
时间:2024-06-24 08:24:49


n型半导体可以在纯净半导体中掺入 元素实现。

p型半导体可以在纯净半导体中掺入 元素实现。

半导体中的少数载流子产生的原因是 。

随着环境温度的升高,半导体二极管的反向电流将 。

在杂质半导体中,多数载流子的浓度取决于 。

当pn结承受反向电压时,其内部电流关系为 。

用数字万用表的电阻档无确测量二极管,你的结论是 。

pn结的内电场方向是 。

齐纳二极管正常稳压时工作在 状态。

二极管基本电路如图所示,已知r = 1kω。当vdd =10v 时,分别应用理想模型和恒压降模型,求得的电流id分别为 和 ;当vdd =1v 时,再分别应用理想模型和恒压降模型,求得的电流id分别为 和 。

pn结中的内电场阻止 的扩散运动,促进 的漂移运动。

p型半导体中的多数载流子是空穴,少数载流子是电子,这种类型的半导体 。

pn结外加正向电压时,其空间电荷区 。

在绝对零度(0k)时,本征半导体中_________ 载流子。


发光二极管必须施加 才能发光;光电二极管正常工作时应加 。

电路如图所示,若vs是振幅为15v的正弦波,则二极管两端的最大反向电压为 v。

电路如图所示,二极管看成是理想的。若vi1=0v,vi2=5v,输出电压vo的值是 。

在使用齐纳二极管时,必须 。

由理想二极管构成的电路如图所示,电压( )v。

稳压管电路如图所示。两稳压管的稳压值均为7v,正向导通电压均为0.7v,其输出电压为( )v。






半导体三极管的特点是 。

npn型三极管工作于饱和状态时,三个电极的电位关系为 。

在放大电路中测得一只三极管三个电极的电位分别为2.8v、3.5v、6v,则这只三极管属于 。

对半导体三极管,测得发射结反偏,集电结反偏,此时该三极管处于 。

对半导体三极管,测得其发射结、集电结均正偏,此时该三极管处于 。

带射极电阻re的共射放大电路,在并联交流旁路电容ce后其电压放大倍数 。

放大电路在小信号运用时的动态特性如au、ri、ro等,应采用的分析方法是 。

在基本共射放大电路中,当输入中频小信号时,输出电压出现了底部削平的失真,这种失真是 。

某放大状态的三极管,测得其管脚电位为:①脚u1=0v,②脚u2=-0.7v,③脚u3=6v。则可判定该管为 。

三种组态的放大电路中,共集电极放大电路的特点是 。

下列各组态放大电路中,若要求既有电压放大作用,又有电流放大作用,应选 。

以下几项中,错误使用三极管的是 。

某三极管放大电路,三极管的三个管脚的电位分别为u1= -12v,u2= -5.2v,u3= -5v,则对应该管的管脚排列依次是 。

npn型三极管处在放大状态时是 。

从提高晶体管放大能力出发,除了将晶体管基区做得很薄,且掺杂浓度很低之外,工艺上还要采取如下措施 。

npn型bjt共射极放大电路的交流电压输出波形上半周失真时为 ,此时应该 基极电流。


某三极管的极限参数,,,若它的工作电压,则工作电流不得超过( )ma。

单管基本共射放大电路的输出特性曲线和直流、交流负载线如图所示,由此可得出负载电阻的大小是 ( )kω。

若将如图所示电路中的电容断开,将会( )。







场效应管放大电路的输入电阻主要由 决定。

增强型绝缘栅场效应管,当栅极与源极之间电压为零时 。



n沟道增强型mos管的栅源开启电压为 。


下面的说确的是 。

已知某场效应管的输出特性曲线如图所示,与之对应的转移特性曲线是( )。



下面说确的是 。

欲将输入电压信号放大-100倍,应选用 。

共模抑制比kcmrr是 。

在差动式放大电路中,差模输入信号等于两个输入端信号的 。

差动放大电路是为了 而设计的。

为更好的抑制零漂,集成运放的输入级大多采用 。

在双端输入的差动放大电路中,输入信号ui1和ui2分别为60mv和40mv,则其共模输入信号uic和差模输入信号uid为 。

集成运算放大器的输入级采用差分放大电路的主要原因之一是它的 能力强。

下面说确的是 。


图示为放大电路,已知集成运放a和二极管vd均为理想器件。当输入电压ui分别为+2v和-2v时,输出电压uo的值分别为( )。

某放大电路的电压传输特性如图所示,该电路的电压放大倍数为( )。

图示放大电路中,a为理想运放放大器。欲使该电路的电压放大倍数为100。则电阻r4 的值应为( )kω。

放大倍数可以调节的放大电路如图所示,rw是增益调节电位器。设a为理想运算放大器。rw的滑动端处在中点位置时的电压放大倍数uo/ui的值为( )。

图示为放大电路,已知集成运算放大器具有理想特性。为使uo=0v,则输入电压ui为( )v。

测量晶体管电流放大系数 的电路如图所示。设运算放大器a1、a2均为理想运放,晶体管ube=0.7v。若测得输出电压uo=200 mv,则被测晶体管的为( )。

图示电路,ui =1v,若电阻r1开路,则uo= v。

欲将方波电压转换成尖顶波电压,应选用( )。

欲将方波电压转换成三角波电压,应选用( )。

欲实现au=-100的放大电路,应选用( )。     

欲将正弦波电压叠加上一个直流量,应选用( ) 。

