
时间:2024-06-24 08:57:32


请认真学习本项目任务一、任务三的操作规范及操作流程,并按照标准规范进行反复练习,并将实操成果录制视频上传。视频中内容要求如下:1.一次完整的托盘实操练习;2.自选一种花型,一次完整的餐巾折花实操练习。视频文件统一命名为:姓名 班级。


请认真学习本项目任务二的操作规范及操作流程,并按照标准规范进行反复练习斟酒服务技能,并将实操成果录制视频上传。视频内容:一次完整的斟酒服务实操练习。视频文件统一命名为:姓名 班级。


实训任务:中餐主题宴会设计 中餐宴会台面设计,又称餐桌布置艺术,它是根据宴会主题,对宴会台面用品进行合理搭配、布置和装饰,以形成一个完美台面组合形式的艺术创造。 设计方案内容: 1、主题名称 2、台面中心造型设计 3、餐具设计,包括骨碟、汤碗、汤匙 、味碟、水杯、红酒杯、白酒杯、筷子、筷套等。 4、餐巾花的设计 5、桌裙、桌布及椅套的质地、颜色、款式。 要求: 整理成word或者ppt形式提交。 实训任务要求及参考作品详见附件。












某案件有四名嫌疑犯,经调查得知 (1)只有b是罪犯,c才是罪犯 (2)如果c不是罪犯,那么d是罪犯 (3)或者a是罪犯,或者b不是罪犯 (4)a不是罪犯 那么谁是罪犯?










设、是一阶逻辑公式,是一个谓词,, ,则一阶逻辑公式是


设i是如下一个解释:, , , , . 则在解释下取真值为1的公式是( ).



设i是如下一个解释:, 试求. 提示:将量词消除,代换为合取析取







下列等值式中,不正确的是( )

下列一阶公式是前束范式的是( )

一阶公式中的变量x是( )



有一精度为1.0级的压力表,其量程为-0.1~1.6mpa,则其允许误差为………( )

仪表输出的变化与引起变化的被测变量变化值之比称为仪表的( )。

某工艺要求测量范围在0~300℃,最大绝对误差不能大于±4℃,所选精确度 为( )。

0.5级仪表的精度等级可写为( )。

某仪表精度为0.5级,使用一段时间后其最大绝对误差为±0.8%,则此表应定为( )级。









which of the following is not the standard of c language?

when compile a c program, the comments will .

a file written by c language .

which of the following languages can be recognized by cpu directly?

many programming languages borrow heavily form c language, including c , java, c# and perl.

by writing c compilers for other computers, c program can be run in different platforms.

one of c’s advantages is efficiency. because c was intended for applications where assembly language had traditionally been used, it was crucial that c programs could run quickly and in limited amounts of memory.

c’s weaknesses arise from the same source as many of its strengths: c’s closeness to the machine.

which of the following is a legal c identifier?

which of the following is not keyword in c language?

which of the following program is right?

which of the following statement is wrong?

the extended ascii character set uses one byte to represent character, therefore the number of characters that the extended ascii character can represent is .

which of the following is not a constant in c language?

which of the following is not a float constant in c language?

the three identifiers, weight, weight and weight, are equal in c language.

in c language, which of the following operator requires its operands must be of type int?

of which operation the precedence is higher than others’?

suppose int k=7, x=12; of which expression the value is 3?

the value of the expression 3.6-5/2 1.2 5%2 is ____.

given a statement f = (3.0, 4.0, 5.0), (2.0, 1.0, 0.0); , which of the following conclusion is right?

suppose all variables in the following expressions have been declared and initialized, which of the following is not a legal expression in c language?

if an expression is the sum of four data of different types, including int, long, double and char, the expression’s type is ____.

the expressions i and i are exactly the same as (i = 1).

if c is a variable of type char, which one of the following statements is illegal?

suppose that we call scanf as follows: scanf(“%d%f%d”, &i, &x, &j); if the user enters: 10.8 9 3↙ what will be the values of i, x, and j after the call? (assume that i and j are int variables and x is a float variable. ↙ is used to represent enter key)

suppose that we call scanf as follows: scanf(“%f%d%f”, &x, &i, &y); if the user enters: 12.3 45.6 789 what will be the values of x, i, and y after the call? (assume that x and y are float variables and i is an int variable. ↙ is used to represent enter key)

which one of the following is correct?

