轩辕黄帝兴起之后,黄帝的史官( )仰观奎星走势,俯看龟背纹理、鸟兽爪痕、山川形貌和手掌指纹,从中受到启迪,根据事物形状创造了象形文字。
晋人的价值取向,可以( )为代表。他们崇尚高迈俊逸的精神风格,洒脱清远的精神气度,所谓魏晋风度。
观察分析线条,包含( )两方面?
书法既是一门技艺,又是一门学问,它包含着丰富而精湛的知识,它与( )紧密相联。
书法讲求“字内功夫”与“字外功夫”的有机结合。( )
进行艺术的创造和追求,要技法娴熟,功力深厚,要学识、修养高深。( )
由于书法是以汉字为塑造形象的材料,与人们的生活、学习、工作没有关系。( )
毛笔的特性是软,“惟笔软则奇怪生焉”( )
书法艺术丰富的表现力与书写材料的没有关系。( )
书法是作者寄托精神世界与审美情怀的产物。( )
石鼓文作为最早形成系统的文字经蕴含了书法艺术的一些基本要素,笔法、结体、章法。( )
以下文字哪个是目前所见到的最早的成系统的文字?( )
北朝书法主要反映在碑刻上,此时书法是汉代隶书向唐代( )发展的过渡时期,总体风貌与南方迥然不同。
晋人尺牍表现出的是粗狂奔放,而北朝碑刻表现出的是( )。
杨凝式喜题壁,不喜手札,传世行书有( )。
《韭花帖》最主要的特色在章法上,此帖行与行、字与字的距离都很远,好像写一字停顿一下,但气脉又极贯通。( )
宋元时期的书法家有( )。
管夫人,即管道升(1262~1319),字仲姬,一字瑶姬,嫁赵孟頫,册封魏国夫人;擅画墨竹,笔意清绝,又工山水、佛像、诗文书法,世称管夫人,管夫人有一首著名的《我侬词》。( )
书学理论的发展和书写工具的改进推动了碑学的发展。( )
何绍基——“前海派领袖",赵之谦(1829—1884),字益甫、撝叔,会稽(今浙江绍兴)人。( )
我国最有名的笔是出自浙江湖州的( )。
下列哪一种属于软性的笔( )。
墨分“松烟墨”和“( )”两种。
“宣纸”,也有人称“( )”。
洮砚以其( )的特点饮誉海内外。
四大名砚是指( )。
下列属于硬毫笔的有( )。
书画作品中即使是淡笔,也是用浓墨写的,差别是在蘸墨的多寡,而不是墨的浓淡。( )
油烟墨以松树烧取的烟灰制成,特点是色乌,光泽度差,胶质轻,只宜写字。( )
兼毫笔:属中性笔,于硬软毫之间,不软不硬,有羊紫兼、羊狼兼两种。( )
正好冠带,面朝前方,头不歪斜,眼不乱瞄,两肩平衡,上臂伸直,双手抱掌,两脚直立,间隔二寸,是指以下哪种坐姿( )。
所谓的“卑躬屈膝”指的是哪一种站姿( )。
所谓的“席地而坐”其实是指下列哪一种坐姿( )。
代表着轻视、傲慢、鄙视、甚至仇视的坐姿是( )。
秦汉以前,除了礼仪性质的坐法外,还有不少合相对舒适、自由的生活化的坐法,( )是古人较为随意的休息性姿势。
臀部离开双足,以两膝着地的做法称( )。
坐姿是常用的书写姿势,其基本要求是( )。
安坐,是早期最体面的一种坐姿。( )
经立是正好冠带,面朝前方,头不歪斜,眼不乱瞄,两肩平衡,上臂伸直,双手抱掌,两脚直立,间隔二寸,弯微腰的。( )
坐姿适宜书写行草书和大楷,头微低,身略躬。( )
李斯将大篆字体删繁就简,整理出一套笔画简单,字形整饬规范的字体,叫做秦篆。秦始皇就把它定为标准字体,通令全国使用。这就是"( )"。
从用笔上看,甲骨文线条严整瘦劲,曲直粗细均备,笔画多方折,对后世( )的用笔用刀产生了影响。
大篆主要指周宣王太史籀厘定的文字,即“( )”。大篆流传至今可见的因多是金属器皿上的文字,因此也叫金文。
小篆笔画的基本审美特征是圆劲婉通。( )
小篆的基本笔法可以用“中锋用笔”来概括。( )
小篆的字形在在“书同文”过程中,对( )都予以固定化。经过一系列的变革,形成了小篆独特而优美的字形。
