在设备安装调试过程中,为了有效地控制投资,监理工程师的主要职责包括( )。
在进行建设项目财务评价时,( )是财务内部收益率的基准判据。
编制招标控制价时,招标人自行供应材料、设备的,总承包服务费按照招标人供应材料、设备价值的( )计取。
某混凝土预制厂生产的预制构件中存在着蜂窝麻面、局部露筋、表面裂缝和强度不足等质量问,为了提高产品的合格率,需进行质量分析。经分析计算,上述质量问的累计频率分别为415%、735%、905%、和100%,则该预制构件的主要质量问是( )。
按照《合同法》规定,( )属于委托合同。
在做出进行工程保险这一决策之后,还需( )。
材料质量检验项目中的其他试验项目是指( )检验项目。
对施工位工程文件的形成、积累、立卷归档工作进行监督、检查是( )的职责。
建设投资估算方法包括( )。
在网络计划的工期优化过程中,缩短持续的工作应是( )。
下列项目监理机构内部协调工作中,属于内部组织关系协调的是( )。
平行检验是( )利用一定的检查或检测手段在承包位自检的基础上,按照一定的比例独立进行检查或检测的活动。
全过程控制要求从( )就开始进行投资控制,并将投资控制工作贯穿于建设工程实施的全过程。
administer respectable massive restore raise 1. they ______ the old building and opened it to the public.
administer respectable massive restore raise 2. the concert will ______ funds for aids research.
administer respectable massive restore raise 3. those nurses were trained to ___________ painkillers.
administer respectable massive restore raise 4. the explosion made a ___________ hole in the ground.
administer respectable massive restore raise 5. economic growth has averaged a ___________ 2.5 percent.
it took the government three years to _____ the economy to full strength.
i always _____ the ell of baking with my childhood.
we hope that they're going to _____ justice impartially
the girls listened in ____ as the story unfolded.
every bit of his dignity and ____ was swept into the dust.
i can hardly express my ____ to you for your help.
when teachers ____ homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.
her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership____.
after the war, they built a tower to commemorate their victory.
it promised to be a more difficult ____ than might appear at first sight.
ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ① they should be _____ for planning and carrying the fnancial policies of the company.
ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ② no final decision has been _____ taken, but it seems likely that the two ompanies could merge in the near future.
ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ③ the girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee _____ out of the new carpet.
ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ④ they said that they would innovate with persistence to _____ the product in the coming year.
ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ⑤ i got a free _____ of eye shadow. could you show me how to use it?
children should have glasses which_____ out uv rays.
i accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is true _______ many couples.
and that _____ in his eyes when he talks about it – i can imagine his passion left a great impression on the girl.
the word "illuminating" (para. 1) has the closest meaning to __________.
as with orce, marriage rates vary with race and______.
at harvard, the only mandatory class for freshmen is an expository writing class. the underlined word is the opposite to _____.
the cuisine is a highlight for freshmen at harvard.
encounter, as a verb, means to meet someone without planning to (formal).
bulk carriers means 散货船.
it is common to see men to manage family budget in traditional malay families.
appoint dedicate impact major release ① how do you evaluate the _____ of this incident?
appoint dedicate impact major release ② drug abuse has long been a _____ problem for the local government.
appoint dedicate impact major release ③ he is _____ an album of love songs.
appoint dedicate impact major release ④ the design has to _____ to all ages and social groups.
appoint dedicate impact major release ⑤ they have _____ a new head teacher at my son’s school.
"mass hysteria resulted wherever the beatles appeared, and beatlemania was created." how do you understand "beatlemania"?
why did steven stark, cultural historian, spend three years in liverpool?
"julia", written by lennon, was named for and _____ to his mother.
their appearance had such an impact that most normal activities came to a _____.
although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _____ speed.
all the memories of his childhood had _____ from his mind by the time he was 65.
this river is so big that it is impossible to build a _____ under it without modern technology.
the _____ is nearly dead , so i can not start the car again.
the people of malay, india or indonesian greet, wave or eat with their _____ hand, but use their _____ hand with the bathroom.
when you go to dinner at one restaurant in singapore, it'll charge you _____ percent of _____ fee.
associate embrace receptive gradual ban ①today, oking is_____ in public rooms and on public transport in many places.