assuming the following statements: char c1='1',c2='2'; c1=getchar(); c2=getchar(); putchar(c1); putchar(c2); if input a└┘↙ when run the code, ↙ is used to represent enter key, └┘ is used to represent space, which one of the following statements is correct?

given the following declarations and scanf function call statements, to make the value of a1, a2, c1, c2 to be 10, 20, a and b respectively. which one of the following inputs is correct? ↙ is used to represent enter key and └┘ is used to represent space. ( d ) int a1,a2; char c1,c2; scanf("%d%d",&a1,&a2); scanf("%c%c",&c1,&c2);

assuming the statement scanf("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d",&a,&b,&c); to make the values of a, b, and c to be 1, 3, 2 respectively, which of the following input is correct? ↙ is used to represent enter key and └┘ is used to represent space.

if the variable x is of type double, which one of the following statements is right?

what is the output of the following code? └┘ is used to represent space. float x=-1023.012; printf("%8.3f,",x); printf(".3f",x);

what is the output of the following code? int x=13,y=5; printf("%d",x%=(y/=2));

if we declared int a=1234;, what is the result when executing the statement printf("-",a);?

what is the output of the following code? int a; char c=10; float f=100.0; double x; a=f/=c*=(x=6.5); printf("%d %d %3.1f %3.1f",a,c,f,x);

execute the following statements, if input 12345678↙,what is the output? int a , b ; scanf("-%*2d=",&a,&b); printf("%d",a b);

c compilers are required to check that the number of conversion specifications in a format string matches the number of output items.

if the format string is “%d\n”, scanf will skip white space, read an integer, and then skip to the next non-white-space character. so a format string like this can cause an interactive program to “hang” until the user enters a nonblank character.

after the execution of the following statements: int a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, m=2, n=2, cond; cond = (m=a>b) && (n=c>d); , which one of the following value is equal to the value of n ?

suppose i is a variable of type int, and its value is 10, which of the following is the value of expression 30-i<=i<=9 ?

after the execution of the following statements: int a=0,b=0,m=0,n=0; (m=a==b)||(n=b==a);,the values of m and n are and respectively?

which of the following is equal to the expression !x ?

suppose int x=3,y=4,z=5; , which of the following is the value of the expression !(x y) z-1 && y z/2 ?

which of the following is not a legal expression in c language?

the expression in if(expression) can be .

when execute the following program: #include int main() { int x,y; scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); if (x>y) x=y;y=x; else x ;y ; printf("%d,%d",x,y); return 0; } which one of the following is correct?

in c language, the rule on embedded if statement is that else is always paired with .

which one is correct when execute the following code? int x=0,y=0,z=0; if (x=y z) printf("***"); else printf("###");

if a=1, b=3, c=5, d=4,the value of x is when execute the following program. if (a
which one of the following is equal to the statement y=(x>0 ? 1: x<0 ? -1:0); .

what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int x=1,y=0,a=0,b=0; switch(x) { case 1: switch (y) { case 0 : a ; break ; case 1 : b ; break ; } case 2: a ; b ; break ; case 3: a ; b ; } printf("a=%d,b=%d",a,b); return 0; }

if int i=10; the value of i will be after executing the following code. switch (i) { case 9: i =1 ; case 10: i =1 ; case 11: i =1 ; default: i =1 ; }

given the declaration: float w; int a, b; , which one of the following is a legal switch statement?

if int i=1; the value of i will be after executing the following code. switch (i) { case '1': i =1 ; case '2': i =1 ; case '3': i =1 ; default : i =1 ; }

after the execution of the following statements: int i=5, j=4, k=6 ; float f; f = (i
after the execution of the following statements: int m1=5,m2=3; m1>m2 ? (m1=1):(m2=-1);, the values of m1 and m2 are respectively?

switch statements can be totally replaced by if statements at any time.

the expression in a case label of a switch statement must be constant expression.

the statement if and switch can be embedded.

the conditional expression and if statement can be totally replaced by each other.

