【单选题】实数的正规表示是( )
【单选题】无理数π的10位过剩近似值是( )
【单选题】实数x的不足近似值 ( )
【单选题】设有实数x与y,且与分别x与y的n位不足近似值与过剩近似值,则x > y 当且仅当存在m使得( )
【单选题】下列叙述错误的是( )
【单选题】等式成立当且仅当( )
【判断题】对于任意两个不相等的实数a与b,都有a < b或a > b( )
【单选题】设a是实数,δ > 0,下面( )不是a的δ去心邻域
【单选题】是( )
【单选题】a是有界集当且仅当( )
【单选题】数集的上、下确界分别是( )
【单选题】设a是数集s的下确界,则 ( )
【判断题】若数集s有下确界,则存在 ( )
【单选题】下列相同的两个函数是( )
【单选题】设函数,下列叙述不正确的( )
【单选题】函数的定义域是( )
【单选题】设有函数,下列结论错误的是( )
【单选题】设函数有反函数,下列结论错误的是( )
【单选题】下列结论正确的是( )
【单选题】下列不是有界函数的有( )
【单选题】下列定义在r上的函数是严格单调增加的有( )
【多选题】若函数在r严格增加,函数在r严格减少,且复合函数的定义域也都是r,则下列结论正确的有( )
【单选题】下列是奇函数的有( )
【单选题】下列不是周期函数的有( )
【判断题】周期函数一定有最小正周期( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列不能说明数列极限成立的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( ).
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列函数在的极限不存在是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列函数在的极限为2的是( )
【单选题】列函数在的极限不存在的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列极限等于1的是( )
【单选题】下列极限等于e的是( )
【单选题】下列结论正确的是( )
【单选题】当时,下列是无穷小量的有( )
【单选题】若则的是( )
【单选题】当时,下列结论不正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的有( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的有( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】设有定义,下列叙述不正确的是( )
【单选题】函数表示的曲线的所有渐近线有( )
【单选题】直线 是下列曲线的渐近线( )
【单选题】下列函数中,在处连续的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列函数中,在处局部有界的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列函数中,在 上有界的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列函数中,反函数在上不连续的是( )
【单选题】下列叙述正确的是( )
【单选题】下列函数中,在给定的 取值范围下,不属于初等函数的是( )
【单选题】已知,则在处( )
【单选题】已知 则 ,
【判断题】已知在处可导且,则点必为的极值点( )
【判断题】已知在处不可导,则在处一定无切线方程( )
【单选题】已知,则 。
【判断题】已知与分别在处不可导,则或在处一定不可导( )
【单选题】设,则方程在区间上有( )个根.
【单选题】函数在区间内可导,则内是函数在内严格单调增加的( )
【单选题】函数取得极大值和极小值分别为 。