小篆的艺术性主要表现在结构的形式美。( )
《峄山碑》亦称( )。
临习《峄山碑》,最好用( )笔为佳。
《峄山碑》碑阳的字多呈纵势长方形,因为结字中宫稍松而字距稍密;碑阴的字则中宫稍紧而字距稍松。( )
清代方朔在《枕经金石跋》里所说:( )在三碑为最先,而字之方正沉厚,亦足以称宗庙之美、百官之富。
以下对《乙瑛碑》结构特征描述正确的是( )。
明代历二百六十余载,在书法史上是书道中兴的一代。( )
简牍对文字的书写方式起到了决定性的作用。( )
隶书中的波画又称“雁尾”或“蚕头燕尾“,是隶书的标志性的笔画。( )
隶书的特点之一,是字型扁方、取横势。在乙瑛碑中,还往往写成中宫紧密,中间部分收拢,外部笔画舒展。( )
章法是指一幅字的整体布局。( )
临碑时重点要抓住此碑相同于其他汉碑的用笔结字特点,寻找规律,体会整体风格。( )
汉碑文字体以隶书为主,碑额文字多用( )。
写好隶书需要做到( )。
学习书法从学习楷书起步较为适宜,是因为楷书具有以下优势( )。
欧阳询书法以楷书成就最高,其用笔方整,略带隶意,笔力刚劲,一丝不苟。欧体代表作有( )。
在我国书法史上,有四位书法家的楷书备受推崇被称为楷书四大家,他们是:( )。
对赵孟頫赵体笔法和结体表述正确的是( )。
对《三门记》表述正确的是( )。
赵体竖有垂露和悬针之别,垂露竖尾部圆,悬针竖尾部尖。( )
“赵体”楷书打破了唐楷的谨严法度,又继承了宋代尚意书风。( )
《三门记》是楷书居多,偶尔间杂行书的书写方式。( )
楹联指两张对开条幅,分别书写上下联语,称对联、对子或楹联。( )
与篆、隶、行、草比,楷书的独特之处是笔画完备、结构完整。( )
下列情况属于随机误差的是( )。
下列表述中,正确的是 ( )。
一次滴定管读数误差为0.01 ml,若使测量时的相对误差控制在±0.1%以内,则消耗的滴定剂体积最少为 ( )。
下列论述中,有效数字位数错误的是( )。
用25 ml移液管移出的溶液体积应记录为 ( )。
下列仪器所需用所装溶液润洗三次的是 ( )。
配制hcl溶液,应选用的量器是 ( )。
下列有关随机误差的论述不正确的是( )。
采用下列何种方法可减少随机误差 ( )。
计算式 0.1246x40.11x(21.22-16.18)结果应取几位有效数字( )。
滴定分析法是根据什么进行分析的方法( )。
直接法配制标准溶液必须使用( )。
下列关于滴定度的叙述,正确的是( )。
将称好的基准物倒入湿烧杯中,对分析结果产生的影响是( )。
常用的50 ml滴定管其最小刻度是( )。
在滴定分析中,化学计量点与滴定终点之间的关系是( )。
作为基准物质的条件之一是 ( )。
滴定时眼睛应当观察滴定管体积变化。( )
凡是优级纯的物质都可用于直接法配制标准溶液。( )
终点误差是由于操作者终点判断失误或操作不熟练而引起的。( )
以naoh滴定至生成时溶液的ph值为( )
按照酸碱质子理论,是( )
用hcl滴定naoh时的ph突跃范围是9.7 - 4.3。用hcl滴定 naoh时的ph突跃范围是( )
用hcl滴定 的ph突跃范围是6.3-4.3。用hcl滴定某一元碱的ph突跃范围是( )
酸碱滴定中选择指示剂的原则是( )
用hcl滴定至第一计量点,此时可选用的指示剂是( )
已知邻苯二甲酸氢钾的摩尔质量为,用它标定的naoh溶液(20-30 ml),应称取邻苯二甲酸氢钾约多少g( )
下列物质中,哪几种不能用标准强碱直接滴定( )
实验室中常用来标定hcl的基准物质有( )
