喧宾夺主,选择的饰物数量为2-6个点,以少为佳。 ( )
女性站立时,应当注意的基本要素是挺拔、均衡和自然,双脚微开。 ( )
男士着西服时应穿浅颜色的袜子。 ( )
仪态主要包括形体、站姿、走姿、坐姿、蹲姿和手势。 ( )
二月兰是( )。
地下部分形态正常,不发生变态的多年生花卉是( )。
( ) 是仙人掌与多浆植物的分布中心。
百合是( )。
《 》 是我国最早的一部地方花卉园艺书籍。
地中海气候型是多种 花卉分布中心。
孔子称 为“王者之香”。
《 》是我国第一部也是世界第一部插花专著。
某些植物在个体生长发育过程中,必须经历一段时间的持续低温才能由营养生长阶段转入生殖生长阶段,这一现象称为 。
温度的“三基点”为最低点、 、最高点。
热带和亚热带地区(赤道附近地区、低纬度)主要分布 日照植物。
花卉在生长发育的某一阶段需要一定的光照与黑暗交替的条件才能进入开花期,这种现象称为 。
下列属于旱生花卉的是( )。
下列不属于旱生花卉形态和内部构造特征的是( )。
下列属于湿生花卉的是( )。
最适合大部分花卉生长的土壤是( )。
喜生长于酸性土壤的花卉是( )。
若要提高土壤酸碱度,可施用( )。
适合做扦插基质的是( )。
促进花卉营养生长、利于叶绿素合成、使叶色浓绿、花叶肥大的元素是( )。
有利于增强花卉的抗寒性和抗病性的元素是( )。
对so2 抗性强的花卉是( )。
标准含水量高的种子可采取的贮藏方法为( )
露地一年生花卉的播种时期为( )
露地二年生花卉的播种时期为( )
王莲种子的贮藏方法为( )
睡莲种子的贮藏方法为( )
下列不属于分生繁殖特点的是( )。
能进行分株繁殖的花卉是( )。
可进行鳞片扦插繁殖的是( )。
可用叶腋间长出的黑色珠芽进行繁殖的花卉是( )。
不属于扦插繁殖优点的是( )。
可用叶片进行扦插繁殖的花卉是( )
将母体植株掘起分成数丛,每丛都带有根、茎、叶、芽,另行栽植,培育成独立生活的新植株的方法,称( )。
利用植物营养器官的再生能力或分生机能,将其从母株上切取,在适宜条件下,促使其发生不定根和不定芽,成为新植株的繁殖方法,称( )。
依选取植物器官的不同、插穗成熟度的不一可将扦插分为( )、茎插和根插。
以完整叶片为插穗,依扦插位置分为平置法和( )。
冬季对花卉进行灌水,应选择( )为宜。
花卉生产中,为了保证不同个体均匀一致的生长,需要进行( )。
盆花栽培中,既能保证土壤快速充分吸水,又能防止盆土表层发生板结的灌水方法是( )。
草甘膦属于( )类型的除草剂。
切花栽培过程中可以促进侧枝数量增加的措施是( )。
盆栽花卉栽培中,水分管理常用的原则是( )。
下列措施中可以起到防寒作用的有( )。
当土壤酸性过高不适宜花卉生长时,可采用( )进行改良。
以下属于有机基质的是( )。
下列花卉中,短日处理可以促进开花的有( )。
营养液膜技术在栽培管理中经常遇到的困难是( )。
以下属于无土栽培优点的有( )。
花期调控中常用的措施包括( )。
花境中应用的主要花卉类别是( )
花坛的应用形式为( )
水面造景主要采用的是( )
不属于岩生花卉形态共性的特征是( )
用蔓性草本花卉通过攀援对园林立面空间进行垂直绿化的形式是( )
荷兰著名的每年一度的花车中花车的造型为( )
水面造景通常应留出1/2-1/3 水面。
果实为红色的室内观赏植物的是( )。
花期长达5个月的室内球根花卉是( )。
可以四季开花的室内花卉的是( )。
属于天南星科的室内观赏植物是( )。
开花时,主要观赏部位为苞片的室内观赏植物是( )。
极耐荫的室内观赏植物是( )。
属于棕榈科的室内观叶植物是( )。
冬季夜间温度要求在10℃以上的室内观赏植物是( )。
耐湿性强,生长期要求较高空气湿度的室内观赏植物是( )。
( )是兰花的独特构造,是区别兰科与其他科植物的主要特征。
( )是变态茎,由根状茎上生出的芽膨大而成,是贮藏养分和水分的器官。
叶多浆植物的贮水组织主要分布在( )
一二年生花卉的主要繁殖方法是( )。
属于二年生花卉的是( )。
属于一年生花卉的是( )。
既可以做一年生花卉栽培也可以作二年生花卉栽培的是( )。
可美化棚架、篱垣等作垂直绿化使用的一二年生花卉是( )。
具有自播繁衍特性,早春开紫色花的二年生花卉是( )。
可作为冬季花坛主要花材的二年生花卉是( )。
同属于菊科的一年生花卉是( )。
秋季开红色花的一年生花卉是( )。
属于耐寒性宿根花卉是( )。
属于不耐寒性宿根花卉是( )。
夏季(6-8月)开花的宿根花卉是( )。
春季(3-5月)开花的宿根花卉是( )。
属于菊科的宿根花卉是( )。
一株一茎一花的菊花栽培形式称为( )。
喜水湿,适合生长在水体边的鸢尾属花卉是( )。
夏季开白色花的宿根花卉是( )。
开黄色花的宿根花卉是( )。
地下茎为鳞茎的球根花卉的是( )。
地下茎为球茎的球根花卉的是( )。
地下茎为块茎的球根花卉的是( )。
地下的根成块状的球根花卉的是( )。
属于春植球根花卉的是( )。
属于秋植球根花卉的是( )。
冬季室内开白色花的球根花卉是( )。
属于百合科的球根花卉是( )。
生长期间花叶不见面的球根花卉是( )。
下列为挺水花卉的是( )
下列为浮水花卉的是( )
下列为沉水花卉的是( )
夏季开紫色花的水生花卉为( )
下列为鸢尾科的水生花卉是( )
下列为天南星科的水生花卉是( )
睡莲为( )
开黄色花的水生花卉是( )
不耐寒的水生花卉是( )
the president failed to fulfill his ____ to his voters and failed in his second term
he ____ the map and tried to find out which way to go.
their relationship ____ since their graduation to two different cities.
friends are forever comforts. _____ i go, their care follows.
could you give the ____ of this word in a brief way?
