
时间:2024-06-24 08:32:22

how can good listening benefit us?

listening is only an automatic reaction of the sense and nervous system while hearing is the “receiving” part of the communication process.

you can help your audience remember your speech by making your speech as difficult as possible.

as a speaker, you should show your audience that you are an “expert” by adding a lot difficult information in your speech.

as a speaker, we should speak fast to show our fluency.

listening is the basis of language learning. if we can’t listen well, we can’t speak well.

a good speaker is the speaker who can keep on talking.

what are the six stages for listening?(请大写每个单词首字母,每个单词之间以空格区分)

what kind of topics are good topics?

which are the ways to organize and yse the materials effectively?

how can we speak effectively in a group discussion?

good speeches always have a clear sense of purpose.

reading efficiently when researching on your topic means that you need to read from cover to cover just like reading a novel.

we should think extremely clearly and cautiously about our ideas to avoid mistakes before we speak in a discussion, and if we cannot think it clearly, it would better to keep silent.

not everyone needs to be the group leader, but everyone does have an important role in discussion

what is the soul of a good speech?(请全部用小写)

请通过财务比率对格力电器的运营进行评价(共计45分)。 (1) 偿债能力分析: 请至少使用两个以上比率进行分析,回答应当包括计算和简要评述(15分) (2) 营运能力分析: 请至少使用两个以上比率进行分析,回答应当包括计算和简要评述(15分) (3) 盈利能力分析: 请至少使用两个以上比率进行分析,回答应当包括计算和简要评述(15分)

请分析格力电器采用的战略(20分) (1) 请问企业的资源配置战略是什么?(10分) (2)请分析公司的控制性投资效应。(10分)

请分析格力电器的竞争力(20分) (1) 从经营性债权债务的角度分析公司的竞争力(10分) (2) 从存货的角度分析公司的竞争力(10分)

请分析格力电器面临的风险(15分) (1)请简述一般分析中两类主要风险的种类及其定义(5分) (2)任意选择一种风险,结合格力电器的数据进行具体分析(10分)

which of the followings may be needed for a new technology to enter into health institutions:

which of the followings is not included in management classification of health technology in china:

which items belong to health technologies:

the goals of using health technologies are:

the life cycle of health technology includes:

the main reasons for abandonment of a health technology are:

what are the reasons for management of health technology:

health technology assesent (hta) refers to a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of the technical performance, safety, effectiveness, economy, social adaptability of health technologies. which of the following is not within the category of social adaptability?

the thalidomide tragedy reflects what is wrong in the process of drug circulation?

which ones are not in the category of "new technologies" in health technology assesent?

types of technical consequences that can be evaluated by health technology assesent include

the health technology assesent is not an evaluation of which of the following options?

which of the following items of health technology can hta provide information for?

when talking about sources for information retrieval resources, which of the following description is wrong?

which of the following resources should be preferred when retrieving the results of health technology assesent?

which country does center for reviews and dissertation (crd) comes from?

which of the following databases are not created by crd?

what is the base for health technology assesent?

which of the following statements about the safety and effectiveness of health technology is incorrect?

which of the following statements about effectiveness measurers is correct:

which of the following methods to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of health technology can not generate scientific research evidence?

which of the following indicators would not impact the effectiveness of combined community interventions to control diabetes:

which one of the following statements about the safety of health technology is incorrect?

which of the following items is an indicator of utility in economic evaluation of health technology?

which of the following health decision-making for a specific health technology has not applied economic evaluation yet?

which of the following items is not in the process of technology application in economic evaluation ysis?

which of the following items is not an indicator of effectiveness in economic evaluation of health technology:

from which perspective, the purpose of economic evaluation is to achieve the best allocation of resources for the whole society?

societal impacts of health technology involve impacts on:

the basic principles of bioethics include:

respect of inidual autonomy mainly involves:

the principle of beneficence mainly involves:

legitimacy assesent of health technology mainly concerns:

legitimacy assesent of health technology use mainly concerns:

the main bioethical issues on living organ transplantation include:

the quality evaluation tool used in this case is quadas-2. which of the following evaluation domains is not included in this tool?