duplicate case labels aren’t allowed in switch statement.

in switch statement, several case can execute the same program segment.

the controlling expression in switch statement can be an expression of any type.

the case branch in switch statement can be a compound statement or multiply statement sequence.

without break (or some other jump statement) at the end of a case, control will flow into the next case.

what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int x=0,y=5,z=3; while(z-->0&& x<5) y=y-1; printf("%d, %d, %d",x,y,z); return 0; }

which one of the following contains an infinite loop?

the following code . x=-1; do{ x=x*x; }while (!x);

which one of the following statements is correct?

assume the following code: int n=0,p; do { scanf("%d",&p); n ; } while (p!=12345 && n<3);when , the loop will terminate.

given the following for statement: int i,k; for (i=0,k=-1; k=1 ; i ,k ) printf("***"); which one of the following conclusions is correct?

the loop times of the following for statement are . for (i=2; i==0;) printf("%d",i--);

what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int i,sum; for(i=1;i<6;i ) sum =i; printf("%d",sum); return 0; }

assume s, a, b, c are declared as integers, and a, c have been assigned values (c>0), s=a; for(b=1; b<=c; b ) s=s 1;which one of the following is equal to the above code?

what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int i=0,s=0; for (;;) { if(i==3||i==5) continue; if (i==6) break; i ; s =i; }; printf("%d",s); return 0; }

if the variables i and p have been declared and initialized correctly, which one of the following cannot calculate 5! ?

in the following programs, which one has the different output with the others’?

what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int k=0,m=0,i,j; for (i=0; i<2; i ) { for (j=0; j<3; j ) k ; k-=j ; } m = i j ; printf("k=%d,m=%d",k,m); return 0; }

which one of the following is not correct?

assume the following program fragment: int k=2; while (k=0) { printf("%d",k) ; k-- ; }which one of the following is correct?

while in do statement can be omitted sometimes.

any of the 3 expressions in for loop can be omitted, and so is while and do statement’s controlling expression.

the most powerful iteration statement is for statement.

the loop body in the for statement will be executed at least once.

break can be used in switch statements and loops (while, do, and for), whereas continue is limited to loops.

which one of the following statements is wrong?

which one of the following statements about macro substitute is wrong ?

assuming we have #define l(x) 2*3.14*x,thus l(x) is .

assuming we have #define p(x) x/x, what is the output after executing printf("%d",p(4 6)); ?

assuming the macro definition #define mod(x,y) x%y, what is the result of the following code? int z,a=15; float b=100; z=mod(b,a); printf("%d",z );

which one of the following macro for square calculation will not cause ambiguity in any case?

given a macro definition as follows: #define n 3 #define y(n) ((n 1)*n), which one of the following is the value of the expression 2*(n y(5 1))?

given a macro definition #define p(x,y,z) x=y*z; the substitution p(a,x 5,y-3.1) will be .

in the file including preprocessing directives, when the file name is enclosed by double quotes after #include, the file will be searched in .

in the file including preprocessing directives, when the file name is enclosed by angle bracket after #include, the file will be searched .

macro substitution does not have type problem, and its arguments are of no type either.

in c language standard library header files, many system function prototype are declared. therefore, as long as these functions are used in the program, these header files should be included, for checking the function calling by compiling system.

the header files included by #include must have the suffix .h.

when index the array element, which one of the following statements is wrong?

which one of the following declarations can define a one dimensional array a correctly in c89?

assume a declaration int a[10]; , which one of the following can reference the element in a correctly?

which one of the following statements is wrong?

assume the declaration int a[3][4]; which one of the following can index the element in a correctly?

assume the declaration int a[3][4]=; which one of the following statements is correct?

if a 2-d array a has m columns, the formula to index the element a[i][j] is .

what is the output of the following code? int k,a[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; for (k=0;k<3;k ) printf("%d",a[k][2-k]);

which one of the following initialization is correct for the 2-d array a?

assume the declaration int b[]={1,2,[8]=3,4,5,[15]=1,6,7}; the length of array b is .

which one of the following statements about function is right?

which one of the following statements is right?

which one of the following function definitions is right?

if call a function int f(), which does not contain any return statement, which one of the following conclusions is right?