【单选题】函数,的最大值和最小值分别为 。
【单选题】嵌入式系统的硬件发展过程中,出现过多种流行的微处理器系列芯片,从21世纪初流行起来的arm9微处理器是( )的处理器。
【单选题】“嵌入式系统”这个名词的来源最早可以追溯到( )。
【单选题】若某嵌入式系统中,想采用windows ce操作系统作为某软件平台,现要完成bsp移植、操作系统的移植和定制等工作,开发者应选用( )集成开发环境来作为其开发工具。
【单选题】目前,嵌入式系统的应用领域非常广泛。但通常把( )领域称为嵌入式系统的传统应用。
【单选题】在智能手机这样的嵌入式系统产品中,广泛使用的anroid操作系统,其内核实际上是( )。
【填空题】vxworks是风河公司推出的嵌入式操作系统,其内核采用了 来进行任务调度,并支持同优先级任务间的时间片分时调度,以保证紧急事件的任务及时执行。
【填空题】嵌入式系统的应用需求多种多样,复杂程度也不一样。若需要构建一个linux操作系统作为目标机的软件平台,需要完成启动引导程序设计、 、根文件系统建立等工作。
【填空题】目前,把以应用为中心,以计算机技术为基础,其软硬件可裁剪, 的专用计算机系统称为嵌入式系统。
【填空题】sopc是嵌入式系统的一种体现形式。它是基于一个超大集成规模的 上,该芯片上通常集成有至少一个微处理器核(硬核或软核),以及片上总线、存储器、大量的可编程逻辑阵列等。
【填空题】rvds是arm公司推出的一个集成开发环境,它汇集了 开发工具中优良的源代码编辑与管理工具,以及realview系列开发工具中优良的编译、调试工具。
【单选题】arm9系列的微处理器芯片均采用了( )版本的指令集架构。
【单选题】若一条分支指令位b next,next为偏移量,其值等于0x000080,该指令在存储器中存储单元的地址若为0x00000018,那么,该指令执行后,将转移到地址为( )处接着执行指令。
【单选题】arm9微处理器既可以访问字节,即一次读/写8位二进制数,也可以访问字,即一次读/写32位二进制数,下面可以作为字地址的是( )。
【单选题】下面的寄存器中,( )寄存器在fiq模式下所使用的寄存器,与用户模式下所使用的寄存器,物理上是独立的。
【单选题】arm9微处理器支持7种异常,这7种异常的优先级是固定的,下面有关优先级的说明语句中不正确的是( )。
【单选题】当arm9微处理器响应异常时,当前pc的值将保存到( )寄存器中,以便异常服务完成后,返回到断点处接着执行。
【填空题】以arm9微处理器为核心的嵌入式系统中,若字地址对应的是该字中的最低8位,那么,该嵌入式系统采用了 存储方式。
【填空题】在管理模式下,可通过设置cpsr寄存器中最后5位二进制值,使得arm9微处理器核进入相应的工作模式。若想使微处理器核进入irq模式,那么,这5位二进制值应该是 。
【填空题】当arm9微处理器响应irq异常后,异常服务程序完成后,利用指令 来实现返回断点处。
【填空题】arm9指令集中具有寄存器移位寻址方式。若要指令中存储第二个操作数的寄存器逻辑左移,寄存器中的低端空出位补0,那么,应使用助记符 。
【填空题】arm9微处理器核的指令系统中有两种指令集状态,通常使用的是32位的arm指令集,另一种16位的指令集称为 。
【填空题】对于i/o端口的访问,arm9微处理器体系结构是使用存储器映射的方法来实现的。存储器映射的i/o端口,其输入/输出操作指令与存储单元的 是相同的,但行为通常不同。
【单选题】arm9微处理器的汇编指令ldreq r5,[r6,#28]!的功能是( )。
【单选题】若有一条减法指令subs r0,r1,#80,减法指令助记符sub后面的字符“s”代表的功能含义是( )。
【单选题】若把一个立即数10传输给arm9微处理器的内部寄存器r2,下面几条汇编指令或伪指令中,不能完成此功能的是( )。
【单选题】arm9的汇编程序源文件中,需要一些指示符来指示汇编器如何对该汇编源文件进行编译连接,其中指示程序入口的指示符是( )。