强碱滴定弱酸时,滴定突跃范围大小受酸碱浓度和弱酸的控制。( )
配位滴定中,直接与金属离子配位的edta型体为( )
在配位滴定中,金属指示剂和被测离子形成的配合物的条件稳定常数与edta和被测离子形成的配合物的条件稳定常数之间应满足的关系为( )。
用edta测定自来水中的、时,采取的滴定方式是:( )
用edta滴定法直接测定无色金属离子,终点时溶液所呈现的颜色是:( )
配位滴定中金属离子与edta形成的配合物稳定常数越大,则滴定允许的ph值( )
当m和n离子共存时,其浓度相等,欲控制适当的酸度,以edta滴定其中的m离子。要准确滴定m离子而n离子不干扰,则要求,满足的关系为:( )
用edta滴定下列离子时,能采用直接滴定方式的是( )
有关edta的酸效应,下述叙述正确的是:( )
用edta标准溶液直接滴定金属离子时,终点时所呈现的颜色是游离指示剂的颜色。 ( )
在配位滴定中,溶液酸度越大,edta的有效浓度越大,酸效应系数越大,配合物的稳定性越好。( )
以下标准溶液可用直接法配置的为( )。
0.002000 溶液对 (分子量为159.7)的滴定度为 ( )。
在含有和的溶液中,加入下述何种溶液,电对的电势将升高(不考虑离子强度的影响)( )。
若两电对的电子转移数分别为1和2,为使反应完全度达到99.9%,两电对的条件电势差至少应大于( )。
为标定溶液的浓度,宜选择的基准物质是( )。
间接碘量法中,滴定至终点的溶液放置2分钟又变为蓝色的原因是( )。
淀粉指示剂在弱酸性溶液中使用时,其灵敏度最低( )。
高锰酸钾法常用盐酸来调酸性( )。
标定碘液可用硫代硫酸钠做基准物质( )。
氧化还原反应条件平衡常数值的大小能说明反应进行程度( )。
某有色溶液a为,在一定波长下于0.5cm的吸收池中测得其吸光度为0.50。相同条件下测得该物质的另一溶液的吸光度为0.23。则此浓度的浓度为( )
某有色物质溶液,每500 ml中含有该物质1.0 mg,今用0.5 cm的比色皿在某波长下测得透光度为20%,则该溶液的吸光系数为 ( )
为提高吸光光度法的测量准确度,宜选用的吸光度的读数范围为( )。
用双硫腙光度法测定(铅的相对原子量为207.2),若50ml的溶液中含有0.10 mg ,用1cm的比色皿在520 nm处测得透光度为10%,则此溶液的摩尔吸光系数为( )
用分光光度计测定有色溶液浓度,浓度的相对误差最小是的吸光度为( )
符合朗伯比尔定律的有色溶液稀释时,其最大吸收峰的波长位置( )
磺基水杨酸法测铁,为提高测定的灵敏度,可采用的措施是 ( )
指出下面的操作中哪些是错误的,在进行分光光度测定时 ( )
测定 含量,分光光度法要比用氧化还原滴定法测定准确度高。
用邻二氮菲法测定铁含量时,加入盐酸羟胺溶液是为了抑制的产生,所以他是起还原剂的作用( )
某组分在色谱柱固定相中的质量为浓度为,在流动相中的质量为,浓度为,此组分的保留因子为( )。
某组分在色谱柱固定相中的质量为,浓度为,在流动相中的质量为,浓度为,此组分的分配系数为( )。
下列哪种说法中是错误的( )。
色谱法中用于定量的参数为( )。
在使用热导池检测器时,为了提高检测器的灵敏度,使用哪种载气( )。
用色谱法进行定量分析时,要求混合物中每一组分都出峰的是( )。
用分配柱色谱法分离a,b和c的混合物,已知他们的分配系数,则它们流出色谱柱的顺序为:( )。
色谱流出曲线可以获得以下重要信息( )。
在液相色谱中,梯度洗脱使用于分离( )。
衡量色谱柱总效能的参数为( )。
魏晋南北朝时期的文学创作有一些共同的主题 ,它们是?
“竟陵八友”属于下列哪一个文 学集团?
