
时间:2024-06-24 06:36:18











w / o和o / w分别表示:






某品牌的防晒包装上标识pa ,换算为pfa值等于:

长波紫外线(ultraviolet a, uva)的波长是:



每一个黑素细胞连接大约多少个角质形成细胞,构成一个表皮黑素单元(epidermal melanin unit)?






part i listening to a song directions: listen and fill in the blanks with the missing information. although (1) __________ has always been a friend of mine.

i'm leaving my life in your (2) __________.

people say i'm (3) __________

and that i am (4) __________.

risking it (5) __________ in a glance. 

how you got me blind is still a (6) __________.

i can't get you out of my (7) __________

don't care what is written in your (8) __________.

as long as you're (9) __________ with me. i don't care who you are. where you're from. what you did.

part i: choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

part ii: the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

part iii: the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

part iv: listening comprehension: in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

part ii. passage (shadowing and gist) directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what does the speaker really describe in the speech?

irections: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. how do specialists comment on this study method?

directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. how effectively can the average person learn during sleep as in the same period during the day?

directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what does sleep-teaching do?

directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what did the student have to do for another three hours before having breakfast?

part iii. news (shadowing and gist) a. directions: listen to the news item and complete the following summary. this news item is about .

directions: listen to the news item and choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. opposition parties are demanding after a violent protest over voting problems tuesday.

there were at least killed and injured during the voting.

people at more than 100 voting places .

show the ruling general people’s congress party in the lead.

part i (note-taking) directions: listen to a talk about light and health. take notes and complete the following summary. can light affect your health? many researchers believe that light can affect both your physical and your (1) .

from daylight, our bodies absorb vitamin d through the skin. certain skin diseases also (2) from exposure to sunlight.

light absorbed through the eye can stimulate hormone production, which in turn (3) our mood.

some people become (4) in winter, when the days are dark and most people spend less time in the open air.

when spring comes, these (5) disappear. researchers have called this condition sad -- seasonal affective depression.

the condition can be (6) by exposing patients to special lights, known as full-spectrum lights.

this lighting has also been used to treat patients (7) from jet-lag, to improve learning in school-children in russia and america,

and the (8) of japanese factory workers

young people need at least fifteen minutes a day in real daylight in summer (9) in winter.

old people, who risk vitamin d deficiency, should spend even longer exposed to (10) daylight.






依据冲突性质,戏剧可分为悲剧、喜剧、( )

构成文学叙事的三方面涵义是:叙述内容、叙述话语、( )

文学话语活动的五要素包括:说话人、受话人、( )、沟通、语境

马克思主义的批评标准是:美学观点、( )

人类文学传播的三个阶段包括:口头传播、文字传播、( )






3.下列几个命题: ①棱柱的底面一定是平行四边形; ②棱锥的底面一定是三角形; ③棱柱被平面分成的两部分可以都是棱柱. 其中正确的是________.(填序号)

2.用一平面去截四棱锥,不可能得到(  )




( )指实验中对各种心理特质或行为的特定的作业测定方式。

科学研究的顺序正确的是( ) (1)选择对象 (2)收集数据统计分析 (3)证明假设 (4)确定问题

获得变量数据的实验心理范式包括( )

获得变量数据的测评方法包括( )




( )方法的研究逻辑是:首先设想出所研究的心理过程流程,根据所设想的心理过程,基于脑成像技术提出“在何种条件下”会“出现何种大脑活动结果”。

多个变量均是连续变量,用( )统计方式来进行分析


心理学实证研究的类型有( )

因果研究设计的方式是( )



( )是心理学研究的逻辑起点

( )定义是指在定义一个变量时,不直接描述被定义变量的特征、性质,而是说明观察或测量被定义变量所要做的实际活动

下列商品中,按照药品管理的是( )

下列属于天然风险的是( )

药品不良反应是指( )

以下不是用药错误的技术环节是( )

下列不属于药品固有风险的是( )

药事的基本法是( )

根据《药品管理法》的要求,药品必须在标签或说明书注明( )

在药品安全“零风险”的观点下,下列选项正确的是( )

药品的哪些特性决定了无法实现药品的“零风险”?( )

属于药品质量缺陷的情况有( )

下列属于药品风险的影响因素的是( )

药品不良反应监测的范围包括( )

开展药品不良反应报告与监测的目的和意义包括( )

药物警戒与药品不良反应的区别主要在于( )










我国的法律是以令的形式颁布。( )

我国《药品管理法》是于1984年出台。( )

在药品的研制、生产、流通、使用中的规范建设应层次合理。( )

法律是由全国人大常委会及全国人大颁布( )

不同时间确定的法律法规和规章无需考虑内容一致。 ( )

市场监管总局颁布的规范性文件称为行政法规。 ( )

药品风险的类型包括( )和( )