associate embrace receptive gradual ban ② one of the goals of an education is to make people more _____ to social norms.
associate embrace receptive gradual ban ③ in western countries, the number 13 is often _____ with misfortune.
associate embrace receptive gradual ban ④ mobile communication has _____ influenced people’s lives in a deep way.
associate embrace receptive gradual ban ⑤ people in higher socioeconomic classes were the first to _____ social trends.
attempting to quit oking can ______a people magnet among social groups.
one of the goals of an education is to make people more ______ to social norms.
running these engines requires the _____ of only a all amount of fuel.
the name of the united states _____ to implement this new system at a number of the country’s airports is called nextgen.
in philippines, the importance of the host and the occasion are measured by the amount of _____served.
since filipinos are fond of ____ foods, a mixture of instant coffee,evaporated milk,and sugar may be served.
failure to kick the oking habit may put a drag on social life.
sisters and brothers have the most influence on another person’s oking behaviour.
people who quit oking will affect others through the network.
as oking became less and less popular, okers move to the fringe of social clusters while oking quitters had more connections.
distraction addiction fantasy interactive finacial ② can a 7-year-old boy clearly distinguish reality from _____ ?
distraction addiction fantasy interactive finacial ③ the decision, widely expected by economists, had little impact on the _____ market.
maybe if i tried to manage my time more effectively and didn't _______ so much, i could get more done.
the students will be expected to undertake learning tasks between classes and to participate in computer-based ___________ learning environment.
but as i said the internet is the gateway to _______ information and access to everything one can imagine.
all planes are grounded _______ fog, we have to delay our plan.
why do we call rail transport is a "green" system?
what is the chinese equivalent of "unit train"?
what are the typical features of suzhou garden?
why do so many of us love to surf internet?
accomplish activate employ reflect specific ① click on the link in the email to _____ your account.
accomplish activate employ reflect specific ④ you should _____ these in the requirements and business rules.
accomplish activate employ reflect specific ⑤ we will manage to _____ the task in time even though it is diffcult.
what is the part of speech of "accomplished"?
what skills are needed to _____ this machinery?
what is the main purpose of a graphic organizer?
what are the 5cs?
in "the importance of transportation", what are the five factors?
taking notes by computers are better than by hand.
subsequence means things that happen later.
transport route means交通运输方式.
i can hardly express my ____ to you for your help.
when teachers ____ homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.
her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership____.
after the war, they built a tower to ______ their victory.
it promised to be a more difficult ____ than might appear at first sight.
at harvard, the only mandatory class for freshmen is an expository writing class. the underlined word is the opposite to _____.
the audience are dressed in a _______ of ways in the grand theatre.
"…lofty ceilings are all made of gorgeous, dark wood that is so impeccably polished that it shines.” the underlined word means________.
“…the hall is hung with chandeliers, has vibrantly colored stained glass windows….”. “stain” here has the closest meaning to _______.
his marketing team has been the greatest_______ for the company.
"julia", written by lennon, was named for and _____ to his mother.
their appearance had such an impact that most normal activities came to a _____.
although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _____ speed.
this river is so big that it is impossible to build a _____ under it without modern technology.
the cuisine is a highlight for freshmen at harvard.
encounter, as a verb, means to meet someone without planning to formal.
bulk carriers means 散货船.
it is common to see men to manage family budget in traditional malay families.
according to the passage, matriarchal society has great impact on beatles in term of writing.
a maglev train may power its engine by generating power through coils.
smokers who fail to kick the oking habit may miss a chance to make new friends. which of the following is not the correct meaning of the underlined word?
attempting to quit oking can ______a people magnet among social groups.
one of the goals of an education is to make people more ______ to social norms.
marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat ogous ___trying to build a bridge under water.
the group discussion has _____ some light on the problem.
in philippines, the importance of the host and the occasion are measured by the amount of _____served.
running these engines requires the _____ of only a all amount of fuel.
what is the new addiction at stony brook university?
________ studies already link the first meal of the day to better classroom performance.
the school is trying its best to make more accommodation _________.
we should never ________ influence we can have on the children we love.
what skills are needed to _____ this machinery?
sisters and brothers have the most influence on another person’s oking behaviour.
as oking became less and less popular, okers move to the fringe of social clusters while oking quitters had more connections.
money, in addition to good spirits, is lost as time is spent _________ in the car or bus.
no direct interaction with the internet is found because of high-speed access and other technological advances.
taking notes by computers are better than by hand.
metacognitive strategies help students understand the way they learn.