which one of the following determines the return type of a function in c language?

which one of the following statements about function return type is wrong?

which one of the following statements is wrong?

which one of the following is right?

given a function definition as follows: void f(char ch, float x ) { ...... } which one of the following function call statements is right?

assume a program defines a function as follows: double f(double a,double b) { return (a b); } but the definition is written after calling f. therefore, f should be declared before the calling. which one of the following prototypes is wrong?

which one of the following statements about function declaration is wrong?

if an array name is used for an actual parameter in a function calling, which one of the following will be delivered to the corresponding formal parameter?

given the following code in the main function, which one of the following is an incorrect declaration of the formal argument in function f? int a[3][4]; f(a);

read the following program: int fun1(double a) { return a*=a;} int fun2(double x,double y) { double a=0,b=0; a=fun1(x); b=fun1(y); return (int)(a b); } if w is a variable of type double, what is the value of w, after executing the statement w=fun2(1.1,2.0);?

both function definition and function call can be nested.

a function must have a return value, otherwise it cannot be defined as a function.

specifying that the return type is void indicates that the function doesn’t return a value.

the pointer of a variable indicates the of the variable.

given int k=2; int*ptr1,*ptr2; and both ptr1 and ptr2 point to the variable k, which one of the following assignments is not correct?

given int*p,m=5,n; which one of the following statements is right?

given int*p,a=4; and p=&a; in which one of the following, all items indicate addresses?

if a pointer p points to a variable x, which one of the following is equal to *&x ?

if the pointer p points to an integer variable x, which one of the following is equal to (*p) ?

for two pointer variables of the same base type, which one of the following operations cannot be done?

given the following function and the variable declaration int a=25; which one of the following is the result of the statement print_value(&a); ? void print_value(int *x) { printf("%d", *x); }

given char s[10]; which one of the following is not the address of s[1]?

given int a[5],*p=a; which one of the following is a correct reference to an element in array a ?

given int a[5],*p=a; which one of the following is a correct reference to the address of an element in array a ?

given int x[]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0},*p=x,k; and k is larger than or equal to 0 and less than 10, which one of the following is a wrong reference to the array element x[k]?

given int x[6]={2,4,6,8,5,7},*p=x,i; which one of the following code cannot output the 6 elements in array x in order?

given int a[2][3]; which one of the following is a correct reference to the address of the element in i-th row and j-th column of array a?

given int a=3,b,*p=&a;which one of the following statements doesn’t assign the value 3 to b?

given int a[4][5]; which one of the following references is incorrect?

given int a[2][3],(*p)[3]; p=a; which one of the following references to an element in the array a is correct?

given int (*p)[4]; which one of the following statements is right?

the return value of the function char* fun(char *p){ return p; } is .

assuming char x[]="12345",y[]={'1','2','3','4','5',''}; which one of the following statements is correct?

which one of the following initializations of the character array s is wrong?

which one of the following character arrays cannot be used as a string?

which is the output of the following code? char c[5]={'a','b','','c',''}; printf("%s",c);

given two arrays of character, a and b, which one of the following statements is correct?

which is the output of the following code? char a[7]="abcdef"; char b[4]="abc"; strcpy(a,b); printf("%c",a[5]);

which is the output of the following code? char c[]="\t\b\\\0will\n"; printf("%d",strlen(c));

which one of the following can be used to test whether the string a is greater than b?

the value of the expression strcmp("3.14","3.278") is .

given the following code: #include #include int main() { char p[]={'a','b','c'}, q[10]={'a','b','c'}; printf("%d %d", strlen(p), strlen(q)); return 0; } which one of the following statements is true?

which is the output of the following code? char w[][10]={"abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop"} , k; for(k=1;k<3;k ) printf("%s",w[k]);

if the function fun is defined as: void fun(char ch[], float x) { …… }, which one of the following function call statements is correct for function fun?

which one of the following statements about character array is wrong?

which one of the following is correct?

which one of the following statement(s) is a correct for the string s?

given char s[]="china"; char *p ; p=s ; which one of the following is correct?

given char a[]="itiine", *p="itiine"; which one of the following is incorrect?