常见的药源性疾病主要有以下五类:药源性胃肠道疾病、药源性肝脏疾病、药源性肾脏疾病、药源性血液系统疾病、药源性神经系统疾病。其中( )是最主要的药源性疾病。
药品包装盒上印有的药品的重要信息,我们习惯称之为( )
批准文号:国药准字 类别代码s 8位数字,其中s代表:
下列关于泡腾片说法错误的是( )
混悬液使用时应注意( )
关于鼻喷雾剂使用说法不正确的是( )
最好的预防措施就是( )
抗酸药主要利用其中和胃酸的能力,用以缓解或预防因胃酸过多所引起的心口灼热感、胃胀气或消化不良的症状,也可用来治疗或预防溃疡的发生。常用药物有( )。
胃肠解痉药为一种抗胆碱药,可使胃肠平滑肌松弛,解除痉挛,从而缓解或消除疼痛。下列不属于其常用药物有( )
下列止泻药中属于肠道保护剂的是( )。
病毒性腹泻宜选用( )。
关于便秘合理用药指导说确的是( )。
what microeconomics is about?( )
economics proceeds by making models of ( ), which are simplified representations of reality.
the demand curve shows ( )
the conflict between the scarce economic wants of society and its limited resources gives rise to the economizing problem.
the only requirement for a market to be perfectly competitive is for the market to have many buyers and sellers.
econimics is the study of
scarce resources mean
in market, prices will transfer information about supply and demand
economic equilibrium means the economic status will not be changed without others changing.
market allocation of resources means market use prices as signals to allocate resources to their highest valued use.
if there are two goods with positive prices and the price of one good is reduced, while income and other prices remain constant, then the size of the budget set is reduced.
if preferences are transitive, more is always preferred to less.
with quasi-linear preferences, the slope of indifference curves is constant along all rays through the origin.
hans has 27 dollars, which he decides to spend on x and y. commodity x costs $16 per unit and commodity y costs $10 per unit. he has the utility function u (x, y)=5x2 2y2 and he can purchase fractional units of x and y.
wanda littlemore's utility function is u (x, y) = x 63y2.her income is 184. if the price of x is 1 and the price of y is 33, how many units of good x will wanda demand?
if one utility function is a monotonic transformation of another, then the former must assign a higher utility number to every bundle than the latter.
if a consumer does not have convex preferences, then a point of tangency between her indifference curve and her budget line must be an optimal consumption point.
isobel consumes positive quantities of both jam and and juice. the price of jam is 5 cents per unit and the price of juice is 10 cents per unit. her marginal utility of jam is 10 and her marginal utility of juice is 5.
if the equlibrium price of gasoline is $1.00 per gallon and the government places a price ceiling on gasoline of $1.50 per gallon, the result will be a shortage of gasoline
if preferences are quasilinear, then for very high incomes the income offer curve is a straight line parallel to one of the axes.
if two goods are substitutes, then an increase in the price of one of them will increase the demand for the other.
an engel curve is a demand curve with the vertical and horizontal axes reversed.
daisy received a tape recorder as a birthday gift and is not able to return it. her utility function is u(x,y,z)=x z1/2f(y)where z is the number of tapes she buys, y is the number of tape recorders she has and x is the amount of money she has left to spend. f(y)=0if y<1and f(y)=8 if y is 1 or greater. the price of tapes is 2 and she can easily afford to buy dozens of tapes. how many tapes will she buy?
mike consumes two commodities, x and y; and his utility function is min{x 2y,y 2x}. he chooses to buy 8 units of good x and 16 units of good y. the price of good y is 0.50. what is his income?
quasilinear preferences are homothetic when the optimal amount of one of the goods is not affordable.
walt consumes strawberries and cream but only in the fixed ratio of three boxes of strawber ries to two cartons of cream. at any other ratio, the excess goods are totally useless to him. the cost of a box of strawberries is 10 and the cost of a carton of cream is 10. walt's income is 200.which of the following is true?
madonna buys only two goods. her utility function is cobb-douglas. her demand functions have which of the following properties?
the downward sloping demand curve can be explained by:
other things held constant, which of the following would not cause a change in demand for beef?
the strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y; and chooses y when he can afford z; then he will not choose z when he can afford x.
if a consumer maximizes a utility function subject to a budget constraint and has strictly convex preferences, then his behavior will necessarily satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference and the strong axiom of revealed preference.
let a stand for the bundle (7,9);b stand for the bundle (10,5); and c stand for the bundle (6,6). when prices are (2,4); betty chooses c. when prices are (12,3) she chooses a. which of the following is true?
remember that the laspeyres price index uses the old quantities for the weights. in 1971, good x cost 3 and good y cost 1. the current price of good x is 3 and the current price of good y is 5. in 1971 the consumption bundle was (x,y) = (3,5). the current consumption bundle is (x,y) = (9 ,4). the laspeyres index of current prices relative to 1971 prices is closest to which of the following numbers?