为了增大电压放大倍数,集成运放的中间级多采用(    )。

某仪表放大电路,要求输入电阻大,输出电流稳定,应选用 。

温度升高时,若想稳定放大电路的静态工作点,应当引入 负反馈。



在输入量不变的情况下,若引入反馈后 ,则说明引入的反馈是负反馈。


下面说确的是 。

为了减小放大电路的输入电阻,应引入 负反馈。



图示电路级间引入了 反馈,该反馈属于 反馈。


反相输入比例放大器电路中的反馈极性和类型属于 。

若要求负载变化时放大电路的输出电压比较稳定,并且取用信号源的电流尽可能小,应选用( )。

某负反馈放大电路的闭环增益af =20db,δa/a =10%,δaf/af =0.1%,则a和f应分别为( )。

在输入量不变的情况下,若引入反馈后 ,则说明引入的反馈是负反馈。

由集成运放组成的反馈放大电路如图所示,对交流反馈而言,其反馈组态为( )。

分析图示电路,级间反馈电路的组态与极性为( )。

分析图示电路,下列分析正确的是( )

由集成运放a1、 a2 、a3和晶体管vt1、vt2组成的放大电路如图所示,分析电路中的负反馈组态,下列分析中正确的为( )。

直流负反馈是( )。




下面说法错误的是 。


为了使负载获得尽可能大的功率,对功率放大电路的基本要求是 。

互补对称功率放大电路,若设置静态工作点使两管均工作在乙类状态,将会出现 。

在如图所示ocl电路中,已知输入电压ui为正弦波,三极管的饱和管压降均为2v;当ui=0v时,uo应为0v。若电路产生交越失真,则正确的调节方法是( )。

对于乙类功率放大电路,当输出电压增大时,功放管的管耗将( )。

乙类双电源互补对称功率放大电路,若最大输出功率为2w,则电路中功放管的最大功耗约为( )w 。

乙类互补功放电路中的交越失真,实质上就是( )。

电路如图所示,已知t1、t2管的饱和压降uce(sat)=3v,vcc= vee =15v,rl=8w, 当输入为正弦波时,若r1虚焊开路,则t1管( )。

在ocl功率放大电路中,输入信号为1khz,10v的正弦信号,输出为如图所示波形,这说明出现了( )失真。

电路如图所示,已知输入电压ui为正弦波,vt5、vt7的饱和管压降均为2v。下列结论错误的是( )。

与甲类功率放大方式相比,乙类功率放大方式的主要优点是( )。

为了克服交越失真,应( )。

文氏桥振荡器中的放大电路电压放大倍数 才能满足起振条件。





若希望在输入电压小于-5v时,输出电压为高电平;而在输入电压大于 5v时,输出电压为低电平,可采用________电压比较器。

下面说法错误的是 。

为了保证正弦波振荡电路幅值稳定且波形较好,通常还需要引入的环节为( )。

文氏电桥rc正弦波振荡电路如图所示。设a为理想集成运放,电阻r1=10kw,r2=2kw,rf=5kw,现要求稳定振荡时输出电压峰值uom=8v。忽略稳压管正向导通压降,则稳压管vdz的稳压值uz为( )v。

正弦波振荡电路如图所示。设a为理想集成运放,已知电阻r2=1.5kw,电路振荡稳定的输出电压uo(有效值)=2.7v。则流过电阻r1的电流ir1(有效值)和电阻r1的值分别为( )。

在如图所示锯齿波波形发生器中,已知a1、a2均为理想运算放大器,其输出电压的两个极限值为12v;设振荡周期为t,一个周期内uo1为高电平的时间为t1,占空比=t1 / t。下列结论错误的是( )。

对于图示lc正弦波振荡电路分析正确的是( )。

电路如图所示,设a为理想运算放大器,其输出电压的两个极限值为12v。稳压管的稳定电压uz=6v,稳压管与二极管的正向导通电压均为0.7v,输入电压如图中所标注。下列分析正确的是( )。

图(a)所示电路的电压传输特性如图(b)所示,a为理想运算放大器,则电阻r2的取值为( )kω。

在图示电路中,已知a1、a2均为理想运算放大器,其输出电压的两个极限值为12v。当分别为10v和6v时,输出电压uo的值分别为:( ).

图(a)所示为方波发生器,已知a为理想运算放大器,其输出电压的最大值为12v;r1=50kω;该电路输出电压uo和电容两端电压uc的波形如图(b)所示。则稳压管的稳压值uz及电阻r2的阻值分别为( )。

关于下列电路的分析正确的是( )。

下列关于滤波器的选择分析错误的是( )。














































3、彻底否定了传统绘画的真实描绘与三度空间,抛弃客观物象的描绘,朝更加主观的方向发展的艺术流派是( )。

1、构成艺术的形式分为_、_、_ 。



1、具象形具备( )特性

2、自然形态指存在于自然界的一切可视或可触摸的物质形态,也就是自然生成的形态。包括_______ 形态和_______ 形态。

3、抽象形态指用造型要素点、线、面、体、色等经过高度_______ 与_______ 而形成的非具象立体形态。

1、平面构成中,构成图形的基本单位,一个点、一条线、一块面都可以称为( )。

2、现实中的形作为设计元素进行运用时,需要对其形的本质特征基础上,尽可能将其归纳成简单的甚至几何化的形,称为形的( )