when developing the search formula, should the language restrictions be set?

is the quality evaluation for the selected references necessary?

which of the following is not contained in the internationally recognized framework of bioethics principles?

which of the following is not a necessary condition for the implementation of informed consent?

i2 value is generally used to test the heterogeneity of the extracted data, what is the critical value of i2 value?

is the quality evaluation tool of the literature only the one described in the case?

the case of carrying out health technology assesent on davinci robots reflects that the health technology assesent needs come from

which of the following factors about researchers will not affect the policy translation of health technology assesent?

currently, which of the following agencies is the most available federal funding agency for health technology assesent in the united states?

in the uk, which of the following organizations has made health technology assesent an important part of policy decision-making and systematically applied the assesent results to the practice of medical services?

in the uk, the health technology assesent process can be roughly ided into single technology assesent (single technology appraisal, sta) and multiple technology assesent (multiple technology appraisal, mta).which of the following descriptions does not apply to sta?

which of the following agencies is canada’s national health technology assesent agency?

when did health technology assesent begin in spain?

which can be used to represent incremental cost effectiveness ysis?

which of the following situations usually requires an incremental ysis of economic evaluation?

which of the following items is not a method of economic evaluation?

which of the following items is the difference between cost-effectiveness ysis and cost-utility ysis in economic evaluation?

which of the following items is not included in direct medical costs in economic evaluation?

how many investigators are needed to screen the selected literature?

the following are relevant suggestions about the clinical practice of nipt technology in china. which is the least relevant to ethics?

the main purpose of health technology assesent is

which of the following are considered as health technology

which of the following options is not a general step in health technology assesent research?

what is the obstacle affecting the translation of china's health technology assesent policy?

in which year was canada’s first health technology assesent agency established? and in which province is this institution located?

when was the first health technology assesent department in singapore established?

japan’s first official health technology assesent organization is?

which of the followings is one of the landmarks of the first revolution of health technology:

which of the followings is one of the landmarks of the second revolution of health technology:

which of the followings is one of the landmarks of the third revolution of health technology:

which of the followings is one of the future trends for health technology development:

what is the most appropriate description about bioethical assesent of health technology:

the beneficiaries of health technology use are:

which of the following databases contains economic research related to health services?

what type of database is pubmed?

which database should be preferred for a full-text chinese literature survey?

in the process of health technology assesent,if you have doubts or disagreements about the opinions in the article, or the article does not provide comprehensive information you need, what can you do?

when we describe the safety of health technology, it is not necessary to specify:

which one of the following statements about the safety of health technology is incorrect?

which of the following factors does not affect the effectiveness of health technology?

which of the following statements about the effectiveness of health technology is incorrect:

when was the finnish office for health care technology assesent (finohta) established?

which of the following items can be classified as benefit in economic evaluation of health technology?

which of the following statements is correct:

which of the followings is the basic principles of bioethics:

which of the following items is not a generally accepted ethical principle in hta?

which of the following options about hta in china is not true?

an evaluation report of synopses usually not include:

which of the following statements about the effectiveness of health technology is incorrect:

《春江花月夜》原为 歌曲名,张若虚采用此题写作诗歌,影响最大。

法国理查德·克莱德曼的《星空》表现的是的精神 。

康德曾有一句经典的名言:“头上的星空和心中的道德准则”。其“头上的星空”典故来源于古希腊哲学家 的故事。

车尔尼雪夫斯基的“ ”说,认为艺术是对生活的再现和对客观现实的再现。


“美是人的本质力量对象化”是马克思在 中最早提出的?