it follows from the weak axiom of revealed preference that if a consumer chooses x when he could afford y and chooses y when he could afford x; then his income must have changed between the two observations.
at prices (4,12); harry chooses the bundle (9,4). at the prices (8,4); harry chooses the bundle (2,9). is this behavior consistent with the weak axiom of revealed preference?
if the bundle x is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to the bundle y and x ¹ y, then it is never the case that the y is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to x; so the necessary and sufficient condition for well-behaved preference is ( )
revealed preference ysis tests the behavioral hypothesis that a consumer chooses the most preferred bundle from those available. discover the consumer's preference relation.
a giffen good must be an inferior good.
the compensated demand function refers to the demand function of someone who is adequately paid for what he for she sells.
in the case of homothetic preferences the entire change in demand from a price change is due to the substitution effect.
walt considers x and y to be perfect substitutes. they originally cost 10 and 9 respectively. his income is 720. one day the price of x drops to 8. which of the following is true?
suppose that bananas are a normal good and woody is currently consuming 100 bananas at a price of 10 cents each.
john purchases two goods, x and y. good x is an inferior good for some range of income.there must be another range of income for which good x is a normal good.
the following can be said about the income and substitution effects of a price increase on the demand for the good whose price rose:
when the price of x rises, marvin responds by changing his demand for x. the substitution effect is the part of this change that represents his change in demand:
nonnegative means ( )
opposite to that of the price change, ( ) just like the sultsky substitution effect
if a rational utility maximizer is a net demander of a good, and if an increase in its price causes him to buy more of it, then it must be an inferior good.
if a consumer is a buyer of some goods and a seller of others, then a change in prices will generate an extra income effect in the slutsky equation due to the revaluation of the consumer's endowment.
if a utility maximizer is a net seller of something and the price of that good rises while other prices stay constant, her situation might improve so much that she becomes a net buyer
marsha mellow is very flexible. she consumes x and y. she says `give me x or give me y; i don't care. i can't tell the difference between them.' she is currently endowed with 14 units of x and 6 units of y. the price of x is 4 times the price of y. marsha can trade x and y at the going prices, but has no other source of income. how many units of y will marsha consume?
if leisure is a normal good, then an increase in non-labor income will reduce labor supply.
mr. cog has 18 hours per day to ide between labor and leisure. his utility function is u (c,r) = cr; where c is dollars per year spent on consumption and r is hours of leisure. if he has a nonlabor income of 40 dollars per day and a wage rate of 8 dollars per hour, he will choose a combination of labor and leisure that allows him to spend:
if abishag owns 12 quinces and 10 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 3 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?
if abishag owns 16 quinces and 15 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 4 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?
the share price of grath oil is currently $77.06. several months ago, when the price was $51.21, charles bought 186 shares of grath oil. if he sells all of his stock in grath oil today, how much profit will he make? → $1,504.17
consumer's surplus is another name for excess demand.
the equivalent variation in income from a tax is the amount of extra income that a consumer would need in order to be as well off after the tax is imposed as he was originally.
with quasilinear preferences, the equivalent variation and the compensating variation in income due to a tax are the same.
ella's utility function is min{4x,y}. if the price of x is 15 and the price of y is 20, how much money would she need to be able to purchase a bundle that she likes as well as the bundle(x,y) = (5,8)?
sir plus has a demand function for mead that is given by the equation d(p) = 100-p.if the price of mead is 75, how much is sir plus's net consumer surplus?
sam has quasilinear preferences and his demand function for x is d(p) = 15-p/3.the price of x is initially $15 per unit and increases to $24 per unit. sam's change is consumer surplus is the closest to:
( ) is the difference between what consumers are willing and able to pay for a good and what they actually pay for the good.
( ) depict the various quantities that buyers would be willing and able to purchase at different prices
the inverse demand curve p (x) for a good x measures the price per unit at which the quantity x would be demanded.
if a price changes, then changes in consumption at the intensive margin are changes that happen because consumers alter the amounts that they consume, but do not either stop consuming or start consuming the good.
if the demand function is q = 3m=p; where m is income and p is price, then the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand decreases as price increases.
marginal revenue is equal to price if the demand curve is horizontal.
the constant elasticity of demand for cigarettes has been estimated to be 0.5. to reduce oking by 75%, approximately how much tax needs to be added to a $1 pack?
market demand relevant to industry marketing expenditure show infinity, is said to be ( )
( )occurs when the quantity demanded changes little as price changes
elasticity of demand means a measure of how responsive consumers are to price changes.