the _____ for the relationship between the young is believed to be pleasure.
“when we approach the notion of friendship, our first problem is that…” (para. 1),here “notion” means ______.
when speaking of “friendship based on utility”,aristotle believed this kind of friendship was _____.
after careful exam, the expert claimed that this painting was _____.
the government has very strict rules _____ the use of chemicals in food.
i’ll borrow ______ tent you are not using now.
as the saying _____, there is no such thing as a free lunch.
today’s culture is ______ “fast food culture”, in which people pursue the greatest satisfaction within the shortest time.
o henry is a famous novelist who is known for the ____ ending in his short stories.
the two images in after twenty years impress the readers deeply due to o henry’s great effort in describing people’s _____.
which of the following is not o. henry’s representative work?
he was ____ arrest when drugs were found in his bag at the customs.
which of the following explains jimmy, the policeman in after twenty years, would not arrest his friend in person?
ancient scholars classified friendship into three types, respectively they are friendship based on utility, on pleasure and on goodness.
friendship based on goodness is rare because it requires time and intimacy.
only those who prove themselves worthy of love and trust to each other can become good friends.
cicero believed that only those who are not greedy, who are pure and who are brave can be good friends.
a friend is like a mirror from which you can know yourself better.
the moral excellence of friendship involves self-development in sympathy, concern and care.
friendship based on utility often happens between the old because they need to develop each other.
according to the author, friendship based on pleasure is easy to _______.
“goodness” in the text can be understood as ______.
both aristotle and cicero believed that genuine friendship only happened between ______.
from the perspective of writing, this article takes ______ as a major way to present different classic views on friendship.
virtuous friends are bound by _______________, which involves a high level of development and expression of the altruistic emotions of sympathy, concern and care.
according to cicero, in true friendship, those who possess any superiority must regard themselves as ______ of those who are less fortunate.
how did hitler view german athletes during the 1936 olympic games held in berlin?
which event was owens expected to win easily?
which of the following might not be used to describe luz long?
why did everyone expect owens to win the olympic event?
where did the 1936 summer olympic games held?