3、在视觉的表达领域,( )会限制审美想象力的发挥,会影响对形式美的认识和运用。

1、如果图形是实形,这时“底”就是实行形围的空白的空间,这种形象就是( )。

2、形象在相互遮挡中显示出前后的位置关系,产生空间层次感,并使形与形之间互相牵制,产生凝聚、强化的作用,称之为( )。

3、基本形的群化不依赖骨格和框架,具有独立的性质,是独立图形的主要形式之一。以下( )设计使用了群化构成。


2、视线在图底之间切换,使图和底的意义产生变化,相互转化的现象称为( )。

3._ ,就是眼睛对形态的视觉把握和判断与所观察物体的现实特征有误差的现象。

3、下面哪种说法是正确的?( )

4、间隔密集的线群会给人一种______的感觉,间隔宽松的线会给人______的感觉( )

1、平面构成的基本要素为 、 、 。


1、“面”是 的连续移动而形成的轨迹,或者由不同性质的 线 所组成的轮廓。

2、直线形的面具有有简洁、明了、安定、秩序感,具有 的性格;曲线形面具有柔软、轻松、饱满的感受,是 的象征。


1、平面构成的基本特点是( )

2、平面构成要解决两大问题,分别是:( )和把握视觉语言的基本规律及应用。

3、平面构成的学习牵涉到三个关键的元素,分别是视觉元素、( )、和关系元素。

1、传统的门栓为( )图形。

2、所谓对比的调和,是指采用( )的造型要素作对照的安排,从而形成统一、和谐的形式。

3、古希腊人发现的最完美的比例为( )

3、矛盾空间是一种具有立体感的幻觉空间,这种造型空间在真实空间中是( )



1、从肌理的构成形式来看,可以将其分为______ 和______ 。( )



4、排水法是利用 的特性,先在纸上用蜡笔或油勾勒出图案肌理,再用水性颜料进行刷涂创造肌理。




1、重复构成的画面在视觉效果上具有强烈的______、______、______。( )


3、在构成创作中,由一个基本形逐渐变化成为另一个基本形的渐变称为( )

1、渐变构成是指基本形态或骨格逐渐地、______、______ 地发生变化,它会产生韵律感。


2、以一个焦点为中心,层层环绕发射称为( )






2、_的表示法是以色彩的三要素为基础。色相称为hue,简写为h;明度为value,简写为v,纯度为chroma,简写为c。 孟赛尔色立体



2、牛顿把阳光从一小缝隙引进暗室,运用三棱镜作用后,在银幕上出现了一条美丽的彩虹,那是由红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫的彩色光构成的。由此,牛顿把这种彩色光的有序排列现象称为( )。





4、_是将同一空间位置的色彩进行鲜灰度的搭配,以便更准确的表现色彩 主题。














1. 立体构成起源于20世纪初俄罗斯的构成主义艺术流派,其构成主义思想在哪里得到了发扬广大(   )

2.现代的立体构成是由荷兰构成主义派“风格派”的代表人物(   )提出的。

3.立体主义风格的特征是( )提出的。        


1.立体构成中的点,是构成形态的 (   ),它相对小而集中,视觉效果活泼多变。

2.下列不属于立体构成形式要素的是(   )。


1.(  )是创造视觉美感的法则,也是指导一切艺术活动的根本法则。

2.立体构成中的对比不包括以下哪种形式? ( )   

3.立体构成形式法则中的(  )能给人以庄重、严肃、条理、大方、静穆、完美的感觉。


2.有突出重点、打破常规、画龙点睛作用的形式美法则是( )                   




2. _是对于面材既不用划痕也不用切线时所运用的一种特殊的造型技法。使用这种技法,可以创作出充满张力和流动感的立体形态。

1.( )除了保护作用外,也是纸浮雕构成的一个重要内容。

2.金字塔造型可以看成是( )的变异构成。   

3.仿生结构是运用面材加工,表现自然界多种物像的一种构成。自然界中景物丰富多彩,形态门类繁多。仿生结构的立体造型,归纳起来可分为(      )大类。     


1.下面哪个不是立体构成的研究对象( )

2.在进行石膏造型时,和石膏时石膏与水的比例是?( )

3.面材是以长度和宽度为基本特征的型材,最常用最有代表性的是?( )

4.立体构成中,下列不属于纸的加工的方法是?( )

1.(   )是物体表面的纹理,就是材料表面的形态、构造给人的感觉,如手感、质地、凹凸程度等。

2.按照材料的形态差别,立体构成分为三大构成形式,下列不属于这三大构成形式的是(   )。


1.平面几何体不能体现的心里感觉是(   )

2.( )具有双重性,从正面看有块材感觉,侧面看是线材特征。

3.柱式结构的变化部位不包括(    )。

1.正八面体的造型像个菱形,由八个(   )组合而成。

2.足球的造型是属于(  )。

1.块材分割中的不等分割不包括(   )。

2.下列属于块材的加工方法的是(  )。

3.(   )是我们最常见的实体,也是人们在现实生活中用到的最大量的形体。 点材 线材 面材

1.不属于立体构成的现实应用的是( )。

2.立体构成中的色彩主要包括( )。

1.立体构成中的线具有极强的表现力,它能决定形的( ),其不同组合方式,可构成千变万化的空间形态。 

2.线相对于面和体块更具(  )与延伸感,更显轻巧。 































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which of the following is not true according to the recording?