下列关于因素成对比较法确定土地定级因素权重说法错误的是( )。
采用收益还原法进行地价评估时,不属于经营费用的是( )。
以下能够体现当前我国城镇地价宏观管理所处历史阶段的事件是( )。
下列关于工业用地出让价格表述欠妥的是( )。
某房地产开发商于7月经出让取得一宗住宅用地,后取得房屋预售许可证,2月销售房产,其土地使用权最长截止日期为( )。
根据《农用地定级规程》,修正法定级是在农用地分等指数的基础上,根据定级目的,择 ( )等因素计算修正系数,对分等成果进行修正,评估出农用地级别的方法。
企业建造办公大楼领用生产用原材料时,相关的增值税应借记的会计科目是( )。
某宗位于主干道旁的工业用地,厂区内为硬化路面、自供水,厂区外铺设有市政供水、排水、供热、煤气等管网以及通讯电缆、供电电网,则在土地价格评估时,土地开发程度应设定为( )。
按照《国土资源部办公厅关于完善企业改制土地估价报告备案有关事宜的通知》的规定,下列说确的有( )。
《城市规划编制办法》中规定,市域城镇体系规划的编制内容主要包括( )。
一类人防重点城市中的省会城市单独编制的城市人防建设规划应由谁审批( )
下面四个选项中,叙述错误的一项为( )。
根据《历史文化名城名镇名村保护条例》的规定,对历史建筑进行外部修缮装饰、添加设施的工程( )。
在我国城乡规划法制建设历程中,( )是新城市规划事业由创立到壮大的八年,是我国城乡规划事业第一个重要发展时期。
土地使用权划拨是指县级以上依法批准,在土地使用者缴纳补偿、安置费后,将该幅土地交付其使用,或者将国有土地使用权( )交付给土地使用者的行为。
在操作层面上,社会工作价值观可以概括为如下原则,其中不正确的选项是( )。
病残儿鉴定办理要件:书面申请、户口薄、身份证、《独生子女光荣证》、( )。
基层计划生育人员在办理生育登记过程中,应当保护( )。
组织生活会以支部或小组为单位召开,一般( )召开 1 次,由上级组织做出安排。
计划生育家庭特别扶助审批办理时限( )。
求职登记的办理流程为申请人申请→社区(村)登记→( )。
求职登记办理要件为身份证、户口本、( )。
残疾人子女大学生救助是指( )。
残疾证办理时限为( )个工作日。
沈阳市城镇居民基本医疗保险待遇起始时间:新参保人员(民政部门新认定特困人员、二级及以上重度残疾人、未成年人除外)设立( )个月待遇等待期。
广大员在品德合格方面,重点是继承发扬( ),大力弘扬忠诚老实、光明坦荡、公道正派、实事求是、艰苦奋斗、清正廉洁等共产人价值观。
某工业公司为增值税一般纳税人,2011年10月9日购人材料一批,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的价款为21200元,增值税额为3604元。该公司适用的增值税率为17%,材料入库前的挑选整理费为200元,材料已验收入库。则该公司取得的该材料的入账价值应为( )元。
下列事项中,不影响企业的现金流量的是( )。
长虹公司于2007年12月份购入一台设备,实际成本为50万元,估计使用年限为5年,估计净残值为零,采用直线法计提折旧。2008年末,对该设备进行检查,估计其可收回金额为36万元。2009年末,再次检查估计该设备可收回金额为30万元,则2009年末应调整资产减值损失的金额为( )万元。
“长期待摊费用”科目中如有将于一年内到期的部分,应在资产负债表的( )项目内反映。
下列项目中,属于事业单位支出的有( )。
下列错账,适用除9法查找的有( )。
在支付手续费委托代销方式下,受托方在售出受托代销商品时,按售价确认营业收入。( )
事业单位专用基金是指事业单位按规定提取的具有专门用途的资金。下列各项,属于事业单位专用基金的有( )。(2006年)
除法律或者会计制度等行政法规、规章要求外,企业不得自行变更会计政策( )
下列选项中,( )没有体现谨慎性原则的要求。