黑格尔把艺术分为三种类型,分别是:象征型、 、浪漫型。

德国观念艺术的代表人物博伊斯主张 。

王国维在《人间词语》中说:“诗人对宇宙人生,须入乎其内,又须出乎其外。入乎其内,故能写之;出乎其外,故能观之”。与这段话最为切近的美学论断是 。

亚里士多德提出 ,坚信美是一种善,其所以引起,正因为它善,一切科学和艺术的最终目的都是为了善。

“寓教于乐”是 提出来的。

启蒙运动时期的 说:“如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。”“真理与美德是艺术的两个朋友”,所以艺术家和批评家首先要做有德行的人。

王尔德是“唯美主义”的代表人物,他提倡 。

著名学者季羡林说:“世界上历史悠久、地域广阔、自成体系、影响深远的文化体系只有四个:、印度、希腊、,再没有第五个;而这四个文化体系汇流的地方只有一个,就是 ,再没有第二个。


《九歌》是古代汉族诗歌集。《九歌》相传是夏代乐歌,后遗落民间。民间在祭神时演唱和表演, 将其改编与加工,写成格调高雅的诗歌。

在《艺术哲学》一书,丹纳提出了决定文明发展的三要素理论。他将____ 放在了第一位,认为这一力量是构成一个民族后天发展的“原始地层”,是一个民族的“永久本能”,它非常牢固,“不受时间影响,在一切形势一切气候中始终存在”。



著名美学家 在《论<世说新语>与晋人的美》一文中指出:“汉末魏晋六朝是政治上最混乱、社会上最痛苦的时代,然而却是精神史上极自由、极解放、最富于智慧、最浓于热情的一个时代。因此也就是最富有艺术精神的一个时代。”

名曲“梅花三弄”的本事来源于 。

天下第三行书《寒食帖》出自 之手。

“科学与艺术是一个硬币的两面”是 提出的著名论断。


以下画作出自 之手。

德国古典美学家康德说认为“美的艺术就是 的艺术。”

“外师造化,中得心源”是唐代画家 所提出的艺术创作理论。


魏晋时期,关于“言意之辨”,王弼持 说。


“以俗为美”的艺术有 。(多选)

“接受美学”(receptional aesthetic)这一概念是由德国康茨坦斯大学文艺学教授 在《文学史作为向文学理论的挑战》中提出的。

维多利亚时代的文化主将马修·阿诺德对 推崇有加,将之比作“最高的山峰”,高不可攀。

“诗无达诂”,出自 的《春秋繁露》一书。

上世纪九十年代《大话西游》的流行,彰显了国人对 张扬的肯定。


p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 5.0px 35.5px; text-align: justify; text-indent: -35.5px; font: 20.5px helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} 下列哪一种不属于ui设计范畴


p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 5.0px 35.5px; text-align: justify; text-indent: -35.5px; font: 20.5px helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} 以下说法不正确的是




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给选择区填充前景色使用( )组合键。    





本案例绘制的毛笔笔记图标背板和算盘图标图形最后都保存成背景透明的( )图片格式,主要是为后期的整合提供便利。

复制图层的快捷键是( )





简答题: 一、根据使用材料的不同,列举出4种类型的逐格动画 二、对于黏土动画的制作需要注意哪些问题,请列举4个方面? 三、真人动画拍摄时需要注意哪三点内容?

简答题: 一、什么是纸上手绘动画? 二、纸上手绘动画课程中,创作实例解析过程中提到的角色从纸的边缘入镜的动画是如何实现的? 论述题: 课程中以袜子为主角的短片中,有哪些地方是使用后期软件配合完成的,请挑选两处进行列举分析

一、论述题: 分享一部粘土动画短片或真人动画短片(两者二选一即可),从动画节奏、制作技术、创意构思等方面分析作品的优缺点 二、实践创作题: 1.简单描述一个创意逐格动画短片的创意想法,主题不限,字数不限 2.根据创意创作于10秒钟的逐格动画,材料不限,要求添加背景乐或音效。 格式要求: 输出flv文件,打压缩包提交,文件大小不超过50m 输出方法:输出avi文件(windows视频),再使用格式工厂转为flv格式