price floor means a legal minimum price that buyers must pay for a product.
if the supply curve is vertical, then the amount supplied is independent of price.
the supply curve slopes up and to the right. if the demand curve shifts upward to a new curve which is everywhere higher than the old curve (but possibly of different slope) and if the supply curve does not shift, then the equilibrium price and quantity must necessarily increase.
an economic situation is pareto optimal only if there is no way to make someone better off.
the demand for pickles is given by p=131-2q and supply is given by p=5 7q. what is the equilibrium quantity?
the demand function for fresh strawberries is q = 200-5p and the supply function is q=60 2p. what is the equilibrium price?
if a quantity tax is collected from competitive suppliers of a good, placing a tax on the good causes the price paid by consumers to increase more than if the tax had been collected directly from the buyers.
the demand function for x is d(p) = 65-2p and the supply function is s(p) = 20 p. the price that should be set to restrict quantity supplied to 30 units is closest to:
the demand function for rental apartments is q = 960-7p and the supply function is q = 160 3p. the government makes it illegal to charge a rent higher than 35. how much excess demand will there be?
( )factors other than price that locate the position of a demand curve 1. consumers' tastes 2. of consumers in the market 3. consumers' incomes 4. the prices of related goods 5. expected prices shifts the curve
a good (or service) whose consumption declines as income rises and increases as income decreases increase in income=decrease in consumption decrease in income=increase in consumption
the production set of a firm is the set of all products the firm can produce.
a production isoquant is a locus of combinations of inputs that are equally profitable.
if a firm moves from one point on a production isoquant to another point on the same isoquant, which of the following will certainly not happen?
in any production process, the marginal product of labor equals:
the production function f (x,y) = x y has constant returns to scale
( ) means the relationship between the inputs employed by a firm and the max output it can produce with those inputs.-technology is process to turn in to out production function represents firms technology
does ( ) decline eventually as the number of workers increases
the marginal product of a factor is just the derivative of the production function with respect to the amount of this factor, holding the amounts of other factor inputs constant.
the weak axiom of profit maximizing behavior states that in a modern mixed economy, firms have only a weak incentive to maximize profits.
a fixed factor is a factor of production that is used in fixed proportion to the level of output.
just as in the theory of utility maximizing consumers, the theory of profit maximizing firms allows the possibility of "giffen factors". these are factors for which a fall in price leads to a fall in demand.
the production function is given by f (l)=6l2/3 . suppose that the cost per unit of labor is 12 and the price of output is 6, how many units of labor will the firm hire?
when farmer hoglund applies n pounds of fertilizer per acre, the marginal product of fertilizer is 1-(n=200) bushels of corn. if the price of corn is $1 per bushel and the price of fertilizer is $0.40 per pound, then how many pounds of fertilizer per acre should farmer hoglund use in order to maximize his profits?
which of the following is a short-run adjustment?
in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.
price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization
the cost function c(w1,w2,y) expresses the cost per unit of output of producing y units of output if equal amounts of both factors are used.
if it costs $10 to set up and later clean a bagel press and bagels cost $1 per week, per bagel, to store, how many times should the bagel press be run each week to produce 500 bagels a week to be sold continuously?
if output is produced according to q = 4lk, the price of k is $10, and the price of l is$10, then the cost minimizing combination of k and l capable of producing 16 units of output is
the average variable cost curve must always be u shaped.
the marginal cost curve passes through the minimum point of the average fixed cost curve.
which of the following is most likely to be an implicit cost for company x?
to the economist, total cost includes:
in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.
price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization
the change in producer's surplus when the market price changes from p1 to p2 is half of the area to the left of the marginal cost curve between p1 and p2.
for a perfectly competitive firm operating at the profit-maximizing output level in the short run, its marginal cost equals market price
microsoft is a/an ___ in windows operating system.
monopoly is ___.
monopoly maximizes its profit mainly rely on its ___.
when monopolistic profit has been maximized, its marginal cost is ___ than its marginal revenue.
deadweight loss of monopoly is ___.
for a monopolist who faces a downward sloping demand curve, marginal revenue is less than price whenever quantity sold is positive.
mr can possibly be negative.