“something must be eating you” means:
“take pains” means:
which of the following is not the description of pierre de couberlin?
to what did owens compare his friendship with long?
which of the following is not the olympic spirit revealed by luz long?
the professor paused to consult his notes, and then ________ to ask us some more questions.
in order to win in the school track and field meeting, he __________ himself to practice running every day.
their team failed to _______ for the world cup even though they had trained like crazy.
in the race he will ________ against world-class runners, which is a real challenge to him.
the tourists were___ by a guide when they were visiting the great wall.
the captain ___ the passengers about the strength.
in a few moments the vinegar will __ and so will your odors(气味).
he got rather drunk and made a ___ of himself .
successful are those who are willing to take ___ to work hard.
ben franklin was one of the ___ of the american republic.
he failed to _______ a new record, but it was a good attempt.
the dollar fell to within a hair's breadth of its ___ low.
the party ___ to be very successful.
the ___of studying music can help children develop good work habits
jesse owens was a ______ athlete from america.
when the time came for the broad-jump trials, jesse was surprised to see luz, because _________ had luz under wraps.
jesse made several mistakes during the trials, because he was ________ at the master race theory.
luz long himself didn’t believe in the ___________ business.
luz long was the perfect example of the olympic _________.
jesse owens and luz long became lifelong ________ during the 1936 olympic games.
who is morrie schartz?.
whose story did mitch bring to morrie?
how did morrie propose his suggestion to get happiness?
what have american people been brainwashed into believing according to morrie?
which of the following sentences doesn’t use euphemi?
what confusion did morrie find in american people in general?
why does mitch say that morrie's house had "changed so drastically"?
what does the phrase "those things" in paragraph 15 refer to?
why is it important for morrie to hear other people's problems when he was suffering so much himself?
what was mitch's pursuit according to the text?
we ____________honey for sugar in making the cake and it tasted much better.
which of the following explains "beyond one's grasp"?
which of the following explains " economical with the truth "?
what does "an open heart" mean in the last sentence of paragraph 23?
what can you infer from the text about morrie's philosophy of life?
which of the following words best fill in the sentence? it's difficult for us to __________ these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.
i still cried _____ his misfortune and prayed for him even though he's hurt me so deeply.
i didn't find the film exciting. ___________, i nearly fell asleep through it !
she wrote down all the things she planned to do and crossed them_____ one by one after she did them.
the old lady lives alone; some of his nephews ___________ to see her occasionally.
he is such a showy guy. all he did is to _______________ his new car.
no one should be ____________________ because of his origin, appearance or education.
blank filling with one of the given words. envious interpret snatch fearful of overwhelmed with honest with he ________ the photos from my hand before i had a chance to look at them.
blank filling with one of the given words. envious interpret snatch fearful of overwhelmed with honest with to be ________ you , i don't like his casual style of speaking. it was not appropriate for the occasion.
blank filling with one of the given words. envious interpret snatch fearful of overwhelmed with honest with being __________ running into that mad man, emily didn't take her usual way to the company.
which of the following is not related to annotation?
what figure of speech is adopted in the sentence “part of the student body was a beanpole with hair on top who came into my class…”?
“to show more than tell” is to write in a manner that allows the reader to experience the story through a character’s ___________.
which of the following is not an example of metonymy?
which of the following is not part of the six arts in ancient chinese culture?
the total expense for our three-day trip comes to $360 which __________ at 120 per day.
having ___ over the company for 30 years, he has witnessed all its ups and downs.
in college his major was biology, but now he _____ in the sale of computers.
what is the definition of synecdoche?
in the following sentence, “dan loves to take his boat out on the waves”, what word is an example of synecdoche?
what a shame that our experiment failed! it was, _____, worth trying.
no words will ______ to convey his deep grief at the death of his beloved daughter.
without any training or experience, how could the young man preside ___ such a big company?
what’s the attitude of the author towards the pharmacy student’s purpose in life?
in jean-jacques rousseau’s words, “we are born weak, we need ______; helpless, we need ____; foolish, we need reason.”
william shakespeare's greatest tragedies are: hamlet, ______, king lear and ______.
workers usually demand high wages while the boss always seeks high profits—it’s almost impossible to ___________ these two aims.
which one is not true about john a. ciardi?
who translated the english-language version of dante’s “the divine comedy”?