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who should be responsible for the 2008 credit crunch?

he wants to get a loan to _____ some improvements in his factory.

interest rates are high because money is _____ .

they’ll never get a mortgage; they’re bad _____ .

there will be no change in the interest rate during the _____ of the mortgage.

we’re paying for the furniture we bought in monthly _____ .

the bank uses a _____ to find out how prospective borrowers repaid their past debts.

mr. harris’s application for a loan was approved because he is _____ .

because the borrower defaulted on his repayment of the loan, the bank will hold the _____ responsible.

lisa and frank edwards developed a _____ of monthly expenses to see how much money they would have left over to make loan payments on a refrigerator.

she _____ $10,000 to charity in her will.

you have to pay high _____ on an estate.

the _____ will distribute the property of the deceased according to his last will and testament.

in the u.s., people must fill out their tax _____ by april 15.

my lawyer will _____ my will.

boao forum has 300 attendees from 10 different countries.

after the 2008 world financial crisis, world economy has recovered fully.

anti-globalization trend is mainly caused by noises and disagreements in many economic aspects.

china-australia free trade agreement has limited potential.

china has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the past 30 years.

a brexit could be the beginning of the destruction of not only the european union, but also of the entire western political civilization.

european council president donald tusk received an interview ten days after the referendum.

every family members know: divorce will impose serious harmful effects on all of them.

brexit would be bad for the european union but good in some way for british both economically and politically.

it will take at least seven years for britain to put an end to current contractual connections and to negotiate new relationships with the eu if it leaves the union.

all the people view globalization in a negative and hostile pattern.

some people fear that globalization will increase inequality.

globalization refers to the increasing integration of world economies.

globalization has nothing to do with culture, politics, and environment.

one side effect of globalization is that benefits brought by global markets cannot be shared by all.

20th century saw economic growth that has never been seen before.

per capita gdp in the richest part of the world has grown two times faster than that in the poorest part of the world.

capital movement in the last few decades has been volatile and up to crisis.

poorest economies can attract more fdi because of policy package.

macroeconomic stability is the least important for benefiting from globalization.

india exports us$150 billion it products to the us.

india is on the wait-and-watch mode to see how the us administration carries on its outsource program.

india it industry and government will make all the possible effort to hold the positive dialogue with the us.

india wants to confirm the us that their technology has made us more competitive and job-creative.

donald trump was the 55th american president.

us criticizes india’s communication and outreach program.

‘america first’ pledge was first announced on the inaugural speech.

donald trump vowed that he will rebuild us with his hands.

tata consultancy services is handling with the upcoming problems in a proactive manner.

it can be inferred that all fortune 500 companies are unwilling to make dramatic changes.

china has been initiating increasing anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, protection measures and special safeguard investigations since its accession to wto.

both the number and the amount of money involved in these cases have been increasing.

china has suffered the most in anti-dumping investigation in the world for nine years running.

starting from 1979 to the end of september 2004, 24 countries and regions launched altogether 665 disputes of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and special safeguard investigations against chinese products.

in spite of these investigations, china did not suffered a tremendous economic loss in terms of foreign trade.

tensions between the united states and china are increasing over exchange rate issues.

on the u.s. side, the tensions between the two countries is tied to trump's promise to reduce a trade deficit with china.

on the chinese side, the ruling communist party is trying to develop the country's economy, especially service-sector companies.

last year, chinese consumers formally ed south korean goods after south korea accepted a u.s.-made anti-missile system.

observers do not see any signs of an organized campaign in china to reject u.s. goods yet.

the long-term ( ) for the fair trade movement is that artisans everywhere would be treated with...

artisans everywhere would be treated with ( ) and that they would be paid fairly and have opportunities and access to markets to sell their goods.

i think that, specific goals of the fair trade movement right now are focused on continuing to ( ) issues of education and awareness,

so that we have informed consumers who know what ( ) are out there.

there is a variety of directions of where fair trade is ( ) and what the future of fair trade will look like.

i think that fair trade is already growing in ( ) and i think that you can expect, in the future, to hear more about fair trade and to see more fair trade options.

i am always excited to see fair trade options available and ( ) in some unlikely places. sometimes unknown companies talk about fair trade issues, find a great product that they want to sell in their stores, and that's a fair trade product.

you will see a lot of products that are just appearing in the ( ) as fair trade products because they are great products to sell and satisfy the requirements of being in the fair trade.

which of the following is not a macroeconomic goal?

__________ is responsible for making and implementing a country’s monetary policy.

__________ is responsible for making a country’s fiscal policy?

which of the following words means similar to “rise”?

which of the following words means similar to “decline”?

which of the following statements about alan greenspan is correct?

the mopping-up strategy is __________ .

what is irrational exuberance?

state governments in the usa are __________ .

when oil price goes up, british airways’ stock will

an account that two or more people hold is a _____ .

in order to withdraw money the bank requires your _____ .

the bank records all transactions of an account in the customers’ _____ .

many banks work with so many different customers and accounts that they need _____ to record all transactions.

you have to _____ your check in order to cash it.

the bank charges a _____ to cover the cost of bookkeeping.

i wrote a check for more money than i have in my account. i’m afraid i’m _____ .

the monthly statement gives you a record of all the _____ of your checking account.