( ) is a method of setting prices that occurs when marginal revenue equals marginal cost or supply quanity where tr exceeds tc by greatest amount.
barries of entry is ( )
to sell at a larger q, monopoly must
a monopolist sells in two markets. the demand curve for her product is given by p1 =119-2x1 in the first market and p2 = 123-5x2 in the second market, where xi is the quantity sold in market i and pi is the price charged in market i. she has a constant marginal cost of production, c = 3; and no fixed costs. she can charge different prices in the two markets. what is the profit-maximizing combination of quantities for this monopolist?
a monopolist has a constant marginal cost of $2 per unit and no xed costs. he faces separate markets in the u.s. and england. he can set one price p1 for the american market and another price p2 for the english market. if demand in the u.s. is given by q1 = 8,400-700p1,and demand in england is given by q2 = 5,000-500p2; then the price in america will:
a monopolist finds that a person's demand for its product depends on the person's age. the inverse demand function of someone of age y; can be written p = a(y)-q where a(y) is an increasing function of y. the product cannot be resold from one buyer to another and the monopolist knows the ages of its consumers. if the monopolist maximizes its profits:
a monopolist has discovered that the inverse demand function of a person with income m for the monopolist's product is p = 0.002m-q. the monopolist is able to observe the incomes of its consumers and to practice price discrimination according to income (second-degree price discrimination). the monopolist has a total cost function, c(q) = 100q. the price it will charge a consumer depends on the consumer's income, m; according to the formula:
wobble's weebles is the only producer of weebles. it makes weebles at constant marginal cost c (where c > 0) and sells them at a price of p1 per weeble in market 1 and at a price of p2 per weeble in market 2. the demand curve for weebles in market 1 has a constant price elasticity of demand equal to -2. the demand curve for weebles in market 2 has a constant price elasticity equal to -3/2. the ratio of the profit maximizing price in market 1 to the profit maximizing price in market 2 is:
a monopolist sells in two markets. the demand curve for her product is given by p1 = 303-3*x1 in the first market and p2 = 253-5*x2 in the second market, where xi is the quantity sold in market i and pi is the price charged in market i. she has a constant marginal cost of production, c = 3; and no fixed costs. she can charge different prices in the two markets. what is the profit-maximizing combination of quantities for this monopolist?
if a monopsonist pays the wage rate w; then the amount of labor that he can hire is l(w) = aw, where a is a positive constant. the marginal cost of labor to the monopsonist is:
the frangle industry is a monopoly, with a demand curve 100-p; where p is the price of frangles. it takes one unit of labor and no other inputs to produce a frangle. the frangle-makers guild is a strong union. the guild sets a wage and prevents anyone from working for less than that wage. the frangle monopoly must pay that wage but can hire as much labor as it chooses to.if the guild chooses a wage so as to maximize the total earnings (wage times number of units of labor hired) of frangle-makers, then:
the bauble industry is competitive with free entry. there is a fixed-coefficient technology. one unit of labor and one unit of plastic are required for each bauble. workers in the bauble industry must all belong to the bauble-makers union. the union sets the wage that will be paid to all bauble-makers. the price of plastic is 10 dollars per unit and the demand function for baubles is 1000-10p. long run equilibrium requires that the price of baubles equals the cost of production. the wage per unit of labor that maximizes total revenue of workers is:
a coal producer has a monopoly on coal. a different monopoly controls the railroad that takes the coal to market. each monopolist chooses prices to maximize its profits. if the coal monopolist buys the railroad then it will increase its profits by raising the market price of coal.
for a monopsonist, the more elastic the supply of labor, the greater the difference between the marginal cost of labor and the wage rate.
if a monopolist faces a competitive labor market, it will hire labor up to the point where the price of output times the marginal product of labor equals the wage rate
if a labor market is dominated by a monopolist, it is possible that the imposition of a minimum wage law could increase the amount of employment in that market.
a firm in a competitive industry takes account of the fact that the demand curve it confronts has a significant negative slope.
price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization
a firm produces one output, using one input, with the production function f(x) = 2x1/3 where x is the amount of input. the cost function for this firm is proportional to the price of the input times the cube of the amount of output.
a competitive firm has a continuous marginal cost curve. it finds that as output increases, its marginal cost curve first rises, then falls, then rises again. if it wants to maximize profits, the firm should never produce at a positive output where price equals marginal cost and marginal cost decreases as output increases.
duopoly in which two identical firms are engaged in bertrand competition will not distort prices from their competitive levels.
a stackelberg leader will necessarily make at least as much profit as he would if he acted as a cournot oligopolist.
in the cournot model, each firm chooses its actions on the assumption that its rivals will react by changing their quantities in suchaway as to maximize their own profits.
