
时间:2024-06-24 09:05:47

( )半导体称为本征半导体。

pn结具有( )导电特性。

半导体二极管的福安特性方程是( )

杂质半导体共有( )半导体和( )半导体两种。

半导体参与导电的载流子包括( )和( )。





影响半导体二极管反相电流的因素是( )。

半导体的导电特性区别于导体的最显著特点是( )。

齐纳二极管工作在( )区,其主要参数包括:( )、( )、( )和( )。

二极管d和灯泡hl相串联,电路如图1所示。设电源电压 ,二极管的正向压降及反向漏电流可以忽略,求灯泡两端电压的平均值 。


当晶体管工作在放大区时,发射结电压和集电结电压应为 。

晶体管三种放大电路中,既有电压放大能力又有电流放大能力的电路是 。

测得某放大电路中晶体三极管三个电极的电位分别为:u_a=12v,u_b=3.7v,u_c=3v,则a、b、c三个电极分别为: 。






为了稳定放大电路的输出电压,应引入( )负反馈。

为了稳定放大电路的输出电流,应引入( )负反馈。

为了增大放大电路的输入电阻,应引入( )负反馈。

为了减小放大电路的输入电阻,应引入( )负反馈。

为了增大放大电路的输出电阻,应引入( )负反馈。

为了减小放大电路的输出电阻,应引入( )负反馈。




为了放大从热电偶获得的反应温度变化的微弱信号,放大电路应采用( )方式;

为了使放大电路的信号与负载间有良好的匹配,以获得尽可能大的输出功率,应采用( )方式

当放大电路需要实现前后两部分电路之间的电气隔离以减少相互之间的干扰时,应采用( )方式。

若两个放大电路空载时的电压放大倍数分别为a和b,则将他们级联成两级放大电路,则其放大倍数为( )。

功率放大电路的转换效率是指( )。

乙类双电源互补对称功率放大电路中,忽略管子的饱和压降,若最大输出功率为2w,则电路中功放管的最大管耗约为( )。

乙类双电源互补对称功率放大电路的转换效率理论上最高可达到( )。

乙类互补功放电路中的交越失真,实质上就是( )。



正弦波振荡电路能够起振的相位平衡条件是( )

正弦波振荡电路的幅值平衡条件是( )。

rc串并联振荡电路振荡频率表达式为( )。

lc并联谐振电路振荡频率表达式为( )。

电感三点式lc振荡电路的频率表达式( )。

电容三点式lc振荡电路的频率表达式( )。





直流稳压电源的四个主要组成部分是( )、( )、( )、( )。

整流利用了二极管的( )特性。

变压副边电压有效值为u,负载rl≈(3~5)×50hz时,则全波整流滤波电路的输出电压约为( )u。

三端稳压器7812的输出电压为( )v。


十进制数198对应的十六进制数是( )。


在excel2003中,( )是合法的excel公式。





以下不属于高级语言的有 ( )。

电子邮件传播的病毒类型属于( )。


已知字符“0”对应的ascii码为0110000,字符“1”对应的ascii码值十进制表示为_____ 。

在windows中,下列叙述中错误的是( )。


which one of the following topic is not an appropriate speech topic?

which of the following speech is not a ceremonial speech?

what is the proper way to clarify a subject that your audiences know little about?

how to adjust your speech if you receive negative audience responses?

public speaking is just a monologue, a personal show of the speaker.

communication is not an one-way process.

just because audience members are looking at us doesn’t mean they are paying attention. they need to be motivated to keep on listening.

among the basic elements in public speaking, which one is the most important one?

which of the following statement about controlling nervousness is incorrect?

what should we do when we practice our speech?

fear is a biological process by which animals, including humans, secure the necessary energy to do a job that really matters.

if we get nervous when speaking, it means we are poor speakers.

it is estimated that careful preparation can reduce anxiety by as much as 75 percent.

recording ourselves is very important, and we should watch our videos at least 3 times.

if you get nervous, there is no need to look at the audience.

what causes nervousness is a chemical called ( ).

how can good listening benefit us?

listening is only an automatic reaction of the sense and nervous system while hearing is the “receiving” part of the communication process.

you can help your audience remember your speech by making your speech as difficult as possible.

as a speaker, you should show your audience that you are an “expert” by adding a lot difficult information in your speech.

as a speaker, we should speak fast to show our fluency.

listening is the basis of language learning. if we can’t listen well, we can’t speak well.

a good speaker is the speaker who can keep on talking.

what are the six stages for listening?(请大写每个单词首字母,每个单词之间以空格区分)

if a speaker says something like “leftover women” or “bald ”, you might experience a strong emotional reaction that can block out your ability to listen, what should you do?

if you see the following negative feedbacks from audiences, like dozing, daydreaming and even strong impatience, how to “wake up your audience”?

if you want to listen well, you should listen to lots of new materials, and never stick on to one piece of material.

effective listeners play an active role by guiding the speaker toward common interests.

as a listener, we can just shut our ears when the speaker is not talking about things we are interested in to save more time.

if you are nervous on the stage, just regard the audience as carrots, cabbage or a piece of wood.

the key of public speaking is all about remembering the speaker him/herself.

what is the fifth stage among the 6 stages of listening?

what can you do if you want to speak with a proper volume?

which of the following statements is/are true?

public speaking is a combination of “performing” and “speaking”.

to make the most of our voice to deliver an effective speech, you should pay attention to your volume, pace, rhythm and tone.