【单选题】以arm9微处理器为核心开发的嵌入式系统中,有关其系统引导程序的说明语句中不正确的是( )。
【单选题】arm9微处理器的指令mov r3,#0x81,ror #31完成是给r3寄存器赋予一个数值,其值为( )。
【填空题】arm9微处理器的汇编指令均是有条件执行的,若要表示某指令在“不等”的条件才执行,那么,该指令助记符的后缀字符应该是 。
【单选题】下面描述s3c2440芯片内部中断未决寄存器的特点及作用的语句中,错误的语句是( )。(假设cpsr寄存器中i、f均设置为0。)
【单选题】若某个以s3c2440芯片为核心的目标系统中,要求开放外部中断eint0,其他中断均禁止,那么,写入中断屏蔽寄存器的参数为( )。
【单选题】下面描述s3c2440芯片中断源优先级的语句中,正确的是( )。
【单选题】下面描述中断源识别原理和方法的语句中,不正确的语句是( )。
【填空题】嵌入式系统中,经常采用中断控制方式来控制i/o端口或部件的数据传输,采用中断方式的目的是为了提高i/o端口或部件的( )。
【单选题】s3c2440芯片内部的gpio引脚分成了( )gpio端口。
【单选题】gpecon寄存器是端口e的功能设置寄存器,若gpecon寄存器中写入了一个参数:0xa000 5050,那么,引脚gpe15的功能是( )。
【单选题】s3c2440芯片内部的gpa端口是多功能的端口,下面有关对其功能描述的语句中不正确的是( )。
【单选题】端口e的gpeup寄存器,其作用是( )。
【单选题】汽车销售的活动的出发点和立足点是( )
【多选题】汽车销售4s店中的4s的含义是( )
【单选题】在汽车销售过程中向顾客推荐车型中动态展示汽车性能是( )
【单选题】汽车销售八大流程中第一个流程是( )
【单选题】在汽车销售中,真正的销售始于( )
【单选题】售前准备应该准备( )
【多选题】汽车整体服务是指( )
【单选题】打电话时谁先挂,交际礼仪给了一个规范的做法( )。
【单选题】下面关于握手礼的选项哪一项是错误的( )。
【单选题】在具备决定权的前提下,下列选项中哪一项是a类客户,也就是最优质客户( )
【单选题】以下哪句话是正确的( )
【单选题】以下探寻问题的种类,哪一项是不可取的?( )
【单选题】以追求汽车外观欣赏价值和艺术价值为主要目的,注重车型的颜色、款式、流线型设计等外观因素,属于( )动机。
【单选题】以追求汽车的实用价值为主要目的,注重实惠和实际原则,强调汽车的效用和质量是( )购买动机。
【多选题】需求分析的5w1h分别指的是( )
【单选题】fab法则,即( )、( )、( )的法则。
【单选题】以下不属于六方位绕车方位点的是( )
【多选题】销售顾问可以在车前方向顾客介绍( )等内容。
【多选题】销售顾问可以在车尾部介绍( )以下内容。
【单选题】动态展示汽车性能的是汽车销售流程中哪个环节( )
【单选题】以下哪一项不是试乘试驾的原因( )
【单选题】顾客异议是成交的障碍,但它也表达了这样一种信号,即顾客对产品:( )
【单选题】如果企业能够创造非凡的( ),就拥有了维持长期收益的基础。
【多选题】客户异议的类型有( )
【单选题】下面异议处理的话术可取的是( )
【单选题】以下在处理竞争产品异议的方法中错误的是( )
【多选题】成交的信号有( )
【多选题】以下属于商业险的是( )
【多选题】以下说确的是( )
【单选题】下面哪一项是顾客在交车时所期望的:( )
【单选题】接到投诉之后处理的原则不可取的是( )
【多选题】劳特朋为代表的营销专家提出了著名的“4c”理论,“4c”分别指的是( )
【多选题】与客户进行客户关系维系的渠道有( )
【单选题】下面人物和“两句三年得,一吟双泪流 ”有关的是()
【单选题】《文心雕龙》认为“非常” “极其” 这类词违反了()的规定。
【单选题】从“行而上者谓之道,行而下者谓之器” 这句话我们可以看出()是“道” “行” “器”中 的基础。
【单选题】1,兼毫是由( )种以上毫毛所制?