___________ everyone in your class knows that the party has been put off until next week.
now that both julie and her huand have lost their jobs, how will they ____ their sons and daughters?
he has his own _____ style of solving problems which you’ll soon get used to.
this is the storehouse of our company and customers ___________ entering it.
robert maynard hutchins once said, “the _____ of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.”
john adams once said, “there are two types of education… one should teach us how to ____ __ _______, and the other how to live.”
__________ means to add notes to a book or text, giving explanations or comments.
_______ is a figure of speech that replaces the name of a thing with the name of something else which it is closely associated.
the figure of speech, _______, refers to a thing by the name of one of its parts.
yale is committed to the idea of a ______ _______ education through which students think and learn across disciplines, literally liberating or freeing the mind to its fullest potential.
what does the color red symbolize in western culture?
why does the author call culture shock a kind of ailment?
why do people usually feel anxious in a new environment?
which of the following statements is correct?
what is the first phase of culture shock according to the author?
what is the nature of culture according to the text?
what determines whether a child uses chopsticks or a fork to eat?
what does the word “regression” (para. 3) mean?
what will happen if you criticize a person’s country?
which of the following is not a solution to culture shock mentioned in the text?
what is author’s advice at the end of the article?
no matter how good you are at handling culture shock, remember that you are always ______.
what is the most attractive hair color to western people?
why do chinese people always make disparaging remarks about themselves when they are complimented?
in the movie, what is the thing the young american man should not do at the dinner in a chinese family?
why do american children call their parents by name directly?
which one is not included in the symbols and signs of social intercourse?
how can you learn about other people’s interest according to the author?
is an inidual born with culture?
which odd number is considered lucky for chinese?
in text b, why did girl’s mother mention rich’s freckles when asked about her opinion of rich?
what does the girl say about freckles?
how will rich’s relation with his girlfriend develop?
what is the author’s attitude towards culture shock?
in order to overcome culture shock, the priority is to conquer ___________.
the word “ethnocentri” (paragraph 5) means _________________.
lack of understanding of others’ ____________________ is responsible for culture shock.
the phrase “someone has a black eye” means _____________.
in the movie “the joy luck club”, the chinese girl’s mother compares her boyfriend’s freckles to __________.
the suffix “-” means ________.
下面那些字符串可以由文法g(s)生成 s → ab | b | a0 a → ad | c b → 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 c → 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 d → 0 | b | c
令文法为g(e): e→ e e | e - e | e * e | e / e | ( e ) | i 下面的推导过程是句子i i*i的最右推导的是
文法g(s): s → asqr | abr rq → qr bq → bb br → bc cr → cc 是chomsky哪一型文法?