“you are allowed to write up to ten checks without a service charge.” “that’s all? you mean ten checks is the _____?”

if you need money i can _____ you some.

when my friend needed a loan he offered the bank his house as _____.

james has not paid back two loans. he must have a terrible _____ .

if you _____ your car loan, the bank will take possession of your car.

in order to calculate the monthly payments on your loan, the bank adds the interest to the _____ and ides the total by the number of months.

apple’s sales has fallen continuously for 5 years in china.

one key factor that has won apple customer loyalty is its ios operating ecosystem.

apple inc. and google inc. occupy the no. 1 and no. 2 brands on the list and amazon entered the top 10, with 41 percent increase in brand value.

the combined value of the top five us tech giants was worth a quarter of the total value.

china mobile has become the most valuable chinese brand, followed by alibaba group holdings ltd and tencent holdings ltd.

the three companies were listed in the top 20 of the 100 most valuable chinese brands in 2017 released by brandz.

tencent’s share price has surged 60% over the last one year.

twelve years ago there was only one chinese brand that managed to squeeze into the top 13 best global 100 brand list.

the chinese brand value now accounts for 11 percent of the total reaching $937 billion.

the chinese brands have a bright future in the world because china is moving towards consumer-driven economy that places importance on quality of the product and services.

companies still cannot gauge the effectiveness of advertising now as they failed to do 100 years ago.

because facebook and google can track people’s online habits, they tend to know what people are likely to buy and put the right ads in front of them.

a recent study on ebay discovered that online ads have huge effect on traffic.

lucas did researches and published papers on the dynamics of college ranking and book reviews.

most advertisers don’t believe that search engine ads will be more effective than static banner ads.

digital media ad spending is expected to exceed 50% by 2018 and some advertisers are increasing spending on search ads.

yelp’s business model is to sell ads to all businesses, which give those firms’ listings prime position atop search results and then attract more customers.

luca and dai created a randomized sample of 7,210 u.s. restaurants to see the traffic change results with and without search ads.

even if when the experiment of luca proved yelp ads worthless the yelp still finds it useful because they can find alternative ways to make money and help customers.

many advertisers that yelp help propel to the top of a list are local businesses that people never heard of and brands people are unfamiliar to.

jack trout concept of positioning has been used by countless ngos and npos.

jack trout and his partner al ries have published books that are widely influential.

jack trout’s clients did not include agencies in american government or political parties.

the book “positioning: the battle for your mind” was first published in 1969.

companies should develop a lasting identity by being connected to a simple idea or a story.

many companies succeeded because they watered down their brand names by branching out and ignoring their core strength and benefits.

the very idea of marketing warfare is to treat marketing campaign as a battle and a competitive edge.

“we try harder” is the advertising slogan of hertz, a long-time rival of avis.

the best branding image for us is to present itself as the world’s last superpower.

good marketing is to tell good stories consistently from past to future.

the research in singapore evaluates the organizations’ _____ .

_______was the top area that 37% organizations are planning to outsource or recruit for.

marketers thought that _______ training workshop would be ideal to optimize the learning outcomes.

the following statements about the research are all correct except .

so far, digital has drawn the largest share of s’ time spent with media in the uk, france and germany.

according to the report, time spent with digital media among s is steadily increasing in three largest countries of western europe because of the mobile device use.

the report predicts time spent with digital media will overtake time spent in watching nondigital tv for the first time in both france and germany this year.

the overall nonvoice mobile device time has expanded its lead over desktop/laptop-based digital media consumption both in the uk and in germany.

this year, emarketer expects digital will draw the largest share of s’ time spent with media in uk and germany for the first time.

close to two in five of organizations in singapore felt data ytics was the top digital marketing skills gap that they needed to fill.

marketing as a discipline involves all the actions a company undertakes to draw in customers and maintain relationships with them.

networking with potential or past clients is part of marketing.

neil borden popularized the idea of the marketing mix and the concept of the four ps in the 1950s.

in marketing place refers to the distribution of the product.

word-of-mouth marketing (wom marketing) is free advertising triggered by customer experiences.

also known as "digital marketing" and "e-marketing," social media marketing has purpose-built data ytics tools that allow marketers to track how successful their efforts are.

cold calling is the marketing process of approaching prospective customers or clients—typically via telephone, by email or through making a connection on a social network—who were just expecting such an interaction.

traditional forms of marketing such as newspaper and television advertising, direct mail and cold calling integrate well with the powerful medium of the internet and have become more and more effective as a result.

one of the most beneficial ways that the internet has changed marketing is the dramatic reduction in cost.

internet marketing is a new ‘fad’, a phase that will eventually pass.

which of the following product of tesla and space x is not mentioned according to the recording?

what is the general comment many global technology leaders make on musk?

which of the following places is the most favorable global innovation hub for ceos?

how many leaders were surveyed by kpmg?

what does the word “apt” mean?