【单选题】七紫三羊是用( )毫制成的笔。
【单选题】起初宣纸作为专有名词是因( )命名。
【单选题】宣纸按原料配比分类不正确的是( )。
【单选题】书法的源头最早可以追溯到( )
【单选题】书体与书定的演变与( )最为紧密
【单选题】汉字构造中,不属于“六书”的是其中的( )
【单选题】汉字是一种什么特性的文字( )
【单选题】先秦文字的体势与笔法是何种关系( )
【单选题】书法的源头最早可以追溯到( )
【单选题】书体与书定的演变与( )最为紧密
【单选题】汉字构造中,不属于“六书”的是其中的( )
【单选题】汉字是一种什么特性的文字( )
【单选题】先秦文字的体势与笔法是何种关系( )
【单选题】秦始皇实行“书同文”的字体是( )
【单选题】最早规范的汉字应当算是( )
【单选题】汉字形体在秦以后第一次大变化称为( )
【单选题】汉代隶书除了碑版之外,比较多的是( )
【单选题】与碑版隶书正体相对应的变体,后人称之为( )
【单选题】出土汉代帛书最有名的是( )
【单选题】竹木简较有名的是( )
【单选题】魏晋南北朝的南北书法分称,多谓( )
【单选题】王羲之与王献之的书法风格是何关系( )
【单选题】江左书风主要体现在哪种材质上( )
【单选题】南与北的代表形式,在笔画方面的区别主要在( )
【单选题】代表南方书风最高成就的是这个时期的( )
【单选题】“书圣”主要的成就是( )
【单选题】“唐人尚法”主要是指的在哪种书体上有成就( )
【单选题】唐初四大家指的是( )
【单选题】唐人受北朝书法影响较深的有( )
【单选题】唐太宗最喜欢谁的书法( )
【单选题】《集王书圣教序》的主体文章是哪位皇帝撰写的( )
【单选题】唐代草书最有名的是( )
【单选题】“宋人尚意”,在书法中的表现有( )
【单选题】元代书法中,以复古为开新的代表人物是( )
【单选题】明人在书法上复古,走得并不彻底,但较好的有( )
【单选题】清人帖学较明显的是( )
【单选题】清人倡碑较有名的是( )
【单选题】刻意生新的清人有( )
【单选题】清代复兴隶书的人物有( )
【单选题】碑帖之争在书体之外的意义是( )
【单选题】西学东渐,使的传统书法,首先是在( )上有所变化。
【单选题】属于民国书法五大家的人物之一有( )
【单选题】于右任的主要成就是在哪一种书体( )
【单选题】康有为的主要成就是( )
【单选题】李瑞清书法主要是从( )书体中化出
【单选题】民国初融金石于笔下的最名人物是( )
【单选题】郑孝胥的路数是( )
【单选题】魏晋南北朝的南北书法分称,多谓( )
【单选题】王羲之与王献之的书法风格是何关系( )
【单选题】江左书风主要体现在哪种材质上( )
【单选题】南与北的代表形式,在笔画方面的区别主要在( )
【单选题】代表南方书风最高成就的是这个时期的( )
【单选题】“书圣”主要的成就是( )
【单选题】“唐人尚法”主要是指的在哪种书体上有成就( )
【单选题】唐初四大家指的是( )
【单选题】唐人受北朝书法影响较深的有( )
【单选题】唐太宗最喜欢谁的书法( )
【单选题】《集王书圣教序》的主体文章是哪位皇帝撰写的( )
【单选题】唐代草书最有名的是( )
【单选题】“宋人尚意”,在书法中的表现有( )
【单选题】元代书法中,以复古为开新的代表人物是( )
【单选题】明人在书法上复古,走得并不彻底,但较好的有( )
【单选题】清人帖学较明显的是( )
【单选题】清人倡碑较有名的是( )
【单选题】刻意生新的清人有( )
【单选题】清代复兴隶书的人物有( )
【单选题】碑帖之争在书体之外的意义是( )
【单选题】西学东渐,使的传统书法,首先是在( )上有所变化。
【单选题】属于民国书法五大家的人物之一有( )
【单选题】于右任的主要成就是在哪一种书体( )
【单选题】康有为的主要成就是( )
【单选题】李瑞清书法主要是从( )书体中化出
【单选题】民国初融金石于笔下的最名人物是( )
【单选题】郑孝胥的路数是( )
【单选题】汉字部件是由 组成的具有组配汉字功能的构字单位。
【单选题】许慎的《说文解字》将汉字分为 个部首。
【单选题】“警”字由 个部件组成。
【单选题】“鸟”字由 个部件组成。
【单选题】“赣”字右部件由 个部件组成。
【单选题】“籍”字上部件由 个部件组成。
【单选题】“高”字的上部件是 。
【单选题】“譬”字下部件由 个部件组成。
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit given the chance to show his ability, he regained ______ and began to succeed in school.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit it is so difficult to ______ the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit there is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may ______ a threat to social stability.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit some people believe that the earth can ______ enough food to support at least twice its present population.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit sam ______ the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.