competition among firms in an industry can lower prices and profits
monopoly always has constant elasticity demand.
a game has two players. each player has two possible strategies. one strategy is called “cooperate”, the other is called “defect”. each player writes on a piece of paper either a c for cooperate or a d for defect. if both players write c; they both get a payoff of $100. if both players defect they each get a payoff of 0. if one player cooperates and the other player defects, the cooperating player gets a payoff of s and the defecting player gets a payoff of t . to defect will be a dominant strategy for both players if:
big pig and little pig have two possible strategies, press the button, and wait at the trough. if both pigs choose wait, both get 2. if both pigs press the button then big pig gets 7 and little pig gets 3. if little pig presses the button and big pig waits at the trough, then big pig gets 10 and little pig gets 0. finally, if big pig presses the button and little pig waits, then big pig gets 6 and little pig gets 1. in nash equilibrium,
a situation where everyone is playing a dominant strategy must be a nash equilibrium.
in a nash equilibrium, everyone must be playing a dominant strategy
in the prisoners' dilemma game, if each prisoner believed that the other prisoner would deny the crime, then both would deny the crime.
a general has the two possible pure strategies, sending all of his troops by land or all of his troops by sea. an example of a mixed strategy is where he sends 1=4 of his troops by land and 3=4 of his troops by sea.
in nash equilibrium, each player is making an optimal choice for herself, given the choices of the other players
an allocation of the endowment that improves the welfare of all consumer is a pareto-improving allocation.
in a edgeworth box there are lot of allocations that are pareto-optimal.
an externality is a cost or a benefit imposed upon someone by actions taken by others.
an economic situation involves a production externality if one firm’s production possibility is affected by the choices of the other firms not the consumers’.
ronald coase’s insight is that most externality problems are due to an inadequate specification of property rights.
to say that preferences are single peaked means that everybody either prefers more public goods to less or everybody prefers less public goods to more.
if a pure public good is provided by voluntary contributions, economic theory predicts that in general too little will be supplied.
one of the problems with the clarke tax mechani is that when it is used, people have an incentive to lie about their preferences.
a all economy has only two consumers, ben and penelope. ben's utility function is u (x; y) = x 84y1/2 . penelope's utility function is u (x; y) = x 7y. atapareto optimal allocation in which both iniduals consume some of each good, how much y does ben consume?
俄罗斯于( )取消农奴制,大大促进了俄罗斯资本主义的发展。
19世纪10-20年代,以历史学家、作家( )为代表的语言改革派,主张废除俄语中的一些陈旧的古教会斯拉夫语及其语法,引入口语,吸收外来语
1797年,茹科夫斯基进入莫斯科大学附属寄宿中学学习。在这里,他同时受到了古典主义和( )两种文学流派的影响。
卡拉姆津不仅是12卷本的《俄罗斯史》的作者,同时还是俄罗斯感伤主义的代表人物。他创作的小说《 》,描写了美丽、纯洁的村姑丽莎与贵族青年艾拉斯特之间不幸的爱情故事。
诗人与十二月人的交往,促使他创作了很多抨击暴政、歌颂自由、讽刺权贵、同情农奴的诗歌作品,其中《 》,《致恰达耶夫》(1818),《致大海》(1824)等诗歌就是其中的精品之作。
1837年2月,普希金与世长辞,当时只有( )岁的青年诗人莱蒙托夫,创作了诗歌《诗人之死》(1838)。
莱蒙托夫在1829年创作的《 》这首诗歌中,将个人的忧郁、悲哀和对社会的失望融合在了一起。
果戈理的代表作有( )。
( ) 的长篇小说以生动的艺术形象敏锐地反映出社会生活发展的新动向,被誉为19世纪40至60年代俄罗斯的“艺术编年史”。
屠格涅夫一共创作了( )部长篇小说?
屠格涅夫笔下的“多余人”形象有( )。
冈察洛夫是( )世纪中叶俄罗斯著名的现实主义作家
托尔斯泰的三大史诗性长篇小说是( )。
契诃夫最重要的剧本有 ( )。
《樱桃园》于1904年在( )剧院首演。
契诃夫在短篇小说《小公务员之死》中抨击了( )。
在俄罗斯文学中普希金开创了“小人物”这一主题的先河,后果戈理和陀思妥耶夫斯基继承并发展了普希金的传统,而契诃夫赋予了这一主题新的内涵,他笔下的“小人物”包括( )