对任何正规表达式e,都存在一个dfa m,满足l(m)=l(e)。
给定文法g(s): s → abc a → a | ε b → b | ε 非终结符s的 first是
给定文法g(s): s → abc a → a | ε b → b | ε 非终结符a的 follow是
对于文法g(s): s → (l) | a s | a l → l , s | s 句型(s,(a))的句柄是
设有文法g[t]: t→t*f|f f→f↑p|p p→(t)|a 该文法句型t*f↑(t*f)的句柄是下列符号串( )。
一个( )指明了在lr分析过程中的某个时刻所能看到产生式多大一部分
对于文法g(s'),该文法识别活前缀的dfa如下图,状态i5包含的项目有 g(s'): (0) s' → s (1) s → ises (2) s → is (3) s → a
下列动作中,是自下而上分析动作的是( )
若状态k含有项目“a→α·”,对任意非终结符a,都用规则“a →α”归约的语法分析方法是lr(0)分析法。
1. 下列公民中,视为完全民事行为能力人的是( )。( 2017年) a. 赵某, 9岁。系某小学学生 b. 王某, 15岁。系某高级中学学生 c. 张某, 13岁。系某初级中学学生 d. 李某, 17岁。系某宾馆服务员,以自己劳动收入为主要生活来源
2. 下列法律责任形式中,属于行政责任的是( )。( 2017年) a. 支付违约金 b. 罚金 c. 罚款 d. 返还财产
3. 设立于 m省 y市(计划单列市)的甲公司对 y市税务局做出的行政处罚决定不服申请行政复议。下列机关中,有权受理该申请的是( )。( 2017年) a. 税务总局 b.m 省 c.m 省税务局 d.y 市
4. 下列各项中,没有违背会计人员回避制度规定的是( )。 a. 甲单位法定代表人的妻子担任本单位财务部门经理 b. 乙单位会计科长的女儿担任本部门出纳员 c. 丙单位法定代表人的儿子担任财务部门经理 d. 丁单位财务处处长的同学担任本部门出纳员
5. 甲公司向乙企业购买一批原材料,开出一张票面金额为 30万元的银行承兑汇票。出票日期为 2月 10日,到期日为 5月 10日。 4月 6日,乙企业持此汇票及有关发票和原材料发运单据复印件向银行办理了贴现。已知同期银行年贴现率为 3.6%,一年按 360天计算,贴现银行与承兑银行在同一城市。根据票据法律制度的有关规定,银行实付乙企业贴现金额为( )元。( 2008年) a.301680 b.298980 c.298950 d.298320
6. 根据支付结算法律制度的规定,关于个人银行结算账户管理的下列表述中,不正确的是( )。( 2017年) a. 银行可以通过ⅱ类银行账户为存款人提供单笔无限额的存取现金服务 b. 银行可以通过ⅲ类银行账户为存款人提供限定金额的消费和缴费支付服务 c. 银行可以通过ⅰ类银行账户为存款人提供购买投资理财产品服务 d. 银行可以通过ⅱ类银行账户为存款人提供购买投资理财产品服务
7根据营业税改征增值税试点相关规定,下列关于增值税纳税义务发生时间的表述中,不正确的是()。( 2017年) a. 纳税人发生应税行为先开具发票的,为开具发票的当天 b. 纳税人发生视同销售不动产的,为不动产权属变更的当天 c. 纳税人提供租赁服务采取预收款方式的,为租期届满的当天 d. 纳税人从事金融商品转让的,为金融商品所有权转移的当天
2014 年 9月甲公司销售产品取得含增值税价款 117000元,另收取包装物租金 7020元。已知增值税税率为17%,甲公司当月该笔业务增值税销项税额的下列计算中,正确的是( )。( 2015年) a.117000 ÷( 1 17%)× 17%=17000(元) b. ( 117000 7020)÷( 1 17%)× 17%=18020(元) c.117000 × 17%=19890(元) d. ( 117000 7020)× 17%=21083.4(元)
甲首饰店为增值税一般纳税人。 2014年 11月采取“以旧换新”方式销售一批金项链。该批金项链含增值税价款为 140400元,换回的旧项链作价 128700元,甲首饰店实际收取差价款 11700元。已知增值税税率为 17%。甲首饰店当月该笔业务增值税销项税额的下列计算中,正确的是( )。( 2015年) a.140400 ÷( 1 17%)× 17%=20400(元) b.128700 ÷( 1 17%)× 17%=18700(元) c.140400 × 17%=23868(元) d.11700 ÷( 1 17%)× 17%=1700(元)
根据消费税法律制度的规定,下列消费品中,实行从价定率和从量定额相结合的复合计征办法征收消费税的是( )。( 2017年) a. 啤酒 b. 汽油 c. 卷烟 d. 高档手表
学前教育的对象是指对( )阶段儿童的教育。
学前教育的实质就是( )。
以下不属于学前教育特点的是( )。
幼儿教育的年龄阶段为( )。
以下( )因素制约着学前教育的发展。
夸美纽斯为幼儿编写的读本是( )。
“儿童中心论”的倡导者是( )。
认为清末民初幼教机构存在三大弊病:"外国病"、"花钱病"、"富贵病", 提出幼儿教育应面向大众的教育家是( )。
提出“多元智能理论”的是( )?
《爱弥儿》这部著作明确阐述了自然主义教育观,其作者是( )。