【单选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. what may be the topic of the text?
【单选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. who wrote the letter and to whom was it written?
【单选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. why did the author write the letter?
【多选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. which of the following topics may be discussed in more detail in the text?
【填空题】previewing is one of the three basic ______ reading techniques and allows to extract essential information from reading material before digging into details.
【单选题】how does the president open his speech? ( unit 1 text a)
【多选题】what are the effective methods to open a speech ?
【多选题】a supporting detail is a fact, description, example, quotation, anecdote, or other item of information used to ______.
【多选题】what are the effective methods to close a speech ?
【填空题】a topic sentence contains the ______ idea upon which a paragraph is developed.
【单选题】what kind of people is easy to be successful in the proverb “early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”?
【单选题】the expression “___________” tells us something which one has really got is better than a lot of nice things which one hasn't got.
【单选题】if you believe that “___________”,you can learn about yourself by studying the friends whom you attract.
【单选题】"why did you say such things to him? you know, ___________. "
【单选题】the expression “___________” describes a person who gets up to work early will be successful, and success comes to those who prepare well and put in effort.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional thanks to the ______ of air transport, everyone is free to go anywhere at any time.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional john believes that the ______ of food to the hungry is more helpful than giving money.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional the wedding ceremony of my sister was a very ______ experience for our family.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional the local government is pressed to find new places to ______ waste.
【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional the new system designed to ______ harmful emissions from factories will be put into use soon.
【多选题】what are the structural bad reading habits mentioned in the video?
【多选题】how to read in thought groups?
【多选题】how to train the skill of reading in thought groups according to the video?
【填空题】when we speak, we need to ide speech up into all ______ to help the listener understand messages. these chunks or thought groups are groups of ______ which go together to express a(n ) ______ or ______.
【判断题】reading in thought groups can help you break the narrow reading.
【多选题】what are the variations of the pattern?
【多选题】what are the writing essentials of the problem-solution pattern mentioned in the video?
【填空题】the pattern of text organization mentioned in the video is problem - ______ pattern.
【填空题】there are some possible differences in the pattern but the basic parts are ______ and ______ .
【填空题】how to overcome the fear in the inner world according to the video? the trick is to ______ them, know why they're there – and then ______ them when it's necessary to take action in order to ______ your goals.
【单选题】driving is really greek for me, because i totally have no idea about the car. what does the word "greek " mean in the sentence?
【单选题】the pills that he gave tony were _____ , he wanted tony to get addicted to it.
【单选题】the poor man beat his boss by summoning ________.
【单选题】why did you take ______ yesterday? it was not very polite.
【判断题】what he did offended me so much that i said “shit” unconsciously, therefore i added immediately “excuse my french”. 这句话的意思是:他的所作所为如此讨厌,我不由自主地说了一句“shit”,赶紧补了一句“对不起,刚刚说脏话了”
【单选题】which university did bill gates go to?
【单选题】gates founded microsoft in 1975 with his childhood partner______.
【单选题】in ______, education came to audiovisual age, in which radio and projector could be used in teaching.
【单选题】college students cannot use _______ to enhance their study.
【单选题】the typical symptoms of iad not include: __________.
【单选题】look at the following statements and decide which are facts (f) and which are opinions (o). it's a great way to keep up with friends. ( )
【单选题】another recent news story told of a man who spent so much time online that he didn’t sleep enough to keep his job. ( )
【单选题】it is easy for those who are unaffected by the powerful draw of connectivity – those who can easily control their time online – to view internet addiction as an imaginary problem or to attribute its origins to a weak personality. ( )
【单选题】the internet is a powerful tool, but make sure that you use it wisely for all the good value it offers and that you won’t let too much of a good thing become something bad. ( )
【单选题】in fact, a recent study in the us found that information technology accounted for 5% to 8% of college budgets, up from an estimated 2% to 3% in the mid-1980s. ( )
【多选题】we can use __________ to show cause-and-effect relations.
【多选题】we can use __________ to show cause-and-effect relations.
【填空题】what is cause and what is effect? a cause is what ______ something happen; an effect is what happens as result of a ______.