“when my emotions got the better of me” means __________.

according to the lecturer, the most admired ceos he knows are ___________.

when the lecturer worked for texas instruments, he once asked his boss _______.

a great leader should be ___________.

dara khosrowshahi served in urber for 18 months.

khosrowshahi has shown a remarkable degree of self-awareness.

travis kalannick was the head of the ride-hailing service—uber.

the biggest challenge of uber’s new ceo is working with uber board driven by animosity and legal disputes.

uber needs to recruit employees because many of them left.

why does marriott believe so strongly in taking care of employees?

how many years would a general manager work for marriott corporation averagely?

which of the following is not marriott core value?

which of the following perks helps employees to attain a work/life balance?

how many days does marriott generally train an employee before the employee starts their job independently?

the big four refers to kpmg, deloitte, ernst & young (ey), and pricewaterhousecoopers (pwc).

calling the big four them "firms" is entirely accurate.

the revenue of the big four mainly came from their accounting and auditing services.

consulting and advisory services are a large and growing part of the big four firms' service offerings.

kpmg is a regional network of accounting firms providing audit, tax, advisory, special interest and industry-specific services.

a record number of hiring managers in the u.s. anticipate bringing aboard more employees in the next six months.

today, 65 percent of hiring managers expect more hiring, three percentage points above last year, according to the dhi report.

in april 2017, the dhi-dfh measure of national vacancy duration found the average job in the u.s. took 30.5 days to fill, a record low.

the report also found that almost half of hiring managers note the time to fill open positions has lengthened relative to last year.

the time to fill open positions is at bottom levels and the pressure is on for america’s employers.

at some marriott hotels, employees kick up their heels before every shift.

the marriott corporation has a common philosophy when it comes to taking care of employees.

it’s a big secret that employees who are motivated tend to be more likely to reach their goals.

marriott corporation is all on training employees.

marriott may train employee to perform several jobs.

president xi jinping says that a new round of scientific, technological, and industrial revolutions are reshaping the world domain of innovation and global economic structure, and the impact of science and technology on a country's future and the people's wellbeing has always been so much profound.

the chinese premier also urged overall reform of scientific and technological system to improve innovation efficiency and inspire innovation vitality

president xi says it is necessary to reform talent evaluation methods, and to establish and improve evaluation systems for scientific and technological talents that are oriented toward innovation capability, quality, and contribution in order to form and implement evaluation systems that are conducive to scientific research and innovation.

president xi also calls on chinese scientists to be deeply involved in the global supply chain management.

in the meantime, an increasing number of foreign scientists have chosen to join the leading chinese academies.

how we approached things for the past ten years, which actually made us incredibly successful in what we’re doing, probably aren’t going to work for the next five because the world has changed at faster pace.

if you look at any top ten list of industry roles that are going to be disrupted over the next five, ten years, financial industries are always in the top five.

innovation can be about new process as well as new technology.

for ey, big data is important for the next hundred years.

in ey's "suits and jeans" approach, it takes in the jeans, the people who come in from the internet, technology companies, ai companies, because they have just a different frame of reference.

30% of the entrepreneurs who had a successful exit started with a business plan.

the business plan usually leads to being approximately incorrect rather than precisely correct.

one of the problems of a business plan is that content that most people focus on has little to do with the reality.

at a business’s beginning, the best content for a business plan is real-world data.

the how-to classes, books and templates are misleading in that they emphasize on completing the plan of a business before uncovering its soul and demonstrating whether others connect with it.

which of the following are locations of most important global mercantile exchanges?

why is the first sentence of business news very important?

which of the following is not a stock exchange?

how many of m&a turned out to be successful according to statistics?

if you __________ your car loan, the bank will take possession of your car.

interest rates are high because money is __________ .

when margin requirements are set on the stock exchange, the __________ of stocks and bonds with loans is affected.

federal reserve banks are involved in the purchase and sale of __________ .

investors sometimes have problems because of government __________ .

what does “lampert has been milking kmart for cash” mean?

the bank’s balance sheet lists assets and _____ .

our accountant helped us figure out the _____ of the premises.

ms. dijon is pleased to have a lot of _____ from her real estate holdings.

the corporation’s new _____ begins on july 1.

the _____ he wrote comes due in 1983.

the federal reserve board influences the volume of activity on the _____.

the board of governors can buy or sell united states government _____.

_____ of the twelve federal reserve banks are uniform.

when margin requirements are set on the stock exchange, the _____ of stocks and bonds bought with loans is affected.

federal reserve banks are involved in the purchase and sale of _____ .

investors sometimes have problems because of government _____ .

many united states corporations have _____ in other countries.

united states banks have tried to be _____ with overseas banks.

the new york banks plan to _____ savings in costs to their clients.

mr. castro will have to pay a high _____ for his insurance policy.

technology companies’ incremental costs are _________.

internet companies get better when ___________

which of the following can be used to respond to natural monopolies?

apple could not charge rents in ________

what would decrease the incentive of innovation?

ims health and quintiles agreed to combine in a 9 million transaction.

st jude medical spent 25 billion us dollars to take over abbott laboratories.

the collapse of a dam last november was said to be bunai’s worst environmental disaster.

a court in beijing was not in favor of apple in a trademark case in china.

an french executive claimed he suffered from boring tasks in his previous job.

the french executive wants $360,000 in damages.

eu antitrust regulators fined google $2.7 billion for unfairly boosting search results for its online shopping service.

the european union said google began efforts in 2008 to boost the service now known as google shopping.

google said it will object the eu decision as it considers an appeal to the decision.

vestager said google denied other companies the chance to compete on the merits and to innovate.

china’s new cybersecurity law brings uncertainty only to foreign companies.

companies need to start thinking and planning ahead to restructure their infrastructure to be in line with the new law.

network operators are required to obtain their clients’ content before collecting and disclosing personal information.

all news providers must now pass a network security examination.

the consequences of noncompliance of the law are expected to be more severe than in the past.