as a speaker, you can shout or scream at your audience to show your strong emotion changes.

speaking fast shows that we have a good command of english, thus is a good thing.

in a sentence, emphasize nouns, verbs, adjectives, and some adverbs, pronouns and conjunctions.

accent does not mark language ability, but only marks the speaker’s identity, past experience and culture.

when we are introducing objects, presenting options and facts, and distinguishing between points, ideas, and facts, what gesture can we use?

which of the following statements is true?

what should you do to make a sincere eye contact?

if you are nervous on the stage, you can just look at the top of the heads or imaging your audience are vegetables.

there are two types of communication: verbal communication and non-verbal communication.

you should always keep iling while giving a speech.

we can point at our audience to catch their attention.

slight gestures like twisting hair, playing with pens, or swinging show that we are really casual on the stage, thus can cover up our nervousness.

what kind of topics are good topics?

which are the ways to organize and yse the materials effectively?

how can we speak effectively in a group discussion?

good speeches always have a clear sense of purpose.

reading efficiently when researching on your topic means that you need to read from cover to cover just like reading a novel.

we should think extremely clearly and cautiously about our ideas to avoid mistakes before we speak in a discussion, and if we cannot think it clearly, it would better to keep silent.

not everyone needs to be the group leader, but everyone does have an important role in discussion

what is the soul of a good speech?(请全部用小写)

which of the following choice of designing ppt for presentation is incorrect?

which of the following choice of designing ppt for presentation is correct?

which are the two key concepts for effectiveness?

longer sentences and gre words can show the audience our good command of english, so it should be encouraged.

we should avoid using jargons, internet buzzwords, and shocking or obscene language.

when preparing for a speech, writing an outline is just a waste of time. we should start to write the beginning immediately.

a outline only needs to include our mainpoints. subpoints, transitions, examples can all be omitted.

in our ppt, instead of showing all the pictures, charts, and texts in one single slide all at once, we should be ____________ (one of the five principles) when showing our ppt.

“in africa, every five seconds, a child dies of starvation” , which type of opening does it belong to?

if the topic is “the evolution along with history of batman as a heroic figure”, which pattern would be the most suitable one?

which of the following statement about using quotation is incorrect?

if we want to use questions to begin our speech, we can use yes/no questions, rhetorical questions and survey.

there is no need for us to write a good concluding part. we just simply need to say “that’s all, thank you” as a concluding part.

because common knowledge are common, so they are always right and can be supportive.

conclusion is simply the repetition of main points in the body part.

a good conclusion can refocus audience attention with a memorable thought or a final clincher.

360度反馈评价要素的设计依据就是各职位的胜任特征评价模型。 ( )

在培训需求分析中,人员需求分析包括两个方面,即( 。

在设计调查问卷时,调查者设定问,由被调查者用自己的语言自由地表达自己的意愿和想法,准确地表明自己的感觉的调查方法称为( )



对企业的工资、奖金方案进行调整的几种方式不包括( )

关于企业员工的考评程序,以下叙述正确的是( )。

沙盘推演在人力资源领域的运用被称作( )。

招聘人员在与新员工面谈时,可以不谈论( )这个问。

企业活劳动消耗而创造的价值是( )

在欺坎伦计划中,员工因他们所提出的建议节约了劳动成本而受到经济奖励,其中节约额为( )

天合制衣有限公司职工刘某被公司派遣出境工作,不幸发生工伤意外,下列关于工伤保险处理的说确的是( )

组织文化与思想政治工作的关系是( )



数据库镜像有很多优点,但不包括( )。

联机分析处理的基本分析功能包括( )。ⅰ、聚类ⅱ、切片ⅲ、转轴ⅳ、切块

下列各种中断中,( )是强迫性中断。ⅰ、硬件故障中断ⅱ、访管中断ⅲ、输入|输出中断ⅳ、缺页中断ⅴ、地址越界中断

一个加密体制或称密码体制是由下列哪些部分组成的( )。 ⅰ.明文空间 ⅱ.密文空间 ⅲ.密钥空间 ⅳ.加密算法 ⅴ.解密算法



用直接插入排序法对下面四个序列由小到大进行排序,元素比较次数最少的是( )。



下列与保持数据库的一致性有关的是( )。ⅰ.无级联调度ⅱ.可恢复调度ⅲ.可串行化ⅳ.两阶段封锁协议


下列条目中,属于计算机病毒特征的是( )ⅰ传染性ⅱ 可激发性 ⅲ隐蔽性 ⅳ潜伏性



情景综合分析法的预测期间是( )年。

被收购公司在收到收购人的通知后应履行的职责( )。

传统折中理论认为,公司的加权平均资本成本将先升后降,存在一个最优的资本结构。( )


我国《证券法》规定,社会募集公司申请股票上市的条件之一是向社会公开发行的股份达到公司股份总数的( )以上。公司股本总额超过币4亿元的,向社会公开发行股份的比例为10%以上。

债权人会议同意债务人的和解协议的,需要出席的债权人的过半数同意,这些债权人所代表的债权应占无担保债权总数的( )以上。


3月,在首发上市中首次尝试采用( )方式,标志着我国证券发行中网下发行电子化的启动。

《上市公司证券发行管理办法》所称"定价基准日",是指计算发行底价的基准日。定价基准日可以为( )。

套利定价理论认为( )。



发行人全体董事应承诺保证可转换债券申请文件及信息披露的内容的真实性、准确性、完整性,不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对此承担相应的法律责任。( )