【填空题】what paragraph pattern does cause-and-effect paragraph follow? the author begins with a ______ sentence introducing an effect, then provides______ to explain the causes.
【填空题】can you list three kinds of cause-and-effect patterns? pattern one: one ______, many causes; pattern two: one ______, many effects; pattern three: the causal ______.
【多选题】in mythology, the heroes changed the world by ______.
【多选题】according to the video, the heroes in history are mentioned. they are ______.
【判断题】according to the video, the word "hero" comes from greek.
【判断题】the word "hero" originally means "demigod" which refers to someone with one parent being a god and the other a human being.
【判断题】today, we use the phrase "achilles heel" to describe the strongest point in one's character or nature, where it is hard for other people to attack or criticize them.
【多选题】what are the important benefits of scanning?
【多选题】how to improve scanning techniques?
【填空题】there are different styles of reading for different situations. the technique you choose will depend on the______ for reading.
【填空题】what is the definition of scanning? scanning is a technique that can help you quickly gain ______ from a book, magazine, newspaper or website without having to read every word.
【填空题】when to scan? when scanning, you look only for a ______ fact or piece of information without reading everything. the written articles that are scanned are often written in a particular ______ or in______.
【单选题】text a in unit 4 is typical of the ______ pattern.
【多选题】how does the author develop a paragraph in the pattern of question-example-conclusion?
【多选题】three companies, three spaceships, three tycoons are vying to live out their childhood sci-fi fantasies and explore outer space. who are the tycoons mentioned in the video clip?
【填空题】the writing pattern introduced in today's video is question- _____ -conclusion pattern. this pattern can be applied not only in a set of paragraphs but also in a single paragraph.
【填空题】take paragraphs 1-4 in unit 4 as an example. after raising the ______ “who are the heroes among us?” in paragraph 1, the author provides two ______ of civilian heroes in paragraph 2 and 3. then in paragraph 4, the author comes to the ______ that civilians can be heroes too, which is an answer to the question raised in paragraph 1.
【填空题】when did cliff young win the race? in the year ______.
【填空题】how old was cliff young when he won the race? he was ______ years old.
【填空题】how long is sydney to melbourne ultramarathon? the distance is ______ km.
【填空题】how long is standard marathon? the standard marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of ______ kilometers.
【填空题】what else do you know about marathon? the marathon was one of the original modern olympic events in ______, though the distance didn’t become standardized until ______.
【多选题】what can the skill “skimming” do for us?
【多选题】what steps can we follow when we skim a text?
【填空题】what is skim? to skim is to get a ______ idea about an article or a book.
【填空题】clue words about ____, ____, ____,____ , how many and how much. clue words tell us the basic information of a story.
【填空题】words such as “____”, “____” and “on the contrary” suggest that the author is changing the direction of thought.
【单选题】the time order is not very useful in ______.
【单选题】to express the time order, many signal words can be used: for beginning events: we cannot use ______.
【单选题】for following events: we cannot use______
【单选题】for earlier events: the words such as ____ cannot be used.
【填空题】one logical way to develop a paragraph is to arrange details in time order. in other words, details are presented in the ______ in which they happen. if details are arranged in an orderly fashion, readers will find it easier to remember each step or event.
【判断题】when i was six years old and my little sister was three years old,for some reasons, i thought we needed to earn some money. i decided we should "hire out" as maids.
【判断题】we visited the neighbors, offering to clean houses for them for a cent.
【判断题】faced with the truth, we admitted what we had done. mother said “you have fibbed, you have not told the truth”.
【判断题】years later, our mother told us that the lesson she came up with for trying to teach us to be truthful would probably have been found upon by child psychologists.
【判断题】this story is how over fifty years ago, my mother learned to be truthful. she has never forgotten how much a fib can be hurt.
【单选题】please spell the english name of 马克•吐温, according to the rule of spelling names.
【单选题】please spell the name of 诸葛亮 in english, according to the rule of spelling names.
【填空题】the rule of spelling names is very simple and easy to remember: that is to ______ the first letter of given name, ______ the first letter of family name and put a space between the given name and the family name.