1. these days, a problem for many (parent/parents) is deciding how to control internet addiction.

1. many (teenager/teenagers) cannot control the amount of (time/times) they spend (play/playing) online.

1. various (study/studies) show that a significant number of young (person/ people), especially boys are neglecting their schoolwork because they ( prefer/prefers) playing games.

1. in china, the government is using a special (program/programs) to limit the time that students of school (age/ages) spend on (game/gaming).

(player/players) are required to log on with their id card numbers.

1. after three (hour/hours), the program tells them to stop (play/playing) and get some (exercise/exercises).

1. if a player (quit/quits), he will (keep/keeping) his points for that game.

if he (continue/continues) playing, he will (lose/losing) some or all of his points.

1. bar graphs usually show some type of information______ _____ ______ other information. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. for example, a graph about television may show how _____television is watched, measured in average hours, and the groups of people _____ it. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. it is important to describe the overall trend, or main idea, that the graph_____. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. in model 1, the overall trend is that the students ____watch ____television have higher test scores. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. you also need to describe the data from the graph in more detail. you need to describe the way in which the bars on the graph ____and decrease. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. in model 1, there is a ____in the test _____from 80% to 65% as students watch ____ television. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. it can be difficult to see the exact numbers on the graph. to describe these inexact figures, you may use words like ___, around and ____. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

draft a presentation of this table and try to follow the logic of questions.




辩论的构成要素包括论点,论据和( )

辩题总体上可以分为政策性辩题和( )



辩论主要从以下五个方面进行评定:内容,( ),应答,语言和举止。

请就辩题does wechat make us feel lonely or keep us connected?进行辩论练习。

--- ___________________? --- yes,please. i’d like one single room with garden view for two nights.

internal calls

i’d like my suit presented.

---what kind of ticket in this early flight would you like to buy? --- .

baggage allowance

may i see your disembarkation card, please?

when you ask the customers about their choices of drinks, you can say “ what would you like to have?”.

do you have any dietary ?

i’m sorry your air conditioner doesn’t work, i will call the to fix it for you.

here is your room key. i’ll ring for a to help you with the luggage.

you should be at the airport two hours before of your flight.

all passengers shall be requested to proceed to gate 8 after passing the transit counter.

i’m going to baggage to pick up my luggage from the flight 119.

welcome to america. your papers are all in order. please bring your baggage here for .

if you want to book a hotel room, you always need to make reservations first.

complimentary breakfast at the hotel means the traditional american breakfast.

if you want to have breakfast at your hotel room, you need to call room service department.

based on the language techniques learnt from the chapter, if you want to keep the conversation going, you could end your response with an inquiry or a question.

if the ground staff cannot find your lost luggage, you can say, “ i’d like to ask for compensation for my lost luggage.”.

it’s acceptable to bring some fresh fruits, vegetables or meats to another country, as long as you don’t sell them in that country.

if you are in-transit passenger, you need to ask the counter staff, “will my bags be transferred or do i have to check them again?”

according to the language techniques learnt from the chapter, if you want to keep the conversation going, you’d better end your response with only one word.

writing:if a customer is complaining to you that his room is not very clean when he checks in, as a hotel manager, how are you going to respond to that? write down the appropriate response. (如果顾客向你抱怨在他登记入住时房间不是很干净,作为酒店经理,你打算如何应对?写下合适的回答。)

which kind of chart uses circle and sector to represent the proportion between the whole and the parts, usually in the form of percentages?

when yzing pie charts, we should pay special attention to the information expressed by ________ in the charts.

what's the chinese meaning of "market shares"?

what's the chinese meaning of "domestic brands"?

this chart describes the ______ (持续增长) of online shopping between 2009 and 2014.

we can use the following expressions except _______ to indicate that we want to summarize our presentation.

the two pie charts ________ the change in proportion of people all over the world consuming luxury goods in 2000 and 2010.

this pie chart shows the ________ of market shares for each of the art phone manufacturers in 2011.

foreign cellphone makers, such as samsung, apple and nokia, ________ the market.

more and more power plants in china will switch to consuming ________ energy.

nuclear power plants will experience a steady rise. it’s estimated that this type of power plants will ________ 23% of the market by 2025.

the pie chart is one of the common chart types. it uses circles and sectors to represent the proportion between the whole and the parts. it is generally presented in the form of percentages.

when yzing pie charts, we first need to observe how many pie charts there are and what the relationship between them is.

when describing the pie charts, we don’t have to pay attention to the information expressed by the title, legend and text in the charts.

when describing the pie chart, we should highlight the key points, point out the trend, and select representative objects for comparison or explanation.

at the end of the presentation, the main problems that the charts demonstrate should be emphasized again and appropriate comments should be made.

writing:describe the figures in the pie chart of “information source”.

--- would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? --- ____________. (which of the following responses is not polite?)

--- _________________________? --- it is the best movie i've ever seen.

if you want to express disagreement, which of the following is the politest?

when is not appropriate for you to interrupt the speaker during a meeting?

i was __________ if you’d like to go to the movies with me.

i just saw a _________ movie last night. it almost frightened me to death.