given char *cc[2]={"1234","5678"}; which one of the following is correct?

assume s1 and s2 are declared correctly, if we want to execute the statement s when string s1 is greater than s2, which one of the following statements is correct?

given char s1[]="string1",s2[8],*s3,*s4="string2"; which one of the following is incorrect for library function strcpy?

which one of the following is correct about data file and c language?

the system standard input file is .

the system standard output file is .

which one of the following is a correct file name argument for the function fopen?

given char fname[]="infile.dat"; , which one of the following is a correct way to open the text file infile.dat for reading?

which one of the following is a correct way to create a file for both reading and writing using the function fopen ?

if errors occur while executing the function fopen, what is its return value?

if open an existing file using the argument "a ", which one of the following is correct?

in the file open modes, the string "rb" indicates .

when opening the text file "a:\\aa.dat" in the mode "w", if the file already exists, .

in c program, which one of the following can write an integer data into a file in binary form?

which one is the prototype of the function fputc that write a character to the disk files?

which one of the following operations can be done using the function fseek?

the function calling fseek(fp,-20l,seek_end) complete the operation .

which one of the following codes is nearly equal to fseek(fp,0l,seek_set)?

the function rewind can .

the function ftell(fp) can .

given a structure definition as follows: struct stu { int a; float b; } stutype; , which one of the following statements is wrong?

for which one of the following definitions, the compiler will not allocate memory locations.

which one of the following definitions of the structure variable td1 is wrong?

when declare a structure variable, the size of space allocated by system is .

given the declaration of a structure tag named student as follows: struct student { int no ; char name[20]; char sex; struct { int year; int month ; int day ; } birth; } s; if the member birth of the structure variable s is october 1, 2016. which one of the following assignments is right?

given the following code, which one of the following statements can output the letter m. struct person { char name[9]; int age; }; struct person class[10]={"johu",17,"paul",19,"mary",18,"adam",16};

which one of the following reference to a member of structure is not right? struct pupil { char name[20]; int age; int sex; } pup[5], *p=pup;

which one of the following reference is not right? struct s { int i1; struct s *i2,*i0; }; static struct s a[3]={2,&a[1],0,4,&a[2],&a[0],6,0,&a[1]}, *ptr=a;

given the following declaration: struct sk { int a; float b; } data; int *p; which one of the following assignments is right, to make p point to a in data?

given the declaration: struct{int a; char b;} q,*p=&q; which one of the following expression is wrong?

given the following code: struct st { int x; int *y; } *pt; int a[]={1,2},b[]={3,4}; struct st c[2]={10,a,20,b}; pt=c; which one of the following expressions has the value of 11?

which one of the following statements about union is right?

when declare a union variable, the size of space allocated by the compiler is .

given the following program: union { char a[10]; short b[4][5]; long c[5]; } u; the value of sizeof(u) is .

given the following program: union data { char ch; int x; } a; which one of the following is not right?

given the following declaration: enum color {red,yellow=2,blue,white,black} r=white; what is the output after executing the statement printf("%d",r); ?

given the following declaration: enum week {sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat} day; which one of the following assignments is right?

which one of the following statements is wrong?

given the following statement: typedef struct {int n;char ch[8];} per; which one of the following statements is right?

which of the following is a legal c identifier?

in c language, which of the following operator requires its operands must be of type int?

suppose that we call scanf as follows: scanf(“%f%d%f”, &x, &i, &y); if the user enters: 12.3 45.6 789 what will be the values of x, i, and y after the call? (assume that x and y are float variables and i is an int variable.)

suppose int x=3,y=4,z=5; , which of the following is the value of the expression !(x y) z-1 && y z/2 ?

the following code . x=-1; do{ x=x*x; }while (!x);

the three identifiers, weight, weight and weight, are equal in c language.

the expression in a case label of a switch statement must be constant expression.

in switch statement, several case can execute the same program segment.

without break (or some other jump statement) at the end of a case, control will flow into the next case.

the loop body in the for statement will be executed at least once.








































狩猎文明、农业文明、工业文明和生态文明这四个阶段对应的人与自然关系分别为? 其中①人改造自然②人与自然和谐相处③人向自然大肆掠夺④人受自然控制



