【判断题】according to the western custom, given name is followed by family name.
【判断题】according to the video, it is usual when a woman keeps her maiden name plus her married name, like norman-johnston. norman is her maiden name, and johnston is her huand's surname.
【单选题】________, reported speech and an impersonal style should be used in survey reports.
【填空题】on 8th february 1999, a survey was conducted among 16 overseas post-graduate students at the university of england. the purpose of the survey was to discover the ________ habits in english of the students.
【填空题】the survey was conducted by means of a ________ given to the students to complete. the first part of the questionnaire dealt with the type of reading and its frequency.
【判断题】a survey report is a formal piece of writing based on research.
【判断题】a report can be ided into three parts: the first one is introduction, the second is the main body and the last one is conclusion.
【单选题】using another's production without crediting the source is a type of academic malpractice. it is _______.
【单选题】talking with a cte in a test without teachers’ permission is _____.
【单选题】a student offers a professor money, goods, or services in exchange for a passing grade, or a professor accepts the bribe is the malpractice called ________.
【填空题】academic ____________ is the moral code or ethical policy of academia.
【填空题】five fundamental factors of academic integrity are honesty, trust, fairness, respect and ____________.
【单选题】in this lecture,we have discussed that when you are making a guess about the meaning of a new word in the reading process, you can use ________ to help you.
【单选题】in the sentence: “taking out the garbage was an onerous task; likewise, washing dishes can be a hard job”, we can guess that onerous has the similar meaning to hard. it is the _____ strategy.
【单选题】the following words and phrases: such, like, such as, and for example are indicators for which type of context-based clues? _______.
【单选题】“a souk is an open-air marketplace in an arab country.” in the sentence, the word “souk” means______.
【单选题】in the lecture, we’ve learned ______ context-based clues that are useful to figure out the meaning of a difficult or unfamiliar word.
【单选题】in the body paragraph, you can write a topic sentence first, and then the example and explanation part. this is called a _____ structure.
【单选题】in the body paragraph, _______ is used to tell the reader what each paragraph will cover.
【单选题】in the lecture, we have introduced that the writer can choose examples from ______ aspects.
【单选题】there should something new in the conclusion part. is it true? ________.
【填空题】__________ essay is a way to organize your essay by using a variety of examples.
【单选题】in the lecture, we have introduced a book by john gray. and in the book, he thinks that women and men may come from different planets. men are from the _____, while women are from the venus.
【单选题】when men intend to start a conversation, they usually _________.
【单选题】according to the research, a man says ________ words a day.
【单选题】when a man feels upset, he tends to phone another guy to find support. is the statement true or false? ______________.
【单选题】how many strategies are mentioned in the lecture to bridge the differences in gender communication? ___________.
【单选题】_________ is the author’s controlling point about the topic, it usually includes the topic, or the author’s approach to the topic.
【单选题】__________tells “who or what is the paragraph about”?
【单选题】__________ are specific ideas to develop, explain or support the main idea.
【单选题】in the lecture, we mentioned that the topic sentence can come in ____ different locations.
【单选题】in the paragraph “using art as a form of therapy calls for a level of concentration that allows a person to relieve the pain of mental or emotional stress. art therapy is not limited to painting or drawing but can include dance, photography, music, writing, or any other form of art. the main goal is self-expression. it allows a person to use visual means to explore feelings and emotions, to make the unseen seen, to discover how the mind works. art therapy does not require artistic ability, nor does it demand high artistic products. indeed, art therapy focuses on the process, not the product. art is therapy, art heals”, the topic sentence comes in ___________.
【单选题】in the lecture, we have mentioned _____ kinds of essay structure of comparison and contrast.
【单选题】in the ________ , you might talk about all of the similarities between subject a and subject b and then the differences between subject a and subject b depending on what your topic is.
【单选题】“comparison and contrast must be organized effectively. and you should choose an identifiable essay structure before writing.” is the statement true or false? _______.
【填空题】to contrast is to identify _______ between two subjects.
【填空题】when we say the comparison between two things, it refers to the ______.