--- _____________________________ --- certainly, thank you for the invitation.

--- what’s _______ at the cinema tonight? --- titanic.

---what do you think of the film we saw last night? --- ____________________.

which of the following statements means that you totally agree with someone?

i’m sorry to __________ you, but i’m afraid we are running out of time.

i don't quite _______ you. what exactly do you mean?

let’s call the meeting to__________.

shall we move on to the next _________ on the agenda?

in order to keep the conversation going, we should ask each other as many questions as possible.

when designing the plots, we can create some problems, obstacles or conflicts to enrich the plot.

when allocating the roles, we should make sure each students has equal opportunities to speak.

in order to draw the audience’s attention, we should make up a lot of funny lines.

it’s not polite to interrupt the speakers at the meeting, so we shouldn’t do it.






if you didn’t understand the question master’s questions, what could you say?

another expression of a sustainable life is ________.

match the phrase with its chinese meaning observation and hands on

if someone who is not a good swimmer asks “can i still join the tour? “, how will you respond?

if someone who is interested in the tour asks “ when can i go snorkelling?”, how will you respond?

match the words or expression with its chinese meaning snorkel

so you will not be _______ if you take part in this kind of course.

——how much does this program cost? ——it won’t ______you much.

i believe that will make you so ________.

there are ______ kinds of activities, i am sure you will enjoy them.

you can choose a time that is ______ for you.

when answering the questions of the customer, you only need to read out the answer.

when answering the questions of the customer, you can comment on the customer’s personal life.

when answering the questions of the customer, you are trying to help your customer. you are providing service and being helpful.

if the customer is not a good swimmer, you can still recommend snorkeling to him.

if you didn’t understand the question master’s question, you can simply say “ i don’t know.”

--- ? --- it depends. if it’s affordable, i prefer to live by myself.

match the phrase with its chinese meaning trail system

match the phrase with its chinese meaning the sewer and trash disposal are also paid by landlord.

to thank a customer, you should say:

if you haven’t listened clearly or understood, you could say following expressions in a polite way except ___________________________.

match the words or expression with its chinese meaning depts

when preparing the interview part, the first step is:

the condo is __________ in vila martinique at east lake shores.

the kitchen is equipped _______ electric range, oven and refrigerator.

which phrase is not proper for expressing”在这种情况下”?

choose the correct sentence:

to apologize to a customer, you should say:

if you don't know how to help a customer, you should:

customer service is important:

ups means united parcel service.

in order to listen attentively while interviewing, it is rather important to present the questions .

when we meet some difficult words to pronounce, we need to read them several time during our preparation process to ensure fluency.

we could always find out all 5ws information (what, who, where, whose, which, why) when we read the poster.

to express ourselves naturally, we should pay attention to our gestures and body languages.

when the customer seems interested in the house rented, the price is always their first consideration.

if a customer feels the house rent is a little high, you could give some reasons to show the house is worth it.

1. which of the following statements is not true about constructive speech?

2. which of the following words or phrases belong to signpost words?

which of the following words or phrases belong to the domain of fuzzy language?

3. which of the following statements is not true about communication skills?

7. “if you apply for college english band 4, you have to practice using english. if you apply for a driving licence, you have to practice using a car.” in this statement, paralleli is used.

3. 总结陈词中需重申本方观点和定义,并对辩论过程中,本方出现的漏洞进行____________,针对对方漏洞进一步_____________,总结陈词贵在灵活。

5. 一名优秀的辩者需具备的素养有:学习能力、听说能力、_____________、____________。

when you ask the customers about their choices of drinks, you can say “ what______would you like to have?”

do you have any dietary____________?

i’m sorry your air conditioner doesn’t work, i will call the __________ to fix it for you.

here is your room key. i’ll ring for a___________to help you with the luggage.

you should be at the airport two hours before_______ of your flight.

the condo is __________ in vila martinique at east lake shores.

the kitchen is equipped _______ electric range, oven and refrigerator.

if you don't know how to help a customer, you should:

——how much is this course? ——it won’t ______you much.

i believe that you will not feel ________.

we offer ______ kinds of activities, i am sure you will enjoy them.

which of the group has the same vowels.

complete the statement with the most suitable words or phrases. “but _______, we are better at ____________ practical things, which is also highly _________ by employers. and i think we can gain more working experience in a company before __________ our own business.

complete the idioms with the right words. a friend in need is a friend ___________. seeing is _________. mend the ___________ when the weather’s better. enough is _________.

in the following statement, what kind of rhetorical devices is applied? “if you apply for college english band 4, you have to practice using english. if you apply for a driving licence, you have to practice using a car.”

--- ______________________________ --- certainly, thank you for the invitation.

--- _________________________? --- it is the best movie i've ever seen.

shall we move on to the next _________ on the agenda?

when we meet some difficult words to pronounce, we need to read them several times during our preparation process to ensure fluency.

if the customer feels the price is a little high, you could give some reasons to show the product is worth it.



when answering the questions of the customer, you are trying to help your customer. you are providing service and being helpful.

if you didn’t understand the question master’s question, you can simply say “ sorry, i don’t know.”

when designing the plots, we can create some problems, obstacles or conflicts to enrich the plot.

it’s not polite to interrupt the speakers at the meeting, so we shouldn’t